No. 279171/2017-ČRA



Contract No. 279087/2016-ČRA


Contract Owner:Czech Republic – Czech Development Agency

Represented by: Mr. Michal Kaplan- Director

Residence: Nerudova 3, 118 50 Praha 1

Contract owner’s contact person: Hynek Ciboch

Phone.:+ 420725277 920


Identification number:

Bank connection: Czech National Bank, Na Příkopě 28, Prague 1

Account Number: 0000 – 72929011/0710

(hereafter „CzDA“)


Supplier:Africa Centre for Holistic Management (ACHM)

Represented:Huggins Matanga

Residence:Dimbangombe Ranch, (P.B 5950, Victoria Falls)

Supplier’s contact person: Simon Garikayi

Phone.:00263 772 155 931-4


Registration number:W/O 19/94

Tax identification number: 200009774

Bank connection:Standard Chartered Bank, 253 Livingstone Way, VFA Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Account Number: 8740072781700

(hereafter „Supplier “)

  1. Introductory provisions

The Supplier and the CzDA have entered into the contract on provision ofservices on the 4th January 2016, contract no. 279087/2016-ČRA, (hereafter ,,Contract”). In order to achieve sustainability of the outcomes of the Holistic Land and Livestock Management (HLLM) programmein Monze and Choma districts in the Southern part of Zambia the Supplier and the CzDA have agreed to continue their cooperation and to extend the subject of the Contract.

  1. Subject of the amendment

2.1The Supplier and the CzDA have agreed on the following changes of theContract.

2.2The Annex 1. - Contract Performance Description 2017 to this amendment replaces in the full extent Annex 1. – Contract Performance Description 2016 to the Contract. The Annex2.- Budget ACHM 2017 to this amendment replaces in the full extent Annex2.–Budget ACHM 2016 to the Contract.

2.3The provisions of the Articles 1, 2.1., 3.3. and 10.2. of the Contract change as follows:

  1. Subject of the Contract

The subject of the Contract is specified in Annex 1 to this Contract forming “Contract Performance Description 2017" and in Annex 2 “Budget ACHM 2017”. The Supplier shall provide for CzDA services consisting of training of4community facilitators, workshop for herders, program monitoring and mentoring support visits in terms of activities which will be agreed by both parties. CzDA shall reimburse the Supplier for the services in accordance withthe budget in Annex 2.

Period of performance:

From February 2017 to November 2017.

  1. Terms of Payment

2.1.The CzDA shall reimburse the Supplier for the services specified in Article 1 of this Contract. The maximum amount to be paid by the CzDA under this specific Contract for the services listed in Article 1 of this Contract shall not exceed the amount of34684.00USD (price including VAT).

The request for the payment shall be admissible only if accompanied by the relevant invoice issued by the Supplier and in accordance with Article 1 and following schedule. The invoice should be annexed by costs related to realized services (e.g. travel costs, trainings, accommodation etc.) and respective documents according to Article 1 of this Contract.

Term of the request for the paymentPayment amount

1st Payment6 February 201715 556.00 USD

2nd Payment15 March 201711698.00 USD

3rd Payment16 October 2017 7 430.00 USD

3.3 The Supplier shall send to the CzDA final report about provided services inEnglish on 17th November 2017 as the latest. The final report will include thorough description of the provided services listed in Article 1.

10.2In case of force majeure, notified in accordance with Article 9.2., either Contracting party may terminate the Contract, where performance ofContracted services cannot be ensured until 30th November 2017.

2.4Other parts of the Contract remain unchanged.

  1. Final provisions

3.1This amendment shall be governed by the national substantive and procedural law of the Czech Republic.

3.2This amendment becomes effective upon the signing of the amendment byduly authorized representatives of both parties.

3.3This amendment is made in English language.

3.4Done in Prague and Dimbangombe Ranch, Victoria Falls in three original counterparts in the English language on ………………….

List of Annexes:

Annex 1. Contract Performance Description 2017

Annex 2. Budget ACHM 2017


For and on behalf of the CzDA For and on behalf of the Supplier

Mr. Michal Kaplan, DirectorHuggins Matanga, Executive Director