Critical Services & Theatre Upgrade


Raigmore Reconfiguration

Update 4th August 2017

1.  Ward 1A

Works continue to reconfigure this area for the relocation of ITU/SHDU with installation of partition walls and ceilings. The proposed relocation date is the end of December 17. Discussions are underway with Clinicians re trials of patient monitoring systems for ITU/SHDU and Theatres.

2.  Ward GA

The reconfiguration of GA/GB to house 6A, MHDU and Triage continues with the installation of partition walls, ceilings and some cabinetry. The decant date is presently planned for beginning of October 17 however a solution for the entry and exit from the ward to the pharmacy link corridor may delay this plan. It is expected that the preferred solution will be finalised shortly.

Cardiology and CCU (GC) is expected to be completed at beginning of 2020.

3.  Critical Services Upgrade - Outline Proposed Works for August 2017 are as follows:-

·  Concrete pour to remaining lift lobby decking

·  Complete snagging of Intumescent Painting of steelworks

·  Commence ceiling installations

·  Commence partition installation in Maternity annex

·  Continue Cladding including support steelwork installation

·  Continue fix of partitions within GA/1A

·  First fix for bed heads

Construction period 20th June 2016 – February 2020

The project team would like to thank all stakeholders for their continuing cooperation during these intrusive works. Stoppages to the works have significantly reduced over the past month and we would wish to request your ongoing assistance to try and minimise stoppages as much as possible to facilitate the ongoing sequence of the programme.

4.  Laser Protection to Theatres

Laser protection is required for those theatres not presently protected in order to facilitate flexibility of moving specialities within the theatre unit works required have been identified and costed, now awaiting authority to proceed.

5.  Maternity Annexe –

Staff from Maternity annex relocated to the resited maternity annex on the 31st July and 1st August. Project team would wish to thank the staff from the annex for all their hard work moving huge amounts of medical records and their personal effects. Thanks also to IT, Network technicians, Estates, Porters and Domestic staff for their assistance, all help was greatly appreciated.

The planned completion date for the new two storey building is November 2017. The new building will accommodate annexe staff on the ground floor and the top floor housing Theatre changing rooms and Anaesthetists office accommodation.

6.  Waste Rooms

An area on the ground floor presently housing flooring materials will be used as a waste holding area for Theatre Eurobins during and on completion of the Theatre Upgrade. This area will require to be altered to replicate the standard of the waste rooms within the Tower Block. These works will be requested once the Coffee Lounge has been returned to its original use.

Outpatient Cafe

The scope of this project has been reviewed and scope of works within toilet area have been agreed and gone forward for costings. Also awaiting costs for work in seating area, shop fitting and services to café area.

7.  Highland Heartbeat Centre/Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy

York Day Assessment and Treatment Unit will relocate to Raigmore and planned to be operational be October 2017. Pharmacy Link corridor works are to be completed in advance of this date.

Infusion Suite relocation – awaiting authority to proceed.

SCN Charlie Bloe is project managing the development and delivery of Heartbeat services, proposals for solutions have been identified and an update is expected in the near future.

8.  Dermatology/Sexual Health Outpatient Service

Both services will relocate into a modular unit adjacent to the Dermatology Day Care Unit at the end of September. Ground works for the placement of the unit will soon commence.

9.  Ophthalmology Outpatients

Ophthalmology are planned to take over the area vacated by Dermatology and Sexual Health Outpatients at the beginning of October 2017, There are minor works to be completed to ensure appropriate patients flows, however final layout information is still awaited.

10. Highland Children’s Unit

ARCHIE are going forward with a garden project which will include raising funds to landscape area outwith the Palliative/Teenage room and erecting sails or other appropriate covering over the children’s play area.

11. Paediatric Outpatients

The relocation of this area has been identified as another phase for the Highland Children’s Unit. The upgrade and potential relocation of this department is under consideration, however this will require other departments to relocate to facilitate these plans which are presently under discussion.

Stakeholder meetings will commence when there is any progress. No further update at present.

12. Elective Care Centre

NHS Highland Elective Care Centre (ECC) is part of a programme of work to provide a new build centre on a green field site at the University Highland & Islands campus and is a collaborative proposal between NHSH, UHI and HIE.

The Elective Care facilities ideally will be operational within the current Parliament; the Initial Agreement (IA) business case has been completed and is presently being reviewed by the Capital Investment Group (CIG) of the SG for a decision on approval. No further update at present.

13.  Small Projects

There are various small projects underway within Raigmore and wider NHS Highland catchment area being lead and managed by Colin McEwen, Senior Engineer/Programme Manager.

Critical Services Update webpage can be accessed by the link below.

Raigmore CSU Huddle information can be accessed by the link below.

CSU huddle is the last entry under meetings.

Ground Floor

First Floor

External Cladding – Theatre Maintenance Corridor


Doreen Bell – Clinical Advisor Page 1