Waste Manage Res 2007: 25: 234–240

Setting priorities for waste management strategies

in developing countries

This study aimed to determine whether the waste management

systems, that are presently applied in affluent countries

are appropriate solutions for waste management in less developed

regions. For this purpose, three cities (Vienna, Damascus

and Dhaka) which differ greatly in their gross domestic

product and waste management were compared. The criteria

for evaluation were economic parameters, and indicators as

to whether the goals of waste management (protection of

human health and the environment, the conservation of

resources) were reached. Based on case studies, it was found

that for regions spending 1–10 € capita–1 year–1 for waste

management, the ‘waste hierarchy’ of prevention, recycling

and disposal is not an appropriate strategy. In such regions,

the improvement of disposal systems (complete collection,

upgrading to sanitary landfilling) is the most cost-effective

method to reach the objectives of solid waste management.

Concepts that are widely applied in developed countries such

as incineration and mechanical waste treatment are not suitable

methods to reach waste management goals in countries

where people cannot spend more than 10 € per person for the

collection, treatment and disposal of their waste. It is recommended

that each region first determines its economic capacity

for waste management and then designs its waste management

system according to this capacity and the goals of waste


Paul H. Brunner

Johann Fellner

Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality,

Resources and Waste Management, Vienna, Austria

Keywords: Developing countries, waste management strategies,

economic conditions, goal oriented evaluation, wmr 1165–9

Corresponding author: Johann Fellner, Vienna University of

Technology; Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste

Management, Karlsplatz 13/E226, A-1040 Vienna, Austria

Tel: +43 1 58801 22654; fax: +43 1 5042234;


DOI: 10.1177/0734242X07078296

Received 12 January 2007; accepted in revised form 12 February 2007


The main aims of waste management are: (1) to protect

human beings and the environment; and (2) to conserve

resources. Under the principles of sustainability, these goals,

which apply world-wide for any economy, should be achieved

in a way that does not impair the wellbeing of current as well

as future generations. Thus, waste management practice should

not export waste-related problems in space or in time, requiring,

for example, appropriate treatment capacities and aftercare-

free landfills.

The first of these aims has been achieved in most countries

with affluent economies that can afford ∼100 € capita–1 year–1

for waste management. Hence these countries focus on aim

number two, introducing extended recycling strategies and

schemes. On the other hand, in developing countries which

spend 1–10 € capita–1 year–1, the health and wellbeing of people

still suffers due to inadequate waste management practice,

and thus protection of human health is still the number

one objective.


The main objectives of solid waste management are to protect

human health and the environment, and to conserve

resources. In affluent countries direct impacts of wastes on

humans and the environment have been eliminated; hence,

these countries focus on resources by introducing extended

recycling strategies and expensive pre-treatment technologies.

In countries with a low GDP (e.g. Syria and Bangladesh)

current practices of solid waste management still do

not meet the primary objective of protection of human

health. Thus, MSWM in these regions must focus on different

issues to those that apply in affluent countries. Most

important is the introduction of a complete collection service,

since this is the most effective way to protect human

health. In case of sufficient (internal) financial resources for

MSWM, this key measure is to be supplemented by upgrading

the current disposal practice to sanitary landfilling. This

measure will cost-effectively reduce environmental impacts.

The other measures investigated were either too expensive

(e.g. biological or thermal waste treatment), difficult to

implement or hard to accept by local stakeholders (e.g. separate

waste collection would cut the income of thousands of

scavengers). Before emphasis is placed on reaching the goal

of resources conservation, the main objective of waste management,

that is to protect human health and the environment,

must be fulfilled.

Resources, Conservation and Recycling 39 (2003) 193_/210

Garbage, work and society

Hector Castillo Berthier *

UNAM Institute for Social Research, Circuito Mario de la Cueva s/n, Ciudad de las Humanidades, Ciudad

Universitaria, C.P. 04510 Mexico, D.F., Mexico

Containment landfills: the myth of sustainability

A. Allen*

Department of Geology, UniversityCollegeCork, Cork, Ireland

Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 3±19

Garbage, work and society

Hector Castillo Berthier *

UNAM Institute for Social Research, Circuito Mario de la Cueva s/n, Ciudad de las Humanidades, Ciudad

Universitaria, C.P. 04510 Mexico, D.F., Mexico

Received 1 June 2002; accepted 1 September 2002


This paper reviews the contribution of the book ‘The Garbage Society: Caciquismo in

Mexico City’; written 20 years ago when no official statistics on garbage production were

available, to the development of sustainable waste management practice in Mexico. At that

time public information was extremely difficult to obtain and environmental pollution was not

regarded as an important research area for many disciplines, including social sciences. The

objective of ‘The Garbage Society’ was to provide a detailed description of all the stages

involved in garbage disposal from the time when it is discarded, until it resurfaces in recycled

products. This process can be summarized as Garbage_/Working force_/Merchandise. The

garbage problem in Mexico City is an accurate reflection of the Mexican political system that

has traditionally supported corporatism in which caciques (a person who exercises absolute

power over a group) play a key role. Current data are used to verify the events of that first

study and through reflection on the historical process, to indicate the requirements for ongoing

research as a means of clarifying and categorizing the inherent problems associated with

sustainable waste management in Mexico.

2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

* Tel.: _/52-5-5622-7400x302; fax: _/52-5-5665-2443.

E-mail address: (H. Castillo Berthier).

Resources, Conservation and Recycling 39 (2003) 193_/210

0921-3449/03/$ - see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


Keywords: Garbage; Society; Recycling; Solid waste; Participatory research; Marginalization

1. Introduction

Garbage workers throughout the world have different names: packs and teugs (the

latter belonging to an inferior social breed) in Dakar (Communaute´ Urbaine de

Dakar, 1986), wahis and zabbaleen in Cairo (Neamatalla, 1981), gallinazos in

Colombia (Birkbeck, 1978), chamberos in Ecuador, buzos in Costa Rica, cirujas in

Argentina, catadores in Brazil, scavengers or garbage pickers in English speaking

countries and pepenadores or resoqueadores in Mexico.

Studies on the recovery and recycling of materials taken from garbage have been

carried out for several decades now. One of the most important early studies,

concerning an industrial zone in Akron, Ohio, briefly analyzed the materials

recovered, the public collection system, the use of convicts as a work force for the

selection of materials and the commercialization of these products (Baldensparger,

1919). In addition, ‘The Manual of the Community’s Recycling Programs’ (Hoy and

Robinson, 1979), traces the history of garbage recycling in the United States from

1840 to 1945. This work includes an analysis of the New York system under the

direction of George Waring. In early 1890, Waring created a program for waste

recovery, street cleaning and public health improvement, which reduced administrative

costs for solid waste management. This program was subsequently

implemented in other American cities.

During the first half of the 20th century, several isolated studies were conducted

on this issue. It was not until the end of the 1950s, however, that waste management

and public sanitation was seriously addressed in developing countries. Studies and

reports submitted by a number of specialists (Gotaas, 1956; Andrews, 1957; TIES,

1959) attest to this but, in fact, the real acceptance of the studies concerning the

problems derived from garbage began in the early 1970s, with attention given to the

situation of non-industrialized countries like Thailand, Sri Lanka, Senegal, Egypt,

Taiwan, Peru, China and Colombia etc (World Bank, 1984).

In the case of developed countries, waste management or garbage studies tended

to focus on technological development, involving either the collection, transport and

eventual disposal of these waste materials, or their recovery, processing and

industrialization. In cities where scavengers or garbage pickers were found, the

general recommendation was to ‘exclude them from the recovery processes’ (SCS,

1974) so that the system could be as mechanized as possible. Despite having the

approval of the United Nations, this recommendation should be reconsidered when

analyzing the cases of Third World countries. There, situations range from the total

mechanization of systems to the extensive use of labour in city dumps, all of which

are directed towards reusing the waste of modern society. Not all the studies,

however, refer exclusively to ‘technological advances’. Studies on Third World

countries tend to focus on scavengers’ or garbage pickers’ modes of organization,

their type of work, living conditions, income and the social and political interaction

they engage in with other groups.

The analytical sections of these studies often contain references to the ‘informal

sector’, ‘marginality’, ‘job independence’ or ‘low productivity’ in the manual

recovery of discarded products, as well as the economy’s ‘duality’ with its consequent

‘social exclusion’. As a result, their proposals are more oriented towards proposing

the modernization of these systems, which incidentally promotes the sale of the

technology produced in the First World, incinerators, compost plants, metal

foundries, sanitary fills etc.

H. Castillo Berthier / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 39 (2003) 193_/210 194

Thus, on the one hand, there has been technological progress in garbage

management that seeks to achieve clean cities, with maximum reuse of waste

products and community ecological awareness. On the other hand, the Third World

with its huge city dumps, has hundreds of thousands of people making a living from

waste, thereby polluting the environment and creating more poverty and marginalization.

Moreover, the land available for managing and storing waste is reduced,

while the problem of waste management is pushed into the background due to the

recurrent economic crises in these countries.

Despite this, a Manichean reductionism that regards the First World as a place of

‘technological marvels’ and underdeveloped countries as being on ‘the edges of

civilization’, would be false. Not everything is right about the former or wrong about

the latter. It is useful not to view technology as a miraculous panacea that solves

problems such as this. One has to consider the multiplicity of social relationships

that take place between the various human groups participating in the same activity.

In order to illustrate the complexity of the social relationships involved in solid

waste management and disposal in a Third World country, the case ofMexico City is

described below.

2. A social perspective

Perhaps all societies can be evaluated through a study of their management of

waste. This is particularly true of the large, heterogeneous community living in

Mexico City, since the perennial problem of garbage constitutes an accurate

reflection of the traditional Mexican political system. Thus, the visible functionality

of solid waste management conceals complicated relationships of power groups for

which the garbage has been and still is an enormous political and economic booty.

These have posed a serious threat to the development of long-term strategies in the

area of solid waste management but, paradoxically, each group is crucial to ensuring

that ‘everything functions efficiently and the city is kept clean’.

The first systematic study on the social problem of garbage in Mexico was

published in 1983. At that time, there were no official statistics on the subject, no

sources of public information, the environment was neither a fashionable nor a

serious problem and, generally speaking, environmental pollution was not considered

a viable area of research within the social sciences.

This study, ‘Garbage Society: Caciquism in Mexico City’ (Castillo Berthier, 1983),

provides a detailed description of all the steps involved in garbage disposal, from its

being discarded by the public, to, after many steps, when we acquire it again in the

form of new products.

The lack of available information for undertaking this project required the author

participating via direct involvement in the system; first as a temporary borough

street sweeper and then as a garbage collector and eventually obtaining scavengers’

access to the legendary Santa Cruz Meyehualco city dump. This ‘little town’ of

scavengers that at that time housed over ten thousand garbage pickers (including

H. Castillo Berthier / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 39 (2003) 193_/210 195

men, women, children, and the elderly) covered an area of more than 165 hectares.

Until its closure in 1984, it handled the city’s garbage for over 22 years.

As a result of this participatory research,or participant observation as it is known

in Anthropology, and the information obtained first hand, the main statements

gathered in that first investigation have since served as essential references for the

development of further studies related to the subject of garbage. A brief summary of

the main ideas and conclusions obtained is given below to provide a general overview

of the problem and to gauge the progress achieved since this initial study.

It is possible to begin by saying that waste is worthless. When it is discarded many

consider it worth nothing, but from the moment it is collected, transported, stored,

classified, cleaned, sold and recycled/reused, it is transformed into merchandise. This

means its inherent value and initial exchange value can be recovered if human labour

is incorporated. This can be expressed in the following formula: Garbage_/

Labour_/Merchandise, which although apparently simplistic, implies a long,

complex process of economic circulation.

In this respect, waste is the link that allows the Merchandise Cycle to close:

In Mexican society, garbage is regarded as something that has already lost its use

and exchange value, something that is useless and that society has to get rid of. This

way of thinking about what garbage means has hampered society’s ability to see it in

different ways and to determine its real meaning and value in our lives. To begin

with, if it is true that different products and goods are transformed into garbage

when they lose their utility for us as consumers, then it is also true that, from the

start of its collection and recycling these former consumer goods gradually acquire

new value through these activities.

Nevertheless, this new ‘merchandise’ is permeated by a complicated web of social

relationships that largely define its future use and eventual forms of disposal. To

begin with, Article 10 of the Current Regulations for the Federal District’s Cleaning

Service states that: ‘The collection of domiciliary solid waste will be free’. Although

subsequent reference is made to certain forms of regulation of merchandising

establishments, this fact has contributed to a series of interpretations that have made

waste collection ‘free’ by law but ‘expensive’ in fact.

Containment landfills: the myth of sustainability

A. Allen*

Department of Geology, UniversityCollegeCork, Cork, Ireland

Engineering Geology 60 (2001) 3±19


A number of major problems associated with the containment approach to landfill management are highlighted. The fundamental ¯aw in the strategy is that dry entombment of waste inhibits its degradation, so prolonging the activity of the waste and delaying, possibly for several decades, its stabilisation to an inert state. This, coupled with uncertainties as to the long-term durability of synthetic lining systems, increases the potential, for liner failure at some stage in the future whilst the waste is still active, leading to groundwater pollution by landfill leachate. Clay liners also pose problems as the smectite components of bentonite liners are subject to chemical interaction with landfill leachate, leading to a reduction in their swelling capacity and increase in hydraulic conductivity. Thus, their ability to perform a containment role diminishes with time. More critically, if diffusion rather than advection is the dominant contaminant migration mechanism, then no liner will be completely imperme¬able to pollutants and the containment strategy becomes untenable.

There are other less obvious problems with the containment strategy. One is the tendency to place total reliance on artificial lining systems and pay little attention to local geological/hydrogeological conditions during selection of landfill sites. Based on the attitude that any site can be engineered for landfilling and that complete protection of groundwater can be effected by lining systems, negative geological characteristics of sites are being ignored. Furthermore, excessive costs in construction and operation of containment landfills necessitate that they are large scale operations (superdumps), with associated transfer facilities and transport costs, all of which add to overall waste management costs. Taken together with unpredictable post-closure maintenance and monitoring costs, possibly over several decades, the economics of the containment strategy becomes unsustainable. Such a high-cost, high-technology approach to landfill leachate management is generally beyond the financial and technological resources of the less wealthy nations, and places severe burdens on their economies. For instance, in third world countries with limited water resources, the need to preserve groundwater quality is paramount, so expensive containment strategies are adopted in the belief that they offer greatest protection to groundwater. A final indictment of the containment strategy is that in delaying degradation of waste, the present generations waste problems will be left for future generations to deal with.

More cost-effective landfill management strategies take advantage of the natural hydrogeological characteristics and attenua¬tion properties of the subsurface. The `dilute and disperse' strategy employs the natural sorption and ion exchange properties of clay minerals, and it has been shown that in appropriate situations it is effective in attenuating landfill leachate and preventing pollution of water resources. Operated at sites with thick clay overburden sequences, using a permeable cap to maximise rainfall infiltration and a leachate collection system to control leachate migration, `dilute and disperse' is a viable leachate management strategy. Hydraulic traps are relatively common hydrogeological situations where groundwater ¯ow is towards the landfill, so effectively suppressing outwards advective ¯ow of leachate. This approach is also best employed with a clay liner, taking advantage of the attenuation properties of clays to combat diffusive ¯ow of contaminants. These strategies are likely to guarantee greater protection of groundwater in the long term.