APRIL 16, 2012

7:00 A.M. CST




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This text is being provided in a rough-draft

format. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) or captioning are provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings.


> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes, Andrea. It's Andrea?

> Hello.

> This is Arun.



> ARUN MEHTA: How are you? I have an echo.

> You need to separate the speakers and the mic. Your mic is picking up speaker.

> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: I have muted the, we are using a special (inaudible) or not (beep).

> Hi. I made it.


> ANDREA SAKS: Yeah. Arun, can you hear me?


> ARUN MEHTA: Yes, I can.

> ANDREA SAKS: I hear echo too. Using a computer?

> Hi, everyone, this is Fernando.

> ANDREA SAKS: Hi, Fernando. Arun, are you using a computer?

> ARUN MEHTA: Yes, I am. I am using a headset. I'm not using speaker. So the problem is not at my end.

> ANDREA SAKS: Can you dial back in again?

> ARUN MEHTA: I can do that.

> ANDREA SAKS: Dial back in. We will wait for you. (Overlapping speakers).


> Hello, it's Xiaoya from TSB.

> ANDREA SAKS: Hi, Xiaoya.

> XIAOYA YANG: I hope everybody had an Easter vacation.

> ANDREA SAKS: We did. Thank you. Which is great (beep) who else just entered?

> This is Arun once again.

> ANDREA SAKS: Arun, do you have a mute thing on your mic?


> ANDREA SAKS: All right. Well, I don't mind hearing you twice. We will, through it, sometimes the computers, there is something called star 1 which shuts off the mic in your computer. You want to see if that works.

> ARUN MEHTA: In order to talk to you I have to unmute the mic which is what I just did. But I'm going to mute it back again.

> ANDREA SAKS: It's working now. There is no echo now. Okay.

> It's much better.

> ANDREA SAKS: Much better. All right. I have a few minutes past 1 here. We have an hour and a half. I'm waiting to see who else joins us. I have apologies from Cynthia. (Static).

I can hear static. So can Mary Kay. Mary Kay is our captioner today. So for Mary Kay's benefit, don't forget to say who you are. I know she is very good and she knows a lot of people. Remember to speak who you are. So far, we just have Joshua, Alexandra, Arun, and Fernando. Is that correct?

> And Xiaoya (beep).

> ANDREA SAKS: And Xiaoya. Excuse me, I beg your pardon. I know Gerry is planning to join.

> GERRY ELLIS: Andrea, I just joined.

> ANDREA SAKS: Hurrah! Okay.

I suppose, what time do you have there?

> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Here it's 2:04, 1404.

> Sorry, say again?

> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: 1404, 2:04.

> ANDREA SAKS: That is what I have, I have 1:04 here. We will give one more minute. Then we will start. We are hoping (static) comes on.

Okay, we are going to start. I think we have done the introductions, because there is nobody else on except us chickens.

I'm going to open the meeting.

> (Coughing).

> ANDREA SAKS: We didn't actually do a report of the last meeting. We did action points. So this is mainly (inaudible) I am echoing as well. See if it's better. Is this better? Is this better, people? There is no echo now.

> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea, we hear you fine here.

> ANDREA SAKS: Good, thank you. We have to work specifically on four things-- three things, actually. What I need for you to do is, updated agenda, if you don't (inaudible) we sent it out late because we made some changes to it because of the holiday.

> PETER MAJOR: It's Peter. Hello there. How are you?

> ANDREA SAKS: I'm good, thank you. We have on line Arun Mehta, Gerry Ellis.

> Hi, Gerry, Arun.

> ANDREA SAKS: We have Alexandra, Xiaoya Yang, Joshua, our intern, and myself. And we have Mary Kay as the captioner. And we have barely started. We are just checking to see if everybody has the latest agenda which was sent out about an hour ago.

> PETER MAJOR: I have it.

> ANDREA SAKS: Everybody else have it? That is a yes. Does anybody have anything to add to it? We have any other business? Sorry, what was that?

> PETER MAJOR: I got interrupted.

> ANDREA SAKS: Sorry. Do I have the approval the agenda?

> Yeah.

> ANDREA SAKS: Okay, great.

> ANDREA SAKS: We are starting with the DCAD workshop. The deadline into IGF is the 20th. It gives us time, we are meeting today (echo) for what we are going to do. The title, if you look at annex 2, Gerry Ellis last time proposed a title which everybody seemed to be fine with: The sustainable benefits of inclusion on the Internet.

He also wrote a paragraph and put it out there this past weekend for everybody to have a look at. Shall I read it out?

> Yes.

> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. The first ever world report on disability produced jointly...organisation and the World Bank suggest that more than a billion people in the world today experience disability. Article 9 of the United Nations convention on the rights of persons disabilities which has been ratified by over 100 countries declares that what it is (beep)-- sorry, let me say that again-- declares that what it calls state parties shall also take appropriate measures to promote access for persons with disabilities to new information and communications technologies and systems including the Internet.

This workshop will highlight methods of achieving inclusion on the Internet and will demonstrate some of the long-term terms, sustainable benefits that accrue to all society.

We needed to just give the title and (inaudible) paragraph. Does anybody want to make any comment or additions or changes to this paragraph that Gerry Ellis has proposed? We got through number 1 quite well. That's great. Basically, the action for the Secretariat is to send this proposal off to IGF.


> ANDREA SAKS: Is that agreeable?

> Yeah. It is.

> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Don't have Ginger Paque to be able to discuss what she wanted to do regarding, or more information regarding the DiploFoundation joint workshop, which we approved that we would join her on, on the 5th of April. We pay postpone that.

There was a query and a suggestion from Upendra who is not on the call, accessibility remote participation in the platform in the agenda or presentation. I was hoping he would be on to go further into that. We have not got any information.

Fernando, I'm going to ask you if you have any more information about that.

> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Hi. Andrea, this is Fernando. I did not get any additional information about his comment. I have assumed all along that we would discuss accessibility as part of that workshop, that remote participation workshop. I was a little confused when I saw his E-mail message.

> ANDREA SAKS: What I'd like to put, since he is not there and you are the designated person from DCAD to present, and we should have put you on the agenda, but we didn't, but we will make the amendment and put that on the agenda, and redo as rev whatever it is, so we know that you actually said something. Have you got an idea of what kind of a presentation you wish to present so we are aware of what you are planning to do? Over to you, Fernando.

> FERNANDO BOTELHO: I want to emphasize the changes we have, the different levels of changes we have, because even if you, for some reason you find that you have unlimited resources, and you try to get, you have the option of getting any screen reading software or any accessibility, assistive technology you need, you are still going to have major difficulties finding conferencing platforms that are compatible with your technology.

I want to emphasize that there are challenges at every level. I want to, beforehand, I'm going to be exchanging notes with Ginger to make sure that I also mention some of the existing solutions, some of the workarounds that are available right now. Not to diminish the challenge and the need for better accessibility, teleconferencing technology, I'm going to make sure that everybody knows there is much more work to be done there.

> ANDREA SAKS: Have you got a title in mind for your particular presentation? Shadi is trying to get in. Shadi, when you go in, can you just go to 2? You can read the captioning because I know you can do that. Can you push the 2 button, but what I need to know from you in the captioning, I mean in the captioning window, are you using a computer or are you using a land line that is direct to you? Or are you using a mobile? Can you clarify, please.

I tried to call back 2, it calls me back but (inaudible) I'm using Skype as always. Don't use a callback on Skype. I think you are going to need to use a land line. Can you do that, please, Shadi?

> Andrea.

> ANDREA SAKS: Work well on the callback.

> GERRY ELLIS: Andrea, Gerry here. (Overlapping speakers) Andrea, Gerry Ellis here. I called in twice, and the callback didn't work. But the third time that I called back, it did work. So maybe there was a temporary problem.

> ANDREA SAKS: That is true. He is going to try using his land line which we know will be working. Are you using Skype, Gerry?

> GERRY ELLIS: No, the call back worked the third time. It didn't work the first and second, but it did work--

> ANDREA SAKS: We have had problems in the past with Skype using the callback.

> GERRY ELLIS: I'm on a land line.

> ANDREA SAKS: Okay, I think he is reading the captioning. He will be on in a minute. Since the captioning is there, while we wait for Shadi, I wanted to go back to Fernando, and say, even though you have got a kind of idea what you want to do, it would probably be helpful to the members of DCAD, and also to Ginger, if you did an outline of what you want to do.

> Sure.

> ANDREA SAKS: Come up with a title. Obviously, you don't have to do it on the spot today, the title. You are definitely not going to be attending; you are going to do this remotely, correct?

> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Correct. I actually exchanged E-mails with Ginger last week, and we just haven't had the time to get into the details. But I was asking her about the format, duration, and just overall how she was planning to do this workshop.

As soon as I have more information, I can send you all an outline, a title, and whatever else you might need.

> ANDREA SAKS: I think what we would like you to do so we are aware of what you are doing, could you copy us, the hard core, the people who are basically involved in the organising of the event, with DCAD, of what you do with Ginger, so it becomes part of the group communication.


> ANDREA SAKS: That way we don't have to wait for to speak to you at a meeting, and if there is something that somebody can contribute or help or we know what is going on, it would help us, and I think that would be one way of definitely going about your consultation with Ginger, because I think that is the best thing to do. If everyone is in agreement with that and if you are in agreement with that, Fernando, how does that sound?

> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Absolutely, yes.

> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you, Fernando. Okay. So because we have to be absolutely clear that we are helping in organising this with Ginger, so that we have responsibility to DCAD to be able to be recognized that we are assisting in that. So Ginger is probably one of the most experienced people I have met regarding organising remote participation.

Shadi, have you made it in? I haven't heard a beep.

> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: We are going to issue a revised agenda, and I'm going to add Fernando's name there, because he is going to be our DCAD, in the DCAD foundation workshop, okay?

> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Xiaoya and I had a discussion that we wanted it to be clear that it was a joint workshop with them.


> ANDREA SAKS: We wanted to get confirmation from that, from Ginger, because-- is that correct, Xiaoya? Would you like to elaborate on that, please?

> XIAOYA YANG: I think so. That's what I heard from the conference call last time. But I think we need to get it written as requested by the IGF secretary. We need always to mention clearly who are the organisers of the workshop, and description text about the scope of the workshop. And if possible, I see practices from other events actually the lists already are possible, list of speakers, even we could always modify it afterwards.


> XIAOYA YANG: Also since having the floor, actually I would like to ask for clarification, is Fernando going to be in the workshop, this joint workshop or in the other workshop, where Gerry Ellis proposed?

> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Hi, this is Fernando. I'm not sure what workshop Gerry proposed. The one I'm going to be participating is the remote participation one.

> XIAOYA YANG: It's remote participation one.


> XIAOYA YANG: Okay. And I appreciate very much that Gerry prepared the first draft of the text for the sustainable benefits one. I think maybe it's also worth thinking about how we are going to plan this workshop in parallel to the, in addition to the remote participation workshop, because if any speakers are going to speak in only one of the two workshops or are they going to attend both, this kind of thing, maybe we need to think about it also already now.