United Way of Henry County & Martinsville

United Way of Henry County and Martinsville is pleased to announce the availability of Community Impact Grants. This notice provides information about applying for United Way‘s Community Impact Grants, which will support partnerships that help achieve United Way’s goals in the areas of Education, Income and Health.

United Way is committed to working closely with a broad range of partners to achieve lasting change, and to finding and implementing solutions that will positively impact lives today, and for the future. Specifically, United Way is committed to the following:

  1. Engaging and mobilizing individuals, corporations and communities to give, advocate and volunteer.
  2. Promoting and advancing collaborations, partnerships and advocacy for long-term change in the followingfocus areas:
  3. Increase the percentage of children entering school ready to succeed
  4. Increase parenting, family literacy and early literacy skills
  5. Increase access to quality early learning experiences
  6. Increase the percentage of graduates who are prepared for post high school success
  7. Increase on-time high school graduation rates
  8. Increase the percentage of adults with post-secondary degrees or occupational certifications
  9. Increase the number of financially stable individuals and families
  10. Increased workforce trainingto move people towards higher income and advancement opportunities
  11. Increase financial literacy education on budgeting, credit and savings
  12. Investing money, expertise and other resources in these innovative programs and strategies.
  13. Measuring, achieving and communicating results.

United Way's Community Impact Grants provide funding for collaborative partnerships that address the focus areas (as stated above) related to Education, Income and Health with an emphasis on organizations that advocate and mobilize volunteers to implement systemic and long-lasting results.

Agencies interested in applying for a Community Impact Grant are invited to attend an information session on Monday, April 13th at 11:00 am at NCI.

Thank you for your interest in working with United Way of Henry County and Martinsville. As you consider the development of a proposal in response to this RFP, please contact our office with questions. We are looking to fund strong proposals!

Community Impact Grant Funding

Application Instructions:

1. Applications should be submitted by email to by Friday, May 8that 5:00 pm. Applications received after the deadline will not be eligible. NO EXCEPTIONS.

2. Fill out the application in its entirety.

3. Submit all required attachments.

4. A Community Impact Grant Review Committee will review applications for recommendation to the Board. The committee will be made up of both United Way board members as well as representatives of the community at large.

5. Requirements of grant recipients:

  1. Grants will be made to non-profit organizations that have a 501(c)(3) status.
  2. Service area must be located within Martinsville and Henry County, Virginia.
  3. Organizations must have an active Director, volunteer Board of Directors and a written mission statement.
  4. If your agency has an operating budget of $150,000 or less, you are required to submit at the minimum a Financial Review conducted by an independent auditor. If your operating budget is higher than $150,000, you are required to submit a Financial Audit by an independent auditor.
  5. United Way Board of Directors will set conditions (if any) on grants on an individual basis.
  6. Grants are subject to periodic review and a final evaluation will be due at the completion of the program.

6. All requests are non-renewable.

1Agency Information

  1. Agency Name
  2. Address
  3. Phone
  4. Contact Name
  5. Contact Email
  6. Agency Mission
  7. Provide a current Board of Directors roster and attendance/quorum records

2Grant Information

  1. Grant Request Title – Name of the program you are requesting funds for
  2. Amount Requested – Rounded to the nearest whole number
  3. Brief Grant Purpose – briefly describe the purpose of the grant

3Program Information

3.1Program/Service Narrative–The program narrative should provide a description of the program, the program’s impact on the community and how the program is designed and operates. Specifically include:

  1. Program Description
  2. Target population, including demographics and number of participants you plan to serve
  3. What is your overall goal of the program?
  4. Describe the key components/activities of the program
  5. How does this program focus on long-term systemic change?

3.2Community Need– State the community need for your program and tie back to the Community Impact Focus Areas as identified by the community and adopted by the United Way Board of Directors.

  1. Identify the United Way Community Impact focus area with which your program aligns.
  2. What community need/community condition does this program address?
  3. How does the program goal align with the specific Community Impact focus area?

3.3Innovation & Best Practices

  1. Highlight how the proposed program is creative, innovative, and/or employs documented evidenced-based or model practices.
  2. How does this program differ from other programs in the community that provide similar services?
  3. What internal or external challenges is the organization and/or program facing? How will your organization meet those challenges?

4Collaboration & Community Engagement

4.1Strategies – describe what strategies the organization will enlist to encourage deeper collaborations with other agencies providing similar services and identify existing collaborations and potential collaborations – specific to your requested program/service.

4.2Partnerships - describe current or proposed partnerships related to your strategy. Show how this reduces duplication, fosters data collection and improves community systems.

  1. Detail shared resources and accountability for outcomes. Attach any relevant Memoranda of Understanding or Agreements.

4.3Volunteer Usage- Describe how volunteers are used in your current program.

  1. What strategies will you enlist to recruit and mobilize additional volunteers to provide services related to this proposal?

4.4Additional Resources – Describe how this program will leverage additional resources and, if applicable, the amount of those resources.

  1. What strategies are you pursuing to sustain this program?


  1. What are the program objectives and key action steps you will follow to achieve your program goals?
  2. How will you measure the results of your program and collect/track participant level data?
  3. Who will maintain participant and program data?
  4. How will you use client data to improve service delivery, make program improvements, and create innovative changes?

6Financial Information

  1. Specifically describe how United Way funds will be used with detailed amounts.
  2. Provide a copy of the latest financial audit report including management letter comments
  3. Provide a copy of the most recent IRS form 990.(no later than 18 months old)
  4. Provide a copy of the program budget and the annual operating budget for the organization.

7Additional Information

  1. Provide a copy of your IRS Tax Exempt Certificate
  2. Complete and sign Patriot Act Form
  3. Complete and sign Certification of Financial Holdings


I swear and affirm that I have examined this application, including accompanying supporting materials, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.


Agency Executive Director/CEOAgency Board President


Print Name & TitlePrint Name & Title


Date SignedDate Signed