Scenario 3 Answer Key Suggestions

“Technology IntegrationStrategic Plan”

In preparing to evaluate the solutions each team has developed, you may wish to create a grading rubric containing all of the criteria that you will look for in their solutions. You may wish to share this rubric with your students as they prepare to solve this problem.

To assist you in developing your own grading scheme, the following items are suggested as key points to look for in each team’s scenario solution.

Preparation Stage:

  1. A list of the team members (up to four).
  2. Summary of the team’s reactions to the various standards reviewed online. These should include at least the following:
  3. ISTE’s NETS Standards for teachers and students ( )
  4. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE at )
  5. theInternational Technology Education Association (ITEA at
  6. Southeast Regional Education Board (SERB at
  7. North Central Regional Technology Education Consortium (NCRTEC at
  8. National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (NCATF at )
  9. A list of sites visited and a summary of useful information obtained from exploring school strategic plans available on the web to see how other schools are addressing teacher preparation and technology integration.
  10. A list of sites visited and a summary of ideas obtained from examining training and grant programs at various districts to see how these techniques are working to encourage their teachers to use technology.
  11. After brainstorming with team members, a summary of what the team believes that their fellow teachers need to know about technology and what is needed to encourage them to fully embrace and integrate technology.
  12. A list of the technology integration goals the team is pursuing.
  13. A list of the goals for the team’s work to achieve the above goals.
  14. Ideas for ways to use the Principal’s offer of mini-grants to encourage teachers to participate in the training and then the use of technology.
  15. Discussion of any other incentives the team can suggest to motivate the teachers.
  16. A timeline for work that shows the plans for year-long training and activity.

Presentation Stage:

  1. A list of the technology integration goals for the teachers in the school.
  2. A list of the national and/or local standards that the team feels that this portion of the school’s strategic plan should meet.
  3. Presentation of a plan that includes initiatives that will help their fellow teachers acquire what they need to know about technology and will encourage them to fully embrace and integrate technology. The plan should include provisions for at least these items:
  4. Ideas and incentives that will be offered for motivating teachers to embrace and use technology.
  5. A method for awarding the mini-grants authorized by your principal.
  6. A description of the training program that will be available to faculty and the timeline when training will be offered.
  7. Technologies that will be made available to faculty as professional resources as part of their training.
  8. Technologies that will be made available to faculty for use in their classrooms.
  9. Quality and appearance of the written packet with the above information.
  10. Quality of the oral presentation of their written packet to the class.