Thornton Le Dale Parish Council

18 Filey Road, Flixton YO11 3UF


To all members of the Parish Council, Wednesday 28th January 2015

Dear Councillors,

YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to a meeting of the Parish Council to be held on

TUESDAY 3rd February 2015 AT 7-30 p.m. at the Hill Memorial Institute

Members of the public and Local Press are welcome.

M W Boden M W Boden

Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer

Members are reminded of the need to consider whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest to declare in any of the items on this agenda. If so, the nature of the interest must be declared either at the start of the meeting, or prior to the item being considered. Members declaring a prejudicial interest in any item may speak on the item but must leave the meeting whilst the item is being discussed and voted on.


This meeting is being recorded


Public question time is a fifteen minute opportunity for members of the public to voice their concerns. Each member may speak for a maximum of three minutes. Then the Council address the business on the agenda. The public are welcome to stay but can play no further part in the proceedings.



To confirm that notice has been given in accordance with schedule 12 para 10(2) of the Local Government Act, 1972



If approved, to accept the minutes of the following meeting (copies herewith) Council Meeting No. held Tuesday 2015



1 Grass in cemetery

2 Standing Orders

3 Delegated Powers

4 Bridge responsibility in Maltongate

5 Councillor Porter

1) The marking out of a pedestrian footway from the junction of Malton Gate with Roxby Road to The Mount

2) Our gritting machine

3) The salting of the roads

4) Timber Lorries

5) The old Chestnut Tree in the park

6 Councillor Biggins.

I have been ask if we can help with the school run, 95% of parents go down Roxby rd, up farmanby cland onto castle rd, the problem is that even the school bus with the kidson boardare having problem traveling ,due to lack of salt been put down the grittier comes up castle rd ever morning turns at the top and comes back down the same rd, can we ask if it can go down these road to help with parents taking the kids to school

8 Councillor Charles. Defibrillator.

9 Tour De Yorkshire

10 Councillors Charles & Biggins

1 precept money

2 finger board

3 car park lighting

4 care taker

5 cctv

6 music on the green

7 dog waste bins

8 allotment waste

9 any plans for which roads are to be gritted/

ie if you have any parish plans for gritting


1 Pest control Allotments/Water Rates/Rent

2 BT contract ends 16th August 2015

3 Grit Bins. The cost of a new bin is £50 + VAT, and the cost to fill the bin would be £75 + VAT.

We are trying to encourage parish councils to fill the salt/grit bins independently. The reason being, you could get more salt for less money and refill at your own convenience.

If you would still like us to provide the salt for the parish council bins, then please contact the customer service centre on 01609 780780 and they will place an order through to us. We have to keep a record for invoicing purposes. Michelle Tillotson.

4 Expenses for January


If a Councillor or a member of the public wishes to view any of the documentation included in the above agenda prior to the meeting, to give him or her a better understanding of the agenda items, they are welcome to do so. Please contact me on 01723-892763 and a suitable appointment will be arranged.


Tuesday 3rd March 2015 at 1930 hrs in the Hill Memorial Institute.