Turning Point

Christian School


PreschoolStudent / Parent Handbook

To the parents,

Thank you for choosing Turning Point Christian School for your child's education. It is our desire to offer the very best, well rounded education your child can receive. We believe our students are given the opportunity to develop a love of learning, a positive sense of self, a strong academic foundation, and a healthy, organized approach toward academic endeavor.

We see educating children as a great privilege and responsibility. We desire that you as parents and students also consider it a privilege to attend a school that is dedicated to seeing each of the students reach his potential in Christ. Wehope and pray that you will feel that you are part of the TPCS family. May the following pages serve as an introduction to TPCS and as a guide to the standards of the school.

Please read through the handbook carefully so that both the home and the school can partner together consistently in the educational process. If we can be of any additional assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.

In God's love, Cindy Booth, School Administrator

Lynda Jusczcak, Preschool Director

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6


The Vision3

10 Reasons to send your child

to Turning Point School4

2013/2014 School Calendar7

A-Z Information9

Church Information16

Our vision and desire is to...

See children grow in their relationship, understanding, and faith with God.

Offer quality Christian education for the children of our community.

See children enjoy learning.

See children grow in maturity with others, generosity, self-control, and freedom to be themselves.


10 Reasons to Send Your Child

to Turning Point Christian School

  1. Christian schools support the family. We understand that we are an extension to the parents in raising their children. We train students to respect and love their parents. We provide education and care for both the student and their family.
  1. Christian schools offer a better level of instruction. There is no question about it. The test scores over a long period of years are conclusive. The annual Stanford Achievement Test administered to first through eighth grade Christian school students in the western states shows these students to be seven to nineteen months ahead of the national norm in reading, and seven to thirteen months ahead of the national norm in all subject areas. Which brings us to reason #3...
  1. The largest group of parents who send their children to Christian schools are public school teachers and principals.
  1. You are accountable to God for what your children are taught in school. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go...” What your children are taught in school should be a direct extension of your parental views.
  1. We put the Bible at the center of the curriculum and ask students to evaluate all they see in the world through the eyes of God. To quote Dr. Roy Zuck, "The secular vs. Christian school issue is really a question of whether a child will learn to view life from man's perspective or God's perspective. From man's viewpoint, history is purposeless; from God's viewpoint, history has meaning. From man's viewpoint, science is the laws of "nature" at work; from God's viewpoint, science is the outworking of His laws." In a Christian school, a student is exposed to the centrality of God in all of life.
  1. Christian school educators maintain discipline in the classroom and on the playground. Without a reasonable standard of discipline, the process of education is severely hampered. The Bible teaches, "For whom the Lord loves, He disciplines". And it is within that context of love that discipline is carried out in a Christian school. This important feature of education is rapidly disappearing from the public school education. Discipline has, in fact, been named the number one problem of the schools in seven of the last eight years.
  1. The environment at Turning Point is safe, secure, creative, challenging. Your child will meet wholesome friends and caring, qualified teachers. The most common description heard concerning this school is... "it's like one big family."
  1. It's affordable and convenient. We provide hot, nutritious lunches and extended care before and after school. Our tuition rates are very competitive with other private schools in southern California.
  1. We're growing! We are committed to keep improving our facilities, curriculum and teaching staff. We are also committed to adding classes through grade 6.
  1. We love your children. We believe children are a gift from God... precious and priceless in the eyes of the Lord. We see it as a great privilege and responsibility to partner with you in educating your child.

2013 / 2014 Preschool Calendar

Friday, Aug 16Teacher In-service Day

Monday Aug.19First Day of School

Monday Sept. 2 Closed Labor Day

Wed. & Thurs. Sept. 18&19School Pictures

Sunday, Sept 22Fall Family Picnic

Oct 7-11Book Fair

Friday Oct. 11 Back to School Night

Saturday, Oct 26BASH

Wed. & Thurs.Oct. 30&31Harvest Parties

Monday, Nov 11 Closed Veterans’ Day

Wed. & Thurs. Nov. 20&21 Thanksgiving Feast

Sunday, Nov 24 Thanksgiving Sing at TPChurch

Thurs. & Friday Nov. 28 & 29 Closed Thanksgiving

Friday, Dec 6 Christmas Program

Wed. & Thurs. Dec. 18 & 19 PJ Christmas Party

Dec 24, 25, 26 Closed for Christmas

Dec 31 & Jan 1Closed New Years

Monday January 21Closed M.L.K. Day

Wed & Thurs., Feb 12 & 13 Valentine Parties

Monday Feb. 17thClosed President’s Day

Saturday Feb 22School Work Day

Tuesday, March 18Bike & Trike Day

Sunday, March 23Spring Picnic

Wed. & Thurs. April 16 & 17 Easter Parties

Saturday April 19Eggstravaganza

Wed. & Thurs. May 7 & 8Pre K Cap & Gown Pics

Monday May 26Closed Memorial Day

Wed. & Thurs. June 11 & 12 End of Year Parties

Friday June 13, 6 pm Pre K Graduation

Monday June 16 Summer Program Begins

June 23-26Vacation Bible School

July 4Closed 4th of July

A-Z Information


We have a nut-free policy because a large number of children are allergic to nuts.

Birthdays & Parties

Parents may ask to bring a cake or treats on their child’s birthday. This is okay as long as all children are included in the celebration.

Class parties include a Thanksgiving Feast, Valentine's Party, and End of the Year Water Day.


A 30 minute chapel takes place on alternate Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 9:15 to 9:45. A wide variety of creative Bible lessons and music presentations are offered to enhance your child's spiritual growth.


  • The school phone number is (951)735-4480.
  • A monthly school newsletter is sent home with each student. This newsletter, as well as other school news, events, and photo gallery are also posted online at
  • All parents must provide a daytime phone number and a current email address to the school office. Mass emails are sent in case of a school emergency.


It is our goal to provide a consistent discipline throughout the school. Values, such as respect, self-discipline, obedience, honoring those in authority, and participating within a team, will be reinforced through the school day. For general misbehavior, a student will be instructed to stop his misbehavior by the teacher. He will also be told specifically what behavior is expected from him in the specific situation. For repeated misbehavior of the same nature, the student will be admonished by the teacher consistently. Also included with verbal admonition, the student may receive disciplinary instructional activities related to the misbehavior such as finishing work at a separate desk or taking a time out on a bench at recess. If the child's misbehavior still continues, the student may be sent to the school office to continue his school work. The parent's will be contacted by the teacher for additional support to insure improved classroom behavior.

Fighting, bullying, and crude language are not tolerated and may be cause for school probation or suspension.

Dress Code

A neat and properly-attired student will have a positive influence on the attitudes and study habits he or she exhibits. Areas requiring attention:

  • ALL preschool students must provide an clean change of clothes labeled in a clear ziploc bag to be kept in the child's classroom.
  • No tattered blue jeans.
  • No bare midriffs.
  • Girl's spaghetti straps must be at least 2".
  • All shorts or skirts must be at least fingertip length.
  • Open sandals are discouraged for child's safety. If sandals are worn, they must have a heel strap. Tennis shoes with socks are recommended.
  • Underwear may not be showing.
  • No shoes with roller blades or rollers; no heels.
  • No hats.
  • Students are encouraged to wear school t shirts on Friday - School Spirit Day. These may be purchased in the school office.
  • No makeup.
  • Lettering and graphics on t shirts must be consistent with Christian philosophy.
  • No exposed tattoos (including temporary ones).
  • Natural hair color only.

Earthquake Kits

At the beginning of each school year, we review earthquake drills with all students --- "stop, drop, cover". In case of a large catastrophic earthquake, the students will first be taken to their assigned class areas on the blacktop outside. After attendance is taken and the activity center is deemed safe by the school director, the entire student body will return inside the gym until parents personally arrive to take their child home. School staff is required to stay with their students until all have been returned to their families.

Also at the beginning of each school year, the child is asked to bring the following things in a clear Ziploc bag with your child's name marked on the outside.

  • picture of family
  • note of encouragement from parents to child
  • 3 small snacks: such as granola bar, raisons, dry cereal, juice box
  • small water bottle

Extended Care

Before and after school care is available at TPCS from 6am to 6pm, Monday through Friday. All students must be signed in or out at the school office.

Fire Drills

Regular fire drills are held during the school year. Students are expected to exit class quietly in single file lines as directed by their teachers. Once attendance is taken and the "all clear" is given by the school director, classes may return to class.

First Aid

Band-Aids are kept in every room. A First Aid Box is located in the school office and in the activity center. Parents are immediately informed of head injuries (no matter how small) or of sickness and/or injuries requiring additional care.


Turning Point School is a non-profit organization and so, we depend on fundraising to keep growing, improving, and keeping tuition cost down for you. Every family is asked to raise a minimum of $200 (per student) each school year. They may do so by participating in one or all of the following fundraisers. Or they may choose to "opt out" by making a tax deductable donation to the school.

  • SCRIP (all year)
  • Read-a-thon (September-October)
  • Candles & Candy (before Christmas and Easter)
  • Scholastic book fair (October)
  • Spring Bike & Trike Day (March)


Homework packets are sent home on Mondays for all pre-Kindergarten students. Preschool homework is not mandatory, but strongly encouraged to help the child prepare for elementary school.

Hot Lunch Program

We operate a fully licensed kitchen and provided hot lunches to students for $3.25 a day.


Pre-K Graduation takes place on Friday, June 13th at 7pm. Gowns are provided by the school. Families are encouraged to attend. A DVD of graduations are made available for a nominal fee.

Leave at Home

Please leave the following items at home:

  • electronic devices
  • skateboards and roller blades
  • large amounts of money
  • pocketknives and other sharp items
  • fireworks, matches, candles
  • cell phones

Lost and Found

All items left on the playground or in the activity center will be placed in Lost & Found, next to the school office.

Medication Policy

A written statement from the parent and/or physician is needed for both over the counter and prescribed medication that needs to be taken by the student during the school day. The statement must include clear details of scheduled amounts and times medication is to be taken. All medication must be in the original package. The statement and medication should be delivered directly to the school office, preferably in a clear Ziploc bag with the student’s name.

Office Hours

Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Pick Up and Drop Off Procedure

We strongly encourage that children arrive in the mornings by 9:00 am. Late arrivals are not only disruptive to the class, but your child misses valuable lessons that start promptly at 9:00.

The parent must walk their child to and from the parking lot. The parent must sign in and out at the office.

Children will be located as follows:

  • 6:00 am– 9:00 amEducation Building
  • 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Classrooms
  • 12:30 pm-1:30 pm Outside (after 1:30 in Ducks classroom)
  • 12:30 pm-3:00 pm Nap time
  • 4:00 pm-5:00 pm Outside on playground
  • 5:00 pm-6:00 pm Owls Classroom

Registration & Tuition

Preschool Registration is due every year by May 30th. Registration is $65.00 for all new families and $55.00 for returning families. We offer discounts to siblings, church members, and early tuition payment. We also offer $50 credit for every new, registered student referral you send to the school.


All preschool students must be potty trained before attending school. Regularly scheduled restroom breaks are taken by the entire class under the supervision of the teacher.

School Photos

Individual and Class photos are taken September 18 & 19. Pre-K graduation photos are taken May 7 & 8.

Security and Safety

Your child's safety is of the upmost importance to us. The school and church have taken many measures to provide a safe campus for our staff and students. Our emergency plan is kept on file in the church & school office, and at the local fire and police departments. This plan includes such things as ---

  • Guidelines for earth quake drills, fire drills, and lock down drills to be held regularly at TPCS.
  • Teacher training, which includes 1st aid and CPR.
  • Locked doors during school hours. Parents and visitors to the campus must first check in at the office upon arrival.
  • All staff carry a walkie talkie communication system at all times.
  • All staff receive annual training of emergency plan procedures.
  • All restraining orders and protective orders concerning a student must be kept on file in office.

Special Events

  • Back to School Night / Fall festival - Friday, October 11.
  • Bash - Costume Contest, Food, Games, rides, car show for the whole family
  • Thanksgiving Feasts - Nov 20 & 21
  • Family Picnics - Sept 22 & March 23
  • Christmas Program- Friday , December 6 & 7 pm
  • Bike & Trikes Day - Tuesday, March 18
  • Easter Eggstravaganza - huge egg hunt and loads of games; Saturday before Easter (April 19 ).
  • Music Presentations - at church Sunday services the weekend before Thanksgiving.

Summer Program

We have a Summer Day Camp Program that includes sports, water games, crafts, cooking classes, and so much more fun activities! A detailed schedule and prices are available in the Spring.


Biblical, godly values will be taught and reinforced throughout the school day. These include values such as honesty, respect, forgiveness, patience, diligence and hard work.


Turning Point Church

Real people serving a real God.

Sundays 10 am

Wednesday Family Night 7 pm

(Prayer, Women & Men's Bible study,

Kid's Rock, and Youth group.)