January 2007IEEE 802.22-07/0070r0

IEEE P802.22
Wireless RANs

Spectrum Sensing Tiger Team Minutes
Date: 2007-01-31
Name / Company / Address / Phone / Email
Steve Shellhammer / Qualcomm / 5775 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA92121 / (858) 658-1874 /


Jan 31
Edward Au / X
Danijela Cabric
Ed Callaway
Winston Caldwell / X
Dave Cavalcanti / X
Soo-Young Chang / X
Hou-Shin Chen
Gerald Chouinard / X
Chris Clanton / X
Carlos Cordeiro / X
Neiyer Correal / X
Upkar Dhaliwal / X
Charles Einolf / X
Wen Gao
Monisha Ghosh / X
Arhen Hartman
Niels Hoven
Wendong Hu
Steve Kuffner
Spyros Kyperountas
Augustine Leng / X
Kyutae Lim
Suahs Mathur / X
Peter Murray
Edgar Reihl
Steve Shellhammer / X
Kathyayani Srikanteswara / X
Carl Stevenson / X
Rahul Tandra
Victor Tawil / X
Anh Tuan
George Vlantis
Kelly Williams / X
Tianyu Wu / X
Ray Wang / X
Kwon Yeong-Hyeon
Zeng Yonghong / X

2Minutes from January 31 2007 Conference Call


  • Attendance (Steve)
  • Updated Presentation on Peak Combining (Steve)
  • Filter specification for “standard processing” document (All)
  • Discussion on possible Sensing RF Architectures (Gerald)
  • New Business


  • We discussed the updated presentation on peak combining (document 22/06-243r2)

-Several observations were made about possible reasons that certain signals performed poorly (pilot frequency offset and possible calculation on SNR before filtering and not after)

-Steve to investigate these issues

-Monisha is also doing some investigations

  • We discussed whether we should have a filter specification in the “standard processing” document for purposes of simulations.

-We decided to add a filter specification, but not a specific filter design

-Steve to send out a filter specification to the email reflector and we will discuss it over email

  • Gerald drafted a document on the RF Sensing Architecture. We will discuss this next week.
  • Future discussion topics

-Sensing RF Architecture (Gerald, Steve and Ramon)

-Probability of false alarm rate specification (Gerald)

Submissionpage 1Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm