Module I: Let’s meet

GimnazijaDr. Ivana Kranjčeva

Workshop III: Let's play!

Date: 10th November 2016

Moderators: members of drama group and project IMAGINE team (EmaVlahović, David Islam and Jan Fusić)

Mentor: Ana HuzjakKišivan

Duration: 90 minutes

Goal: meeting other people, enabling a more successful and relaxed communication between the students

Outcome: students will relax, connect and communicate in a relaxed manner


1) Warm-up

Instructions: shake hands / shake hands with two people at the same time / touch as many knees as you can / give a high-five to everyone / hug everyone.

2) House-person- earthquake

Instructions: stand in groups of three. Two people will hold hands and raise them above their heads, forming a house. The third person will stand under the “roof”. When the moderator gives the instruction “house”, the people holding hands move and find a new person to stand above. When the moderator gives the instruction “person”, the person standing under the roof, switches place with someone else and finds himself /herself a new house. When the moderator gives the instruction “earthquake”, the whole group of three breaks apart and people switch places to find new groups of three people. The point of the game is for the moderator to find himself a group so that the moderator constantly changes.

3) Zip –Zap

Instructions: Stand in a circle. You will send energy to other people by making a hand gesture and saying their name. It is important to look other people in the eyes. / At the second stage you will send energy in the same way, just instead of saying someone’s name, you will either say “zip” or “zap”. You can send a “zip” only to people standing right next to you, and a “zap” to everyone else. A “zap” can be returned, a “zip” can’t. You can respond to a “zip” with a “boing”, which means that the sender needs to redirect the energy to someone else. If you make a mistake, you need to leave the circle.

4) Scream

Instructions: Stand in a circle and look at the floor. On the count to three, lift your heads and look at one person in particularly. If your eyes meet, you should both scream and leave the circle.

5) Wrong name runs

Instructions: Make pairs and stand in a circle. The moderator will stand alone and say someone’s name. The pair of the person whose name has been called out will run towards the moderator. The other person (whose name has been called out) will try to stop his /her pair from running away by grabbing him /her. The person who remains standing alone calls out a new name.

6) Catch the flag

Instructions: Form two teams. Stand in two lines, facing each other. Each member of each team will be given a number. The moderator will stand between the two teams, holding a flag, and will call out a number. The people with the given numbers will run and try to catch the flag. The one that succeeds will earn a pint for the team.

7) Impulse

Instructions: Stay in the same teams. Sit on the floor facing each other (team against team). Hold each other hands and close your eyes. Only the first person in each line will have his / her eyes open and watch the moderator flipping a coin. If it is heads, the people will squeeze the hand of the person next to them thus sending an impulse. The last person in line, when he or she feels impulse, will grab the object placed at the end of the line, between the two teams. The person who does it first will win a point for the team. After each round of impulse, people will switch places in the line.

8) Snake

Instructions: Stand in a circle and close your eyes. Feel the person in front of you- their hair, head and shoulders and memorize it. Remove your hands and wait for the moderator to take you to another place in the room. When everyone has been moved, start looking for the person that was in front of you, without opening your eyes. When you have found that person, place your hands on their shoulders and follow him / her. Try to form the original circle again.

9) Baking a pizza

Instructions: Stand ina circle and masaage the person in front of you as if you were baking a pizza. Take some flour, add some water, add some salt and mix. Form a round pizza. Add some ketchup, add a bit of salami, grate some cheese. And the pizza is done!