Linda Smith (Chair), Millar Leon (Vice Chair), Bill David (Secretary), Douglas Paxton (Treasurer), Norma David, Jackie Mackenzie, Dawn Michael, Joe Graham, Gordon Weir, Brenda Whitelaw, Bill Binks, Laura Storrie, Helen Murray, Chloe Phillips, Fergus Phillips,


Cllr Iain McMillan, Cllr John Caldwell, Cllr Stephen McGee, Alistair Campbell, Peter Dorrington, Tracie McGee, Mick Townsend, Douglas Chalmers, Kenneth Manson, Sarah Galloway, Mary Chalmers, William Mimnagh, Lorna Poole, Fiona Forbes, Heather Lyndsay, Vinnie Carleton


Cllr John Hood, Robert Scarsbrook, Andrew Beattie, Calum Storrie, Teresa London

1.  PREVIOUS MINUTES (10/11/15)

Adopted – Proposed Bill David, Seconded Gordon Weir


Sgt Alan Mack in attendance.

2 reported crimes:

·  1 housebreaking – scenes of crime attended & passed to house breaking team

·  1 speeding car on A737, nearly collided with police car, arrest made and found to be drunk.

·  Lorna Poole raised issues with parking at primary school and advised there had been recent serious argument. Sgt Mack agreed to get car in attendance.


·  No items

4.  WILLIAM MIMNAGH, Community Engagement Officer – Renfrewshire Leisure Ltd

·  He discussed ways in which he can arrange for help in resurrecting our village gala day. Bill David advised that he had already had discussions with local organisations and will arrange meeting for all to attend to discuss way forward. Linda Smith took show of hands regarding resurrecting the gala day and it was unanimously agreed. Bill David proposed first meeting in January.


·  Christmas Lights – Linda Smith gave thanks to Father Sean, Bowling Club and Gillian Whyte for the donation of sweets. Due to adverse weather we missed Rhona and the pony & trap to bring Santa into our village, however we were able to quickly rearrange a contingency event with Santa at the Bowling Club. Bill David agreed to send a letter of thanks. Brenda Whitelaw mentioned the Christmas tree, Bill David said that the man assisting with lights switch on from Renfrewshire Council had taken measurements on Friday to give us a quote.

·  Pensioners Scottish Evening 5 March 2016. Transport volunteers were sought and a reminder that the usual selection of raffle prizes were required for the event.

·  Village clean up set for weekend 16/17 April. Volunteers were sought to help on the days. Lorna Poole kindly agreed to put an article in the school newsletter. She confirmed new Headmaster is very keen to foster links with the community. Linda Smith asked about church service arranged for 17 December and Lorna confirmed it was for the community as well as the school.

·  Planning of HCC diary. Linda and Bill planning the calendar. It was suggested that we seek individuals from Forestry, Sustrans Link, Director of Planning, Director of Roads / Environment to attend our meetings.

·  Village newsletter any articles / contributions to Calum Storrie asap. Headmaster is providing an article.

·  Broadband Cllr McMillan confirmed no update as yet. Bill David suggested getting our local MP involved.

·  Speedwatch – briefing not provided by Chief Inspector about the costs of this exercise to the police and the difficulty in supporting due to police financial cuts.

·  Heartstart – Helen Murray attended the last course and sang its praises. Heather Lyndsay asked if there was an age limit?


·  Importance of village resilience discussed.


·  No update


·  No updates


·  No issues


Cllr Iain McMillan advised:

·  Budget settlement to take place 16/12/15, when John Swinney announces finance budget and monies available to local councils. Not yet sure what impact will be.

·  Integrated joint board is progressing well.

·  Johnstone High School, stand in Head Teacher making tremendous progress. Currently a waiting list of parents to get on parent / teacher council. He confirmed old Head Teacher has now officially retired and that post will be advertised shortly.

·  He mentioned flooding, advised that he had had no complaints raised to him about flooding and feels that on whole our area has escaped bad flooding problems.

Cllr Stephen McGee advised:

·  That it is good to see the progress at Johnstone High Schools and he hoped that a new permanent Head Teacher would be appointed asap as critical to success of school.

·  He advised that he had had no complaints about flooding either.

·  He mentioned temporary repair to local road and suggested that Community Council should put pressure on Renfrewshire Council to effect permanent repair.

11.  CORRESPONDENCE – Full details available from Bill David

·  Email from Douglas Chalmers who was also in attendance. He advised that he had become aware through local shop keeper about concerns raised by Community Council on behalf of the community regarding traffic issues outside the proposed new café. He advised that the Community Council had no authority to raise this representation on behalf of the community. The secretary, Bill David, stated that the letter to the Council was designed to make it clear that we were fully supportive of the development however as has been the case for many a year we are concerned about traffic issues throughout the village. A full and frank discussion then ensued regarding this matter with Vinnie Carleton, the café owner, also objecting to the wording of the letter issued by the Community Council. It was agreed there was a strength of feeling in the village about general traffic issues and Bill David agreed to try to have someone from Roads Department attend our next meeting to discuss the issues especially on Station Road, Midton Road and Bowfield Road. It was also agreed that Bill David would send a letter to planning department to clearly advise them that the Community Council were fully supportive of the planning application.

·  Renfrewshire Council Funding – some funding available – details from Bill David.

·  Flightpath – small grants available.

11. AOCB

·  Fiona Forbes wanted to thank the Community Council for the donation to the playgroup.

·  Fergus Phillips advised that the playgroup had also been fundraising in local supermarket.

·  Lorna Poole raised concerns about poor communication regarding Remembrance Service.

·  Alistair Campbell advised that there was a sign missing to direct people to the Castle Semple Trail at Bowfield Country Club.

·  Bill David raised concerns about width of access road and reduced parking at Howwood Inn.

·  Linda Smith ended meeting reminding us of incidents in previous years (Clutha and Bin Lorry accidents in Glasgow and most recently Paris terrorist attack) encouraging us to not be divisive and to work together to improve our community.


·  Tuesday 8 December 2015 @ 7.30pm in Howwood Village Hall.

·  Thereafter: Regular monthly meetings 2nd Tuesday every month.

Contact Details
Aircraft Noise Telephone line / 0141 848 4644
(answer machine)
Warden Services
(Dog Fouling, Graffiti etc) / 0300 300 0380
Glasgow Wind Band,
R Scarsbrook / 01505 704083
Fly Tipping / 0141 842 4448
Minicoach Tours /
0Police / 01505 404000
Renfrewshire Council / 0300 300 0300
R.C. Roads email address /
Roads & Lighting Faults / 0300 300 0300
Scottish Water Contact / 0645 601 8855
0845 600 8855 (EMERGENCY)
Secretary, Bill David (Howwood Community Council) /
Village Web Site /
Youth Nuisance Help Line / 01505 325030

Howwood Community Council Minutes 8/12/15 Page 2 of 3