
Stephanie Seabrook Hedgepath

131 Minnie Fallaw Road

Lexington, SC 29073

Telephone 803-755-1757


Website: http://www.welshcorgi.com

Contract of Sale

WHEREAS Stephanie Seabrook Hedgepath, hereinafter called "Seller" is the owner of Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy described as follows:

Call Name:

Reg. Name:

AKC Reg.




Color: Sex:

Whereas, ______, hereinafter called "Buyer", is desirous of purchasing the animal described above;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of ______dollars ($000.00) the Seller hereby conveys one pet quality Pembroke Welsh Corgi male/female under the following warranties and conditions either expressed or implied:

1.  Seller guarantees the above-described animal to be in good health to the best of our knowledge at the time of sale and for the first 72 hours after the time of delivery. The dog has had all appropriate inoculations and wormings for a dog of this age. That the above-described animal may be returned to Seller, for any reason, within 72 hours of the time of purchase, and Seller will refund to Buyer the full purchase price. Buyer shall assume full responsibility for the health, anatomical make-up, appearance, and temperament of the above animal following said 72 hour period. Buyer agrees to take this dog to a licensed Veterinarian within 72 hours of purchase for a health check.

2.  If a veterinarian finds the puppy to have a contagious disease or to be in generally poor physical condition, the Seller will (1) replace the puppy with another puppy of comparable quality should the Seller own or be able to secure such a dog within a reasonable period of time, (2) refund the full purchase price upon return of the puppy, or (3) pay for veterinary expenses involved with restoring the puppy to full health, if the Buyer chooses to keep the puppy. Reimbursement for veterinarian expenses is not to exceed the purchase price of the puppy. The choice between replacement, refund, or veterinary expenses is to be the option of the Buyer, and the Buyer must inform the Seller of his option within 72 hours of the delivery time. The Seller reserves the right to a second veterinarian’s opinion of the Seller’s choosing at the expense of the Seller, and in the case of payment of veterinary expenses, the Seller reserves the right to have the puppy treated by a veterinarian of the Seller's choice. If the puppy is not examined by a veterinarian within 72 hours after time of delivery, the above guarantees are no longer in effect.

3.  Seller guarantees above described dog to be free of any inheritable disease that can cause death or serious impairment of vital functions in the puppy until such puppy is four (4) years of age. If such an inheritable disease is documented by a veterinarian and presented to the Seller with sufficient supporting evidence, the Buyer will be entitled to a replacement puppy of comparable quality. The Seller reserves the right to a second veterinarian’s opinion (veterinarian of the Seller’s choosing) at the expense of the Seller.

4.  Seller guarantees the above described dog to be of sound temperament, that is, to be neither so shy nor vicious as to render the dog an unfit companion. This guarantee of temperament is effective only until the dog reaches one year of age, if sold as a puppy, and is contingent upon reasonable proof that any defect in temperament is not the result of lack of proper care or training on the part of the Buyer.

5.  That the above-described animal is being sold as a pet or companion only on limited registration. Buyer agrees to refrain from breeding the above puppy, and further agrees to have the puppy spayed or altered when the puppy has reached an appropriate age, as set forth by current veterinarian guidelines. The Buyer understands that if the above puppy is ever bred that none of the puppies will be eligible for AKC registration. The Buyer further understands that if the above puppy is ever bred the Seller's guarantees as outlined above will no longer apply.

6.  If for any reason, the Buyer is unable to keep the above-described dog, the Seller will have the absolute right of first refusal to repossess the puppy and the above described dog is to be returned to the Seller for re-placement in a home of Seller's choosing. At the time dog is placed, any monies received at that time will be given to the Buyer, up to a full refund of the purchase price of not more than ______Dollars ($000.00). If the Buyer can find a suitable alternate home, and if the Seller approves of this home, the right to repossess the puppy will be null and void. The Buyer must provide contact information, including all telephone numbers for the alternate home before Seller approval will be given. If dog is not returned to the Seller or an approved second home, this contract is null and void.

7.  It is also further understood by the Buyer, that the above-described dog is to be a house pet, not a full time yard dog. He/she may spend some of her time outdoors, of course, but is to be kept in the house as much as possible, to become a full-fledged member of the household in which he/she resides.

8.  The venue for any litigation involving this agreement shall be in Lexington County, State of South Carolina. In such litigation, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees and litigation costs.

9.  The Buyer and the Seller agree that this is the full and complete agreement that exists between the parties for the sale of this dog. Any agreements made prior to this are considered incorporated herein and any modifications made to this agreement shall be made in writing or such shall not be effective. Contract completed on the ______day of ______, 200___ at ______p.m.


Signature, Seller



Signature, Buyer

Print Name ______


City, State, Zip______
Telephone (Home/Work)______

Email Address______