Baldwin Manor Association (BMA) Minutes

Annual Members Meeting 2/22/2018

Board Members Present: Tracy Murello, Michelle Crawley, Wally Merrell, Susan Vietmeier, Missy Tiriobo, Joe Michaels, Sean Crane, Alli Gillen

Board Members Missing: Bruce Barcic

  1. All members were welcomed by Tracy Murello, then provided a summaryreview of the evening’s agenda.
  2. Resolutions:
  3. Wally Merrel requested we broaden the “no use of fireworks” to include no use of firearms and bow and arrow in park. Firearms and bow and arrows are not to be discharged from property into park.
  4. Joe Michaels proposed no ground fires be added into #7
  5. Playset in Meadow
  6. This has been decided to be put on hold until construction is completed with the storm water project.
  7. Logo Contest
  8. Contest open to McAnulty and Whitehall Elementary, Harrison Middle School, and Baldwin High School.
  9. Proposed by Sean Crane put park address and our website on the rules for the logo contest.
  10. Jim Leventry agreed we could put our website link on the borough website.
  11. Prizes will be awarded to winners. Will be requesting donations from local businesses for prizes.
  12. Prizes will be dropped off at appropriate school to be given to the student’s teacher to give to them.
  13. Fundraising
  14. Sean Crane proposed fundraising with residents
  15. List donors on our website
  16. Volunteers
  17. Will send a letter to Judge Barton requesting volunteers.
  18. Michelle Crawley proposed sending letter to Baldwin High School looking for seniors who need to fulfill volunteer hours.
  19. Reaching out to the Boy Scouts
  20. Volunteers will be directed to Sue Vietmeier. Sue will keep a list of volunteers with contact information.
  21. How to post resolutions in park
  22. Sean Crane proposed building a case
  23. Will bring several examples of a case and put it to vote.
  24. It was proposed to see if the high school shop class or Steel Valley would be willing to take on this project.
  25. Tracy plans on reaching out to the Superintendent regarding this project.
  26. Flag pole
  27. It was proposed to see if the Boy Scouts would place the flag pole in the park.
  28. Clean up day
  29. Michelle Crawley will be requesting donations for food for the day.
  30. We will be reaching out to Lowes for materials for clean up day. List includes: rakes, tarps, water.
  31. Meeting for planning the day will be in the park on Thursday, April 19, 2018 at 6:30 pm.
  32. Grants
  33. CLIP grant: Letter of inquiry was submitted February 9.
  34. March 1, 2018 we will find out if we move forward with application process.
  35. PA Resources Counsel
  36. Unanimous vote yay for partnership with PA Resources Counsel

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.