Initial EFSA Learning Programme1.2. SG Overview-Emergency Scenario

1.2. Overview: Emergency Scenario


Content / Approximate Time / Instructional Activity
Emergency Scenario / 15 minutes / Plenary presentation & Q&A
Total Time / 55 minutes

Session Objectives

After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the emergency scenario which will serve as the background case for the “mock” field mission to be conducted this week

Session Supplies

  • Power-point2. Overview-Emergency Scenario.ppt

Key Messages

Facilitators will provide participants with the background to the week’s emergency scenario. For example, in Somalia, it was imagined that a conflict had temporarily ended and that teams would be able to access a previously inaccessible area. As such, the following message was given:

“A ceasefire has been declared by both parties to a longstanding conflict, enabling a WFP Initial EFSA team to access food insecure areas for the first time in more than nine months. Areas to be visited include two settlements of returned refugees near Hargeisa”.

Each message will, of course, have to be revised as per the particular scenario.

Guidance Materials

Maps of affected areas to be visited.

List of villages if available

Facilitator Guidance and session preparation

This is a short session whose aim is to provide a context for the workshop’s Initial EFSA planning and implementation (field visits). Don’t get into too much detail; simply identify the type of crisis and the areas/groups that have been “affected.”

Room Setup

Plenary meeting setup.

Session Activities

Emergency Scenario

15 minutes

A reasonable way to deal with the actual lack of crisis at the time of the field mission is to announce that an assessment team is to be sent into an area previously closed to humanitarian agencies because of conflict and which has just recently “opened up” due to a temporary ceasefire.

Use PPTs 1-3 to introduce the session, its objectives, and the basic details of the scenario. (Be sure to add the areas affected to PPT #24 before projecting.)

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