The following questions will seek to find out how much you know about Learning Styles. Our learning style is as unique as our fingerprints. Once we are aware of our style, we can begin to maximize our learning and minimize stress and wasted time. A person’s learning style is affected by many factors.

1.  Which of the following is not an environmental factor?

a.  Sound

b.  Design

c.  Structure

d.  Temperature

2.  Time is a/an ____ factor

a.  Environmental

b.  Physical

c.  Emotional

d.  Reflective

3.  The two types of design are;

  1. Formal and Varied
  2. Informal and Varied
  3. Structure and Formal
  4. Formal & Informal

4.  Which of the following is not an emotional factor?

  1. Structure
  2. Motivation
  3. Environmental
  4. Persistence

5.  Johnny enjoys a hands on approach to learning what type of learner is he?

  1. Visual
  2. Kinesthetic
  3. Verbal
  4. Auditory

6.  Susie learns best by listening to her teachers lecture she would be considered a ______learner?

  1. Tactual
  2. Auditory
  3. Kinesthetic
  4. Lecturletic

7.  A tactual learner relies on

  1. Smell
  2. Touch
  3. Sight
  4. All of the above

8.  A perceptual strength is

  1. The way we learn
  2. Our strongest sense
  3. Our weakest sense
  4. A and B only

9.  If the left side of your brain dominates your learning process you are considered a?

  1. Reflective Learner
  2. Impulsive Learner
  3. Analytic Learner
  4. Global Learner

10.  Your brain is divided into;

  1. hemispheres
  2. your cerebrum and cerebellum
  3. Frontal and rear lobe
  4. Reflective and impulsive sides

11.PowerPoint is a ______program that allows you to produce
b. Documents
c. Spreadsheets
d. Databases
12. A ______is used to progress from one slide to the next in a slideshow
b. Slide Master
d. Object
13. This view displays all slides simultaneously in miniature form?
a.Normal View
b.Slide Show View
c.Outline View
d.Slide Sorter View
14. This view displays your slides on the full screen of the computer?
a.Normal View
b.Slide show View
c.Outline View
d.Slide Sorter View
15. To print six slides on a page choose ______from the print menu?
16. Backgrounds, fonts and color schemes should be ______throughout a
PowerPoint presentation?
a. Unique for each slide
b. Consistent
c. done randomly
d. lacking in uniformity
17. To make an effective PowerPoint presentation what is the maximum number of
bullets per slide?
b. 5
d. As many as needed
18. The maximum number of words per individual bullet should be?
b. 5
c. 10
d. As many as needed
19. Which of the following is not considered an object that can be placed in a
b. Smart Art
20. What is something you should change from slide to slide in a PowerPoint
b. Layout
d.Color Scheme

Performance Assessment (10 points):

The students will be given a one minute timing using Microtype Software. The backspace key will be disabled and the keyboard will be covered. Students will be given a proficiency rating using the software scaling system. Growth will be shown using this assessment for each of the three measurement sittings. Awarding of points is based upon grading scale 9=A, 8=B, 7=C, 6=D, 5 for E.