January 25, 2016


Time: 4:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Amy Harris – Present

Cindy VanAtter – Present

Christy Drury – Present

Keyana Best – Present

Lindsey Johnson – Present

Sarah Paul – Present

Angela Saxena – Present

Rachel Shaw – Present

Agenda: Cindy VanAtter made motion to approve agenda, second by, Christy Drury,

Motion Passed.

MINUTES: Motion was made by Cindy VanAtter for the minutes to be amended and approved of December 17, 2016, seconded my, Christy Drury, motion passed.


PLC process– Meetings with teachers from each grade level .

KDE coaches – Elizabeth Wright, Amy Young, Cindy Bramble, a visit was made to Royal Springs School, toview their Compass learning and writing policy.

TPGES process – Mrs. Harris explained process

Partnership KSU – Ron Chi joined FISD staff, would like to have him attend a meeting of SBDM.

Read like a RockStar – Kick off February 5, 2016, 8:30 am. Goal is to reach 10, 00 books before May 20, 2016.

District Code – Approved, hard copies have been made, will be disturbed to all staff and students.

Public Comments– None


Writing committee chair stipend (Title 1), $500.00

Primary (Title 1) – Mrs. Baker was hired for 3hrs a day.

End of year Celebration, Mrs. Harris has asked for some ideas on what we can do for the students, budget of around $900.00.

SBDM budget items: Mrs. Harris would like a budget of the past 2 years to see where we stand. Their has been a high volume of copy paper.


Discipline: Randy Adams had meeting on January 19, 2016, reported on the committees ideas. Susan Robinson attended the meeting also and they will be focusing on behavior side this year and later academics. Mr. Adams suggest we google ABREY University. Org cost nothing. Next Discipline meeting will be February 23rd, 3:00 p.m.

School Improvement: Committee will be meeting on February 10, 2016

Compass: Cindy Bramble and Amy Young presented the update on this computer program to assistant in the students learning.

Policy Review: Would like for the School Improvement committee to look at the School Policies and update them. Mrs. Chavez said that they were reviewed last year, she will look for those notes and forward to Mrs. Harris.

Wellness: Amy Tolliver, meeting on January 14, 2016,Mrs. Chavez forwarded those minutes of the meeting to Mrs. Harris.


Benchmark Literacy Research update: Vicki Amburgery, Erin Chavez, Stacy Ross, presented a power point to the committee. Cost K-3 $55,000.00, one time cost, one day PD negotiable, try out technology for one (1) year free, overall cost for entire program $80,000.00. Cindy VanAtter would like to take some time for the teachers of K-3 to look over this;Mrs. Harris would want every teacher to be on board for this program, she would like to hear from them at the March meeting.

School Climate Update: Cindy Vanatter presented, start a vision mission 30 60 80 plan. She will type all the information up to send out.

PTSA – Lindsey Johnson presented:Literacy night will be March 3rd. Provide a meal for Parent /Teacher conferences for the teachers. Planning a book swap.

Old Business

Headphones/adapters: Need to purchase more

Grade level benchmark: Notes from 1st and 2nd reading last year. Discussion on retaining students; build an RTI class into the day; looking at a back to school night for parents, PTSA would be on board with this

New Business

Schedule for 2016-2017: February 1st state allegations come in.

Next scheduled meeting will be February 22, 2016

Cindy Vanatter made motion to adjourn the meeing, second by Sarah Paul

Adjourned : 6:10p.m.

Minutes recorded and presented by:

Donna Gay

SBDM, Secretary