Orbis2: Mini-Cataloging


Diane Baden

Margaret Lourie


153 Cordaville Road

Southborough, MA 01772-1833

(508) 460-7700 or (800) NELINET


Version 1.1 April 2002//REV 8/05

Table of Contents

Goal 1

Objectives 1

Overview 2

Logging on to Voyager 2

Cataloging Screen Display 2

Defaults and Preferences 4

Alternate Key Sequences 5

Help 5

Structure of the Database 6

Printing 7

Closing Windows 7

Closing Modules 7

Searching Orbis2 8

Remote Searches 13

MARC Bibliographic Record 14

Structure of the MARC Record 16

Authority Records 19

Structure of the MARC Authority Record 20

MARC Holdings Record (MFHD) 21

Retrieving the MFHD 21

MFHD Record 21

Structure of the MFHD Record 22

Item Records 23

Retrieving Item Records 23

Structure of the Item Record 24

Acquisitions in Cataloging (Acq in the Cat) 25


Characters The character 1 represents the digit one, and the character l represents the lowercase letter el. These characters are distinct on the keyboard and screen. Enter 1 when a digit is required and l when a letter is required; do not use these keys interchangeably.

The digit 0 (zero) and the uppercase letter O are also distinct characters. Enter 0 when a digit is required; enter O when an uppercase letter is required. Do not use these keys interchangeably.

Keys Keys or buttons that you press are enclosed in angle brackets < >.

When you see two keys together, for example, <Alt-R>, press and hold down the first key then tap the second key. Do not type the angle brackets. You do not need to use capital letters; they are used in this document for ease of reading and interpretation.

Data or commands Data or commands that you must type exactly as shown are in boldface type.

Data, the exact form of which you determine, is shown within boldface square brackets [ ]. Do not type the brackets.

Steps Multiple-step procedures are numbered.

Orbis2: Mini-Cataloging 25


To introduce the features of the Voyager Cataloging module as implemented in Orbis2.


By the end of today’s class you will know how to:

·  Log in to the Cataloging module

·  Navigate and interpret the windows, menus, and toolbars

·  Search the database using basic search types

·  Understand the relationships among Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings, and Item records

·  Select and interpret Bibliographic, Holdings, and Item records

·  Retrieve and interpret Authority records

·  Search the LC database (LCDB)

Supplemental documentation has been posted to the Yale System Migration website at:


Select Orbis2 Training Documents:


and go to the Cataloging section for comparisons between NOTIS and Voyager records and functions, and for YUL policies and procedures as applied to the Voyager system.

Some reference documents (some of these require revision):


Using Voyager with Macro Express:


Cataloging at Yale (with links to the SML Catalog Dept. page, Tools & Resources page, and other YUL Cataloging websites)



Voyager is an integrated system with modules sharing data in real time. Changes made in Cataloging, Acquisitions, or Circulation are reflected automatically in the public access catalog an in the other modules. Staff may be logged on to all three modules simultaneously as well as the Web-based OPAC.

The Cataloging module allows staff to create and maintain Bibliographic, Authority, Holdings, and Item records. Voyager uses the MARC21 format for Bibliographic, Authority, and Holdings records. Item records are specific to the Voyager system.

Logging on to Voyager

Your workstation has the software necessary to access the Voyager modules. Click on Start, Yale Library Workstation, Voyager and you will see the modules listed. For training and practice use the same Operator ID and Password you use in the "live" database.<demo ini file changer utility if available

For today’s class, log on to the following modules:


Acquisitions (choose any location)

As you log on, minimize each module before opening the next one.

Cataloging Screen Display

Title bar

Shows the name of the module and, when you have a record open, the title and record ID

of the open record. When the Title bar is highlighted it is the “active” screen.

Menu bar

Clicking on menu choices displays a drop-down list of selections. Options that are grayed out are not applicable. Available options change depending on activities being performed

in the active window.


Consists of icons for most commonly used tasks using a single mouse click. Moving the mouse over an icon displays a “tool tip” with a brief explanation of the command. The toolbar icons are grouped by broad function.

Creating records and saving locally (Do not use these functions):

§  New (Blank page with folded corner): Create new record from template

§  Open (Open folder with page): Open record from local work folder

§  Save (Computer disk): Save record to a disk or local file (Careful: this saves to your computer, not to Orbis2.)


§  Search (Magnifying glass): Search the database

§  Headings (eaHPrinted page with folded corner): Return to Headings list (if you’ve done a Headings search)

§  Titles (Printed page with T): Return to Titles list (if you’ve retrieved a list of titles from a search)

Saving to the database (Not available):

§  Save to DB (Sailboat): Save to Orbis2

Holdings and Items:

§  New Hldgs (Strapped books with “+”): Create new Holdings record

§  Get Hldgs (Strapped books-plain): Retrieve existing Holdings records

§  New Items (Stack of books with “+”): Create new Item record

§  Get Items (Stack of books-plain): Retrieve existing Item records

§  Hierarchy (Linked catalog cards): Show associated records


§  Help (?): Help

We will concentrate today on Searching functions and the retrieval of existing Holdings and Item records.

Defaults and Preferences

YUL standard defaults and preferences have been set up for all staff. We will look at them briefly to understand what they control but do not change them.

Go to Options on the menu bar and choose Preferences. Each tab opens a dialog box with choices or options.


§  Retain last search keeps the text of your previous search in the search box

§  Automatic truncation for non-keyword searches will truncate your searches without using a truncation symbol

Alternate Key Sequences

As with other Windows-based systems, using the <Alt> or <Ctrl> key with underlined letters in menu choices can be used as a shortcut to open a particular function without using the mouse.

For example, <Alt-R> opens the Record menu. You can string a sequence of keys, such as <Alt-R+I+B>, which is the equivalent of clicking on Record>Retrieve by record ID>Bibliographic, to do a Bibliographic record ID search.

You only need to hold down <Alt> or <Ctrl> with the first key in the sequence. Do not type the pluses. You do not need to use capital letters; they are used in this document for ease of reading..


Clicking on the Help icon and then on Index takes you to a Help Topics dialog box. Select your topic and a help screen displays. You can also select Contents to view the topics available in Help.

Structure of the Database

There are four types of records in the bibliographic database:

¨  The Bibliographic record provides cataloging description and access

¨  The Holdings record, also called a MFHD (MARC Format for Holdings Data) and pronounced “muff-head” includes location, call number, volume holdings, and copy-specific notes for staff and for the public. Each copy of a work has its own Holdings record, and multiple MFHDs can be attached to a single Bibliographic record

¨  The Item record describes the physical piece, including Location, Barcode number, and Item Type. Item Type is used by the Circulation module. Multiple Item records representing multiple volumes can be attached to a single MFHD. A single Item record can also be attached to multiple Bibliographic records to accommodate “bound with” volumes

¨  The Authority record provides information about name, uniform title, series, and subject headings

Item records are attached to Holdings records; Holdings records are attached to Bibliographic records. Authority records are not physically connected to Bibliographic records, but are associated with the headings in Bibliographic records.

Each record of each record type carries its own record ID and can be searched directly by ID number after identifying the type of record ID being searched. <macro ctrl+F2 copies the ID>


The active record can be printed by choosing File>Print Record or <Ctrl-P>. Item records cannot be printed in this manner. The Item record can be captured using <Alt-PrtScrn> and pasting it into a word processing program.

Closing Windows

It is easy to open many windows and lose track of what is open. Choose Window on the menu bar to see what windows are open, or use Cascade to display all the open windows in layers on the screen. Close windows individually by clicking on the <X> in the upper-right-hand corner, or by using the Windows shortcut <Ctrl-F4>. Close all the open windows simultaneously by choosing File>Close all. <macro: Ctrl+F1>

Closing Modules

Each open module needs to be closed individually. Just click on the <X> in the upper-right-hand corner to close the module, or right-click on any minimized modules and choose Close.

Careful: it is easy to accidentally close the module when you only want to close a screen.

Searching Orbis2

“Staff-side” searching in Voyager is quite powerful with many options. We will concentrate on the searches used most frequently in routine cataloging activities.

Click on the Search icon (or from the menu bar Record>Search or <Alt-R+S>). Choose Search type from Search by box, type search text in Search for box. Hit <Enter> or click on <Do Search>. After viewing a record, close the record by closing the window (see p. 7).

Types of Searches Tabs


§  Choice of Boolean or relevance-ranked Free Text (use “ ” for phrases)

§  All fields of the Bibliographic record are indexed for keyword searching

§  No stopwords

Non-Keyword (the default)

§  Drop-down box of search types defined by YUL

§  Type first letter of desired search type (repeatedly if needed) or scroll through list using the scroll bar or the up and down arrows

§  Order of search types adjusts by frequency of use, then alphabetical

§  Automatic right truncation (from Preferences)

§  Omit initial articles

§  Use upper or lower case

§  Omit diacritics and subfield codes

§  Include special characters such as &, $, +

§  Include or omit punctuation

§  Find or Browse (Find is the default); Browse works only on Headings and Call number searches


§  Guided keyword/Boolean

Searching by Voyager Record IDs and Barcode

Record IDs

§  Record>Retrieve by record ID>[choose type of record] or <Alt-R+I+B>, etc.: 3330359; Hit <Enter> or click on <Retrieve


§  Record>Retrieve by barcode or <Alt-R+B> <macro F7>

§  Can wand or type in a barcode: 39002042219171

Basic Non-Keyword Searches


o  ISBN (020a): 0809015498

o  LCCN (010a): 73020419

§  Omit hyphen; Must include zeros

o  ISSN (022a): 0022-3344

§  Include hyphen or substitute space

o  Publisher number (028a): b. & h. 8728; 14069

§  Include period or substitute space; Must include ampersand

Control numbers

o  Original system number (0359): FGH3857YL – Orbis1 key

§  Can omit YL at end (search truncates automatically from Preferences)

o  System number (035a): CTYV85-A1526 – RLIN number; ocm35306059 (OCLC number)

§  Must include hyphen in RLIN search


o  Known title (Title): 3 + 7; S/Z; Me & you & us; When we were very young

§  Skip initial articles

§  Include all other words (right truncated)

§  Include hyphen or substitute space

§  Include apostrophe, comma, and other punctuation or omit with no space

§  Include other symbols (&, +, /)

§  Omit diacritics and subfield codes

o  Journal title: american libraries

Basic Keyword Search


o  Series title (or part of a title) and volume number: spie and 4514

Authorities/Headings Searches

¨  Search keys preceded with word “staff” as in: Staff Name Headings Search, Staff Title Headings Search retrieve Authority records as well as Bibliographic records

¨  Names, Title, Subjects searches only retrieve Bibliographic records, not Authorities

¨  Filters available to narrow search type (type of author, type of subject heading)

¨  Browse places you in the Browse Headings List; Scroll backward or forward through index (Careful: the top and bottom icons take you to the beginning and end of the index)

¨  See list of retrieved Headings with number of associated Bibliographic records

¨  Highlight Heading and click <OK> to retrieve Bibliographic records

o  Author (Staff Name Headings Search): stein gertrude 1874 1946 // smith robert 18 // united states dept of commerce

§  Include date to narrow search or omit (right truncated)

§  Omit or include comma

§  Include hyphen or substitute space

§  Include apostrophe or omit with no space

§  Include parentheses or omit with no space

§  Can filter by type of name (personal, corporate, geographic)

o  Author/Title (Staff Name/Title Headings Search): mozart wolfgang amadeus 1756 1791 nozze di figaro // united states dept of health ed

§  Separate subfields by space or hyphen (no subfield delimiters)

§  Must include author dates (truncation only at end of search string)

o  Series and Uniform Titles (Staff Title Headings Search): music of our century; bible n. t. english & greek 1995// nih publication

§  Include period or substitute space

§  Must include ampersand

§  Can filter by type of title (series or nonseries)

o  Subject (Staff Subject Headings Search): american literature//research and development contracts government united states

§  Can include subdivisions to narrow search

§  Separate subdivisions by space or hyphen (no subfield delimiters)

§  Can filter by type of subject heading system (LCSH, MeSH)