Chapter 5 Test Review

Any material covered in class can be included in the test but this is a general overview of what will be included. We will discuss these in details on the study days.

Main Topics

Section 1- Spanish Empire and Absolutism


Phillip II

Spain's colonies in the New World


Inflation due to an influx of Gold and Silver

·  Spanish spending

Defeat of the Spanish Armada

Dutch Revolt due to a weakened Spain

·  Rise of the Dutch after winning it's independence

Absolute Monarchies

·  Examples from different countries covered

·  Decline in Church's power, rise of major cities

Divine Right and it's importance to this system

Section 2- French Absolutism

Henry of Navarre

·  Edict of Nantes- declaration of religious tolerance (aimed mostly to protect the Huguenots)

Cardinal Richeleu

·  His role in the French Gov't and his control in the early years of Louis XIII

Louis XIV

·  Most powerful French ruler

·  Intendants to collect taxes

·  Cancellation of E.O.N.

·  Building of Versailles

◦  Expensive lifestyle

·  War of Spanish Succession


·  Skepticism- Nothing can be known for certain

·  Montaigne – What do I know?

·  Descartes- “I think therefore, I am”

Section 3 -Central European Monarchies

Thirty Years' War

·  Last large European religious war

·  Four phases- Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, French

·  Catholics V. Lutherans/ Hapsburg V. Non-Hapsburg

·  Peace of Westphalia

·  Changes in Europe after the war

Maria Theresa

·  Empress of Austria

War of Austrian Succession

Seven Years' War/ French and Indian War

·  Fought in Europe and N.A.

Section 4 – Russian Absolutism

Ivan the Terrible

·  The “Good Years”

·  After the death of his wife

·  Terrors of his paranoia and absolute rule

·  Boyars

Peter the Great

·  Westernization of Russia

◦  Changes Peter makes

◦  how Peter accomplishes this

◦  St. Petersburg

Section 5- English Absolute and Constitutional Monarchies

Charles I

·  Petition of Right

·  English Civil War

·  A King's execution

Oliver Cromwell

·  Puritan General

·  Military dictator

·  Puritan changes to society

Restoration period- Monarch returned to England

Glorious Revolution- Bloodless overthrow of King James

·  William of Orange and Mary

·  Constitutional Monarchy

·  English Bill of Rights

·  Cabinet System

Sample questions:

1.  What concept was the belief in “divine right” used to support?

2.  Which monarchs ruled England after the Glorious Revolution?

3.  During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, Which group suffered the greatest loss of power?

4.  Which French king became the most powerful and boasted “I am the state”?

5.  Why did Peter the great build the city of St. Petersburg?

6.  What did the Edict of Nantes attempt to accomplish?

7.  What did the “Restoration” in England bring back?

8.  What was Peter the Great the first Russian ruler to make an effort to do?

9.  Name the following events in order- The Glorious Revolution, The Restoration, The English Civil War

10.  What was the Thirty Years' War fought over?

Sample Essay Question Topics:

1.  Thirty Years War

2.  Westernization of Russia- Who was the ruler? What did it change? Why did he do this?

3.  Why was absolutism more difficult to accomplish in Central Europe than in Western Europe

4.  How did the events of the English Civil War, The Restoration, and the Glorious Revolution lead to the system of government that England has today?

5.  The Peace of Westphalia

6.  The rise and fall of the Spanish Empire

7.  Oliver Cromwell and his significance to the English Civil War