Standards for investigating and for Investigators/Clients rights.

There are some obvious things that people should know and adhere to but some still do not. I will list some ideas and ask for input or additions/deletions.

-All team members must respect the wishes of the property owneras to no tresspass areas/or no sit areas (especially historical areas/items).

-Leave an investigation site in at least as good and clean a condition as you found it.

-No drinking within 24 hours of an investigation.

-No smoking inside a clients structure. Do not drop smoking residue on the grounds!

-Wear appropriate attire to represent yourself as a professional. No cutoffs, wife beaters or T-Shirts with inappropriate or political slogans. Shorts are permitted so long as they are of prudent length and looseness. No Spandex for example.

-Never promise or guarantee results.

-Always believe the client until you have other reasons not to.

-- All conversations or information obtained during a pre investigation interview or obtained in the course of the investigation are confidential and may not be reproduced or discussed without written consent of the investigation site owner(s). This includes data such as audio, video or photographic data. This does not preclude eliciting advice on data or information from another qualified investigator however the names and locations of the investigation are still to remain confidential.

-Never discuss the case outside the team except in the most general terms. Never using names or addresses even with the clients permission. The worst thing in the world is to be gossiping and then find out it gets back to the client.

-Do not post data (evidence) unless specific written and signed permission is given by the client. Again do not post names or addresses for public consumption even with the clients permission. In cases of marriage or boyfriend/girlfriend both signatures of permission must be obtained. If in doubt don't post it!

-Never charge for an investigation. Adding "Donations are accepted to defray cost of equipment, batteries, fuel, etc." is acceptable but it is never acceptable to remind the client that you accept donations at any time. If it is prominently posted on your website then the client will have seen it.

-The client has the right not to be judged due to ethnicity, creed, personal beliefs, living conditions or mental condition.

-Respect the clients religious and paranormal beliefs.

-DO NOT perform rituals or cleansing efforts without first educating the client as to what they are and the expected or desired results as well as all potential consequences. Permission must be granted by all property owners or clients, preferably in writing. Never perform any rituals that you or a team member are not proficient in even with the clients permission.

-If preternatural activity is suspected do not try to continue. Contact the appropriately trained individual to review the findings of the team to that point and possibly investigate these finding on site to confirm them. Never get in over your head. You and the client will most likely suffer!

-Never use provoction in the clients home and surrounding area.

-The investigation team must explain the investigation process, what to expect, when the data will be analyzed and when the post investigation review with the client will take place. Never reveal any results until the analysis is completed.

-Clients religious beliefs as well as their paranormal beliefs must be respected at all times.
-Clients wishes should be respected at all times unless it jeopardizes the investigation or the safety of the team or an individual on the team. This does not mean the client has the authority to run the investigation. Any time a team is restricted to that degree they must explain to the client and if that does not resolve it then they are entitled to end the investigation amicably if possible.

-One person will be designated the lead in all interactions with the client including client questions during the investigations, pre investigation interview, exit interview and data review.

-The client has the right to remain in the house. Rules of interaction should be set by the team with the client's input. If no agreement can be reached with the client on proper conduct of the team and of the client(s) then the team has the option to decline the case.