AP World History Trimester 3 Review

Be prepared to write an essay comparing two of the three revolutions listed below:

  • Chinese Revolution
  • Mexican Revolution
  • Russian Revolution

Chapter 24

  • 58.
/ What factor contributed to economic globalization during the twentieth century?
  • 59.
/ From the 1960s, in the industrialized West feminism included all but which of the following as an important focus of the movement?
  • 60.
/ Describe the Global North/South divide in the twentieth century
  • 61.
/ Describe the massive increase in international migration of the world's peoples during the era of globalization.
  • 62.
/ How did globalization affect those within wealthy nations, especially the United States?
  • 63.
/ How would you describe the "American Empire" of the second half of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-first century?
  • 64.
/ How did women's liberation feminists differ from equal rights feminists?
  • 65.
/ Why did African feminists resent American and European feminists' opposition to traditional African cultural practices such as polygamy and female circumcision?
  • 66.
/ Describe the response of global fundamentalism to modernity.
  • 67.
/ Characterize the strategies pursued by Islamic fundamentalist groups for achieving their political aims.
  • 68.
/ Osama bin Laden and al-Qaedas reasons for declaring the US their enemy:
  • 69.
/ What was a major difference between Western environmental movements and environmentalists in developing countries?
  • 70.
/ Describe environmental movements in the Global South
Chapter 23
  • 44.
/ What made the end of Europe's African and Asian colonial empires distinctive as compared to other cases of imperial disintegration?
  • 45.
/ In which of the following ways did the decolonization of the Americas in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries differ from the decolonization of Africa and Asia in the twentieth century?
  • 46.
/ What were fundamental contradictions that undermined colonial enterprise?
  • 47.
/ Which of the following was an international circumstance that contributed to the end of European colonial rule?
  • 48.
/ What was a social or economic circumstance within the European colonies that contributed to anticolonial movements?
  • 49.
/ What were the initial aims of the Indian National Congress (INC)?
  • 50.
/ Why did white rule last almost fifty years longer in South Africa than it did in India (1994 versus 1947)?
  • 51.
/ Describe the South African freedom struggle.
  • 52.
/ What was the fate of many of the political parties that had led the movements for independence in Africa after independence was achieved?
  • 53.
/ In general, which class benefited the most from independence in Africa?
  • 54.
/ Describe Western-style democracy in Africa
  • 55.
/ Describe the developing world after it won independence.
  • 56.
/ Which group of developing countries has been the most successful in stimulating economic growth and industrialization?
  • 57.
/ What effect did the Westernizing influences under the Shah of Iran have on the nation of Iran?
Chapter 22
  • 30.
/ How did the Chinese Communist Party adapt its ideology and strategy during its long struggle to power?
  • 31.
/ How was the communist revolution in Russia similar to the French Revolution?
  • 32.
/ The communist revolution in China differed from that in Russia in which ways?
  • 33.
/ In its push for modernization, China faced an even more daunting task than Russia because
  • 34.
/ Describe initial policies of the Soviet and Chinese Communist Parties toward women after taking power.
  • 35.
/ In contrast with China, the collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union
  • 36.
/ The emergence of a privileged bureaucratic and technological elite in communist societies as a consequence of industrial modernization was:
  • 37.
/ Of the communist regimes that came to power, which took power in a country that had achieved the level of industrialization that Karl Marx believed necessary for communism?
  • 38.
/ What was result of Mao's two great campaigns—the "Great Leap Forward" and the "Cultural Revolution"?
  • 39.
/ How did the cold war impact many third world countries?
  • 42.
/ What characterized the main economic failure of communism?
  • 43.
/ What was the impact of glasnost on the Soviet allies in Eastern Europe?

Chapter 20

  • 1.
/ What did Europeans take advantage of in creating colonial empires in Asia and Africa during the second half of the nineteenth century?
  • 2.
/ What role did Spain and Portugal play in the second European imperialism?
  • 3.
/ What non-European country built a colonial empire that bore important similarities to the empires of its European counterparts?
  • 4.
/ What was the long-term plan of the British government for taking over control of India?
  • 5.
/ What was the fate of decentralized societies that did not have a strong ruler or government under European conquest, such as the small kingdoms and chiefdoms of West Africa?
  • 6.
/ Why did Europeans become the vast majority of the population in New Zealand, Australia, and Hawaii?
  • 7.
/ Characterizes the response of most Asian and African societies to European conquests in the nineteenth century
  • 8.
/ How did the arrival of colonial rule changed the working lives of colonial subjects?
  • 9.
/ How did nineteenth-century European version of empire differed from others?
  • 10.
/ How did colonial rule in Africa had an impact on the lives of women?
  • 11.
/ Which of the following was a way in which European colonial rule transformed its colonies?
  • 12.
/ What relationship existed between the number of white settlers and the degree of racial segregation and discrimination in African and Asian colonies?
  • 13.
/ How did Europeans justify the paradox that they valued national independence and Enlightenment values such as freedom and equality, yet denied these things to the people they colonized?
  • 14.
/ Chapter 21
  • 15.
/ What was the effect of Germany’s arrival after 1870 as a new powerful player on the international scene?
  • 16.
/ What impact did World War I have on Europe’s colonial empires?
  • 17.
/ Which of the following was a factor in causing the Great Depression?
  • 18.
/ Japan’s motivations for going to war with Western powers in the years before the opening of WWII include all but which of the following?
  • 19.
/ What was the popular attitude in Europe toward the prospect of war in the summer of 1914?
  • 21.
/ The government of which of the following nations was least successful in engineering a recovery from the Great Depression?
  • 22.
/ Which of the following was a feature of fascism in Germany more than in Italy?
  • 23.
/ Which of the following was a reason for the popularity of the Nazi Party once it seized power in the 1930s?
  • 24.
/ In what way was nationalist Japan most similar to fascist Italy and Nazi Germany?
  • 25.
/ How did Japanese nationalists differentiate Japanese society from Western society?
  • 26.
/ What was the impact of the outcome of WWII on communism?
  • 27.
/ In contrast to what transpired during WWI, the Germans during WWII were able to:
  • 28.
/ What happened to European economies after the US began its Marshall Plan in 1948?
  • 29.
/ Which of the following comparisons between World Wars I and II are true?