Mentor Exempted VillageSchool District

Credit FlexibilityApplication and Learning Plan


Name: ______Grade______ID# ______

Student phone and other contact information: ______

Student E-Mail______Parent E-Mail______

Credit enrollment status: 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Summer

Amount of course credit:1/4 1/2 1 Other:______School Year: ______

Student has an IEP (Individualized Education Program):YesNo

Expected Graduation Year: ______Number of Credits Earned to Date: ______

Is the student an athlete? YES NO

(If yes, the OHSAA should be contacted and the credit for the course would need to be approved and attached to this application. NCAA eligibility requirements specifically addresses types of learning opportunities, they do not allow “credit by exam”.)

OHSAA contact name: ______Date: ______

Reason(s) for Application (Check all that apply):

Early Graduation
Parenting Responsibility
 Transfer from another school
Health/Medical / Enrolled in PSEO
Administrative Override
Credit/Course Advancement
Credit Recovery / Other (Specify below)


Course Title:Modern World Cultures: Spain Experience 2010-2011

Supervising District Teacher:Marie Waltz

Organization/Individual Contact Info: (Supporting your proposed credit earning activity)

Name of Instructor: Michelle Haag and Tanya Hough_ Organization: International Explorers

Address:4791 Lakeview Dr.__ City: ___Mentor_____ State: __OH____ Zip: ___44060__

Phone: ____440.488.5912______Email: ____


Describe what you will do to earn this credit:

Test or assessment
Distance learning
Internship / Field experience
Summer learning activity
Project-based learning
Mentorship / Custom course
After school program
Educational travel
Other: ______

Explanation of Activity:(Describe details of your planned activities)

This course provides an opportunity for students to learn about the dynamics of Spain, the culture, history, and geography. The students will experience firsthand the society, economic system and business environment in Spain. In addition, the students will have an opportunity to communicate and exchange ideas with Spanish people. The visits to historical/cultural sites will enhance the students’ understanding of other people and their lives. Students will observe the dynamics of globalization and international diversity.

Students will research, prepare and present to other travelers about an approved topic (festivals, government etc) These should be about 20 minutes in length and will be graded on a rubric. Students will keep a notebook of all presentations and learn from classmates.

The students will complete a summative trip report. The report should at least include student’s observation on differences between U.S. and Spanish culture, economy, festivals, geography etc. as well as comments on how the history of Spain influenced art, architecture and how the country is run and is viewed as a world neighbor today. The report may be in many forms and is graded on a common rubric.

Learning Outcomes: (List what you will know and be able to do at the end of this project.)

  • Analyze cause, effect sequence and correlation in historical events including causal relationships such as how colonial expansion destabilized the country and led to civil war.
  • Trace imperial expansion from political, economic and social roots to social benefits, later turmoil and the template for the European Union hundreds of years later.
  • Link the Age of Enlightenment to the revolutions in Europe and Spain’s own cultural revolution and nationalist politics and to the rise of modern culture including art and architecture..
  • Gain international and global perspectives of history business, economics and culture of Spain.
  • Study the impacts of Spanish culture on globalization.
  • Understand opportunities, challenges, and problems in Spain and their implications to Americans and the world.
  • Enhance international experience and appreciate the cultural diversity of the world.
  • Address the 21st Century Skills of communication, financial and economic literacy, and global awareness.

Assessment Options:

End-of-course exam
Performances / Portfolio of work
 Presentation of knowledge / Final project
Other: ______

Assessment/Final Project/Presentation/Evaluation: (Explainhow you will show mastery and demonstrate evidence of learning. All options must be aligned with clearly defined educational standards.)

Class sessions include sessions every two weeks during which students will research, present and master topics such as monetary system, government, language, periods of history, modern culture and festivals. Each presentation will be graded on the Presentation Rubric attached.

The major learning period is experiential during the intensive tour from the 2nd through the 10th of April 2011. During this time, students will keep a journal of sites and information. They will have daily meetings to debrief and manage their information. This will be graded for daily completion.

Upon returning to the U.S. students will create a summative work graded on the rubric attached. Examples of the evaluated work are annotated scrapbook, powerpoint, presentation to lower level history or Spanish class, research paper, posterboard or others as approved by instructors. Each will be graded on the rubric attached.

Assessment rubric attached:NO YES

Outside facilitator background check needed: NO YES (If yes, documentation must be attached.)

Learning Agreement:

The student and parent must initial each item below as indication of having read and accept the following:

Parent / Student
The student will hold primary responsibility for the overall success or failure of the course. The student agrees to abide by the conditions set forth in the Learning Plan and understands that if the agreed project is not completed, credit will not be awarded. It is understood that without this credit, he/she may not be able to graduate and must start/continue to attend and pass all of my classes to help ensure I graduate on time.
The student will have until ______to complete the course or the student may be withdrawn with penalty from the course.
There are NO weighted grades for credits earned through credit flexibility (with the exception of AP courses).
If the student receives a failing grade through the flexible credit option, the credit needs to be made up in another way.
If the student is an athlete, it is understood that this could affect athletic eligibility and/or scholarship opportunities. The student and parents have discussed OHSAA and NCAA eligibility rules with the school guidance counselor prior to developing a learning plan.
The student’s teacher and/or other school authorities have the right to cancel this course/credit option if: (1) the student violates any rule/policy stated in the student handbook; (2) the student does not regularly and actively engage with the teacher and course material by ______; or (3) the student does not make steady progress toward the completion of the course. The student also agrees to check in with his/her counselor to report progress at least one time per month Provisions are available for extensions with approval by the Principal.
The student/parent has agreed to pay a fee of $______for course or course materials that is beyond “usual and customary.”
Background checks are required of outside facilitators working with students. Documentation must be submitted with application. Fees associated with background checks are the responsibility of the facilitator.
The teacher decision regarding a cancelation from the course may be appealed to the Principal. A letter outlining the reason(s) for the appeal must be received by the Principal within 10 calendar days following notification of withdrawal. The Principal’s decision on the appeal is final.

Student______Date ______

Parent______Date ______

Guidance Counselor______Date ______

Supervising District Teacher______Date______


(To be completed by the principal.)

Date Received: ______

Approved Returned for Revision (explain below)Denied(explain below)


Principal Signature: ______Date: ______


Principal / Original
Student / Copy
Parent / Copy
Guidance Counselor / Copy
District Supervising Teacher / Copy
Data Management / Copy



Student Name: ______Grade_____ ID# ______


Course Title: ______Instructor/Mentor: ______

Credit enrollment status: 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Summer

Amount of course credit:1/4 1/2 1 Other:______School Year: ______

Awarded Letter Grade: ____

Course and Section Number (to be added by guidance counselor): ______

To be applied toward required credits in: ______

Or to be applied as an elective in the following area: ______

Credit Approved

Credit Denied

School Liaison Signature______Date ______

Counselor Signature______Date ______

Data ManagementSignature______Date ______



Principal / Original
Student / Copy
Parent / Copy
Guidance Counselor / Copy
District Supervising Teacher / Copy
Data Management / Copy