What’s New in
DecisionTools Suite 5.5.1
New throughout the Suite
Language Versions All products in the DecisionTools Suite have been fully translated into Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, and Japanese. All dialogs, menus, documentation, examples and tutorials have been carefully translated, making the DecisionTools Suite more accessible to decision makers around the world. You can switch language settings from within any DecisionTools program, even if you do not have administrator rights.
DecisionTools Launch Menu This lets you conveniently launch any DecisionTools product from within any running DecisionTools product. Start PrecisionTree from within @RISK with a single click!
DecisionTools Products Now Appear in Excel's Add-in List You have always been allowed to add any DecisionTools add-in (such as Risk.xla) to the Excel add-ins list so it will automatically load every time Excel starts. However, this process required you to browse for the correct file. Now, each DecisionTools product will automatically appear in the add-ins list (unchecked) the first time you launch it, making it easier to access.
New Features in the Tools
@RISK 5.5.1
Simulation of Password Protected Sheets @RISK now allows you to simulate worksheets that have been password protected in Excel. No longer do you need to unprotect your sheets to perform risk analysis, saving you valuable time.
@RISK and RISKOptimizer Merged Ribbon Because RISKOptimizer is often used to optimize @RISK models, the buttons for RISKOptimizer have been added to the main @RISK ribbon bar in Excel for greater ease of use.
New @RISK VBA Control Methods The new RiskResultsGraph method of the RiskSimResultsCollection object allows you to make graphs with the same syntax as the RiskResultsGraph Excel function.
RISKOptimizer and Evolver 5.5.1
RISKOptimizer and Evolver Constraint Solver This new feature greatly enhances these optimizers’ ability to handle complex sets of model constraints.
RISKOptimizer and Evolver XDKs More thorough documentation for these Excel Developer Kits has been added. Also, a backwards compatibility layer was made available so that macros written using the previous macro control language will continue to function.
NeuralTools 5.5.1
NeuralTools XDK The new NeuralTools Excel Developer Kit makes it possible to write VBA code in Excel that lets you customize and automate your neural networks models.
NeuralTools Linear Regression This new option performs linear regression before training a neural net, and if the linear function makes better predictions on the testing data, it is used in place of the neural net.
StatTools 5.5.1
StatTools Selecting Multiple Variables In the variable selections grid, right-clicking on a column that allows multiple variable selections brings up a popup menu with Select All / Deselect All commands, saving you time.
StatTools Graphs Q-Q Normal Plot no longer generates a utility table with data to be displayed in the graph, resulting in cleaner presentation. In addition, the data to be shown in scatter plots is filtered by StatTools to improve the behavior of the plots when the data includes non-numeric data or errors.
StatTools Mode Function This new function returns the mode of a data set and adds the mode statistic to the One-Variable Summary analysis.