Students at the Center Planning

Population Outcomes:All children are healthy and kindergarten ready

All families are healthy with opportunities to thrive

Goals for the partnership
Design a blueprint for a two generation model in preschools providing wraparound support for low-income children and their parents. / Intervention Strategy / Short-term Outputs
  1. Organize access to free or subsidized care matching the need from low-income families
  1. High Quality preschools that are supported toward growth through future quality improvement process.
  1. Horizontal and vertical alignment of curriculum, data tracking, communication, parent advocacy between PreK - 3.
  1. Organize a continuum of parent training and support
  1. Cohort of preschool hubswithdesignated coordinator for on-site support services and training, literacy and enrichment, and trauma-informed staff tailored to local family needs.
/ Map out inventory of centers and children enrolled. Develop strategies for increasing center capacity and accessibility
Build consensus with preschool partners on operational definition of quality indicators and QRIS system usability with DESE.
PreK-district data agreements followed by unique MOSIS ID activated in preschools; and collaboration across sectors, beginning with literacy and SE outcomes
Use findings from Parent Interviews to design plan
a)Social emotional support via on-site trauma counselor, and resilience-informed staff and families.
b)Health—systematic process for ensuring children / families receive care (a lot in place already for wellness and dental)
c)Safety net—referral system to case workers for high risk families, food security, etc.
d)Literacy / cognitive development / enrichment—on site partnerships with programs providing these services.
e)Family engagement and opportunities for career and parenting development—a continuum of parenting, career, and education development, along with opportunities to participate in decision-making / Increase in # eligible children enrolled
Operational definition of quality and baseline on partner center capacity and barriers in implementing QRIS.
  • Data pipeline infrastructure
  • Educator and Parent communication support
  • Tailored training support
  • Enhanced engagement
# Centers with counselor; # staff trained; # parents trained; # children screened
# children / families with well-checks and dental checks
# successful referrals
  • PreK-5 consistent “curriculum package” for each center
# parents receiving training aligned with inventory of programming based on environment scan; # parents on board

PHASE 1:Environment scan / inventory and 150 family interviews for current information on:

  1. Preschool inventory on availability versus need; available quality indicators (accreditation status, meal subsidies, etc.); and funding necessary to scale up.
  2. Community operational definition on high quality preschools.
  3. Summary report on parent preschool choice environment; career status and goals; services received; experienced barriers to mobility.

PHASE II: Convene partners / stakeholders to review information and design blueprint (must include funding plan based on existing $ and supplement).