This document consists of 6 pages.Please read all.

Please fill in all required fields & return form to:

All fields indicated with * are compulsory.

Course selection*

Please select (“X”) your preferred course in the first column.

Select: / Training date / ASC Standard / Location / Registration closes
1-2 April 2017 / Salmon / Tokyo / 17 March 2016
3-4 April 2017 / Shrimp / Tokyo / 17 March 2016
5-7 April 2017 / Seriola/Cobia / Tokyo / 17 March 2016
10-12 April 2017 / Freshwater Trout / Guangzhou / 24 March 2017
12-14 April 2017 / Bivalves / Guangzhou / 24 March 2017
17-19 April 2017 / Shrimp / Guangzhou / 24 March 2017
26-28 June 2017 / Bivalves / Santiago (Chile) / 9 June 2017
28-30 June 2017 / Tilapia / Santiago (Chile) / 9 June 2017
3-5 July 2017 / Salmon / Santiago (Chile) / 9 June 2017
6-8 July 2017 / Shrimp / Santiago (Chile) / 9 June 2017
2-4 October 2017 / Freshwater Trout / Stirling / 15 September 2017
4-6 October 2017 / Bivalves / Stirling / 15 September 2017
9-11 October / Salmon / Stirling / 15 September 2017

Please note:
There are currently no auditor training courses scheduled for the ASC Pangasius Standard v1.0, as well as for the ASC Abalone Standard v1.0.

In case you are interested to received training for either one of these standards, please contact ASC via .

Contact details of course attendee*

  • Full name:
  • Job description:
  • Company name:
  • E-mail:
  • Tel. (incl. country number):
  • Mob. (incl. country number):

Invoice address/details*

  • Name contact person finance department:
  • E-mail:
  • Tel. (incl. country number):
  • Mob. (incl. country number):
  • Company name:
  • Company address:
  • Company postal code + city:
  • Company country:

Please note:
Invoice for training participation will be sent by ASC

Course arrangements

Delegates must arrange their own transport and sleeping accommodation.

Coffee, tea and lunch will be provided during the course and the ASC invite all delegates to a workshop dinner.

Could you therefore please clarify;

  • Any special dietary requirements? Specify:

By registering for this training the trainee declares to pay the applicable fees upfront & to prepare for the training as prescribed in this document.

Pre-course survey

It would greatly help us develop the training course if you could provide a response to the following points.

  1. Why are you attending the course? Tick box(es) below

to conduct ASC audits

to become familiar with ASC audit process

to become familiar with ASC standard

career progression

professional interest

other …………………………………………………….

  1. What do you understand as the ASC objectives? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


  1. Is your company/group: Tick box(es) below

a certification specialist

an aquaculture producer

an aquaculture services provider

a consultancy



  1. How would you describe your level of knowledge on aquaculture?Tick box(es) below

Basic □ fair □ good □ extensive □

  1. How would you describe your level of knowledge on farming the species comprised in your prospective training?Tick box(es) below

Basic □ fair □ good □ extensive □

  1. How many years have you worked in aquaculture? …………….years
  2. How many years have you been an auditor? ……………… years
  3. How would you describe your level of knowledge of the ASC?Tick box(es) below

Basic □ fair □ good □ extensive □

  1. What are your learning objectives?




Thank you for taking the time. This information will be treated as confidential.


  • Registration can only be done via:

Registrations received after the closing date can not be guaranteed of participating.

  • Dates:

Please see page 1 for the dates per training

(for accreditation it is mandatory to participate in the full trainingANDsuccessfully complete the exams)

  • Location:

Please see page 1 for the location per training.

The training venue will be announced after the registration has closed.

  • Number of available seats:Maximum of 20 per training

(first come, first serve; those who will register first will have first rights)

To be able to deliver the training at a good level, group size will be kept to a maximum of 20 participants per training.

If ASC receives more registrations, it may decide to limit the number of participants to 2 per organisation.

  • Costs indication :350 EURO/day

After closing of registration, an invoice will be send to registered participants by ASC. Training fee will need to be received by ASC prior to training.

NOTE: only upon receiving of registration fee, participants are officially registered.Payment is non-refundable.

(INCLUDED in training fee: training materials, 2-3 days’ training participation, professional and experienced trainer, exam participation, coffee/tea/water and lunch during training)

(NOT included: all other costs, like travel costs, accommodation and all other related costs).