Towns of Richfield and Erin


July 23, 2013

Regular School Board Meeting

MEMBERS PRESENT: Ellen Duhamel, President STAFF PRESENT: John Engstrom, District Administrator

Tom Wolff, Vice-President Denise Howe, Business Manager

Jennifer Setterlun, Clerk

Tony Kellicut, Treasurer

John Tennessen, Member at Large

I.  The regular meeting of the School Board of the Friess Lake School District was called to order by Board President Ellen Duhamel at 5:01 P.M. The meeting was posted at Friess Lake School, Richfield Town Hall, Erin Town Hall, Hartford Times Press, WTKM Radio Station, and the Journal/Sentinel-Cedarburg Office.

II.  Roll call was taken. A quorum was verified. John Tennessen arrived at 5:18 P.M. John Engstrom and Denise Howe were also present.

III.  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Tom Wolff.

IV.  Open Forum

A. There was no one present for Open Forum.

V.  Recognition, Appreciation, Awards

A.  John Engstrom recognized the joining of the Friess Lake Action Group (FLAG) and the Friess Lake Athletic Committee (FLAC) into one committee named Friess Lake Involved Parents and Partners (FLIPP). He announced that Jenny Kastner is President, Vicky Lear is Vice-President, Pam Stader is Clerk and Jennifer Setterlun is the Treasurer. Some of the significant changes that will occur are: online scheduling of concession volunteers, the canceling of Market Day and two separate individuals organizing tournaments.

B.  John Engstrom thanked Deb Thomsen, Kathy Nelson and Katie Bauter for agreeing to participate in an impromptu interview committee in the process of hiring a new third grade teacher.

C.  John Engstrom thanked those involved in doing a really nice job on resurfacing the parking lot.

VI.  Approval of Minutes

A.  Tom Wolff made a motion to approve the May 21, 2013 Regular School Board meeting minutes as presented, Jennifer Setterlun 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.

B.  Tom Wolff made a motion to approve the June 25, 2013 Regular School Board meeting minutes as presented, Jennifer Setterlun 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.

VII.  Approval of Financial Reports and Bills Payable

A.  Tom Wolff made a motion to approve the June 30, 2013 Preliminary Financial Reports as presented, Jennifer Setterlun 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.

B.  Jennifer Setterlun made a motion to authorize temporary borrowing in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00, issuance of tax and revenue anticipation promissory notes and participation in the Wisconsin School Districts Cash Flow Administration program as presented, Tony Kellicut 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.

C.  John Engstrom and Denise Howe discussed some 2013-2015 WI Biennial Budget implications.

  1. Student Achievement Reports and Updates

A.  Enrollment Report

  1. The 2013-2014 Projected Enrollment as of July 17, 2013 was reported as follows:

Preschool Speech - 0 EC-0 4K-13 5K-20 1-13 2-25 3-19 4-21 5-21

6-34 7-33 8-33 Total: 232

  1. John Engstrom and the Board had a preliminary discussion regarding 2013-2014 School Goals. More will be discussed at the August meeting.
  2. John Engstrom updated the Board on the Common Core debate.
  3. John Engstrom reported that the $25,000 grant the school has received for the new Makers program will be funded through an organization called School Factory.
  4. John Engstrom reviewed the 2013-2014 School Schedule with the Board.
  5. John Engstrom reported that about 30 children attended the summer school sessions and were excited about some of the new offerings.
  6. John Engstrom reviewed the new Math textbook series that will be used in the upcoming school year.
  7. The 2013-2014 CESA 6 purchased service agreement is in its final stages of being compiled and will be up for approval at the August meeting.
  1. Personnel Items
  2. Tom Wolff made a motion to approve the position of Brynn Jakubowski, 3rd grade teacher, effective with the start of the 2013-2014 school year as presented, Tony Kellicut 2nd; Motion carried unanimously
  3. Tony Kellicut made a motion to approve the position of Ashley Goral, middle school math teacher, effective with the start of the 2013-2014 school year as presented, Tom Wolff 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
  4. John Tennessen made a motion to approve the addition of an after school program run by the school district effective with the start of the 2013-2014 school year. It was further resolved that Paige Kraus will be assigned as the main child care teacher/program coordinator as presented, Jennifer Setterlun 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.

X. Board Reports and Updates

A. General Board Communications

1. Ellen Duhamel announced that the State School Board Convention will be held on January 14, 2014 and was looking to see which Board members might be interested in attending.

B. Board President’s Report – Ellen Duhamel

1. Ellen Duhamel asked the Board members to consider attending and voting at the delegate assembly in January, 2013.

C. The Board started planning the upcoming Board Retreat.

D. The Board discussed format options for the Annual Meeting on September 19, 2013.

E. The Board began discussing long term district planning primarily in relation to recent enrollment trends.

XI. Building and Grounds Reports and Updates

A.  It was reported that the parking lot was just resurfaced and the feedback has been very positive.

XII. Policies

A. No policies were discussed at this time.

XIII. Future Agenda Items

A. The Board discussed future agenda items such as: 2013-2014 Goals, CESA 6 contract and the Makers Grant.

B.  The School Board Retreat was scheduled for August 19, 2013 at 4:00 P.M. with the regular School Board meeting to follow at 6:00 P.M.


XIV. At 6:50 P.M., Tom Wolff made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session per Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1) (c), Tony Kellicut 2nd; Motion carried unanimously. Roll call was taken. A quorum was verified. John Engstrom and Denise Howe were also present. Denise Howe left the meeting at 7:20 P.M.

XV. At 7:42 P.M., Tom Wolff made a motion to reconvene in Open Session per Wisconsin Statute 19.85(2), Tony Kellicut 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.

XVI. At 7:43 P.M., Tom Wolff made a motion to adjourn, Jennifer Setterlun 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.


Ellen Duhamel, President Jennifer Setterlun, Clerk

H: Denise/072313 Regular School Board meeting minutes 1