Present: Councillors Mr D Burton, Dr I Burgess, Mr M West, Mr J Keeble, Mr B Aspinall, Mr B Cook, Dr I Burgess, Mrs J Ingle and Miss H Wyles

4 members of the public

Mrs S Groom (Clerk)

1 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Mr S Causer and Mrs J Fawdry.

2 Minutes

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13 September 2012 and the Planning meetings held on 4 and 27 October 2012 were all agreed as correct, and signed by the Chairman.

3 Declarations of Interest

No declarations were forthcoming for the meeting.

4 Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 7.35 p.m.

The Chairman moved Items 10 and 11 up the Agenda to assist the members of the public in attendance.

10 To discuss the notes taken from the meeting on Mill Hill (Appendix 1), with particular reference to the sycamore tree close to The Brambles

Mr R Jaques, owner of the property The Brambles detailed his concerns as follows:

1 The sycamore is so dominant that other plants – walnut trees and sloe bushes – under the tree are struggling.

2 The tree is blocking light into the garden and house.

3 There is a Health and Safety risk in that if the tree falls, it will land in a child’s bedroom

It was also pointed out that the tree is already in an elevated position and, as such, the trunk is at house roof level. The soil in that area is light and peaty and strong winds pose a very real threat. The tree is, however, healthy.

The Chairman pointed out that the maintenance of Mill Hill is the responsibility of the Parish Council. There are three options open to the Council:

1 Do nothing.

2 Coppice this tree by 60%.

3 Remove the tree completely.

If the second option is taken, it will need to be repeated annually as this type of tree grows six to nine feet every year.

It was agreed to submit a Notice of Intent to remove the tree, with a note demonstrating that the Parish Council is intending to introduce a long-term management plan for Mill Hill. Mr Colin Hardy agreed to lead the Management Plan and would set up a working party, working closely with David Mitchell from MSDC.

The three action points are:

1 Consult the three properties adjacent to The Brambles for their thoughts on this sycamore and the intention to set up a Management Plan for the entire area.

2 Submit a Notice of Intent to fell the tree to MSDC.

3 Develop a Management Plan for all areas of Mill Hill.

The Clerk would seek three quotes if possible.

This course of action was agreed by all councillors, with one abstention.

11 Discussion of letter from David Hudson, and future management of the cleared area of the churchyard, including the development of a plan that would see the former ivy-covered area restored to a more open, weed-controlled area

The Chairman read out a letter from David Hudson, and the one in response from the Parish Council – Appendices 2 and 3. He explained that the eastern end of the churchyard had become very unsightly, with thistle seeds blowing onto neighbouring properties. At short notice urgent action was needed, and with a legal duty to ensure that nuisance value to neighbouring properties was kept to a minimum, it was agreed by those present at the impromptu meeting (John Allen, John Peecock, Julia Jaques, Donald Burton and the Clerk – Neil Baillie was also invited, but declined) that the tree should be felled and the area underneath, and adjacent weed covered area, cut; the tombstone into which the yew tree had grown would then need to be re-pointed to ensure its safety. This area, covered in ivy, wild hawthorns and hazels, had not been maintained and this situation needs addressing into the longer term. It was agreed to resurrect the Churchyard Management Committee, previously including John Allen, Neil Baillie, Ann Gudgin, Helen Wyles and David Hudson, who was asked to convene this. A strategy needs to be in place before the next growing season, and this would be put on the Agenda for the January Parish Council meeting.

The rowan tree in the churchyard, near the cottages, is not diseased, but would be included in the forthcoming plan.

The Chairman read out the report from PCSO Chris Bales, Appendix 4.

The meeting re-convened at 8.20 p.m. when the four parishioners left the meeting.

5 Clerk’s Report (Appendix 5)

The Clerk had had no response from Tim Passmore on the suggestion of meetings to discuss the development at Shrubland Park and the many planning applications relating to Spring Farm.

The village meeting with PCSO Chris Bales to discuss traffic and parking had been a success and very productive, with Mr Keeble playing an active role as Parish Council support. One question unable to be answered on the day was the strength of the bridge at the entrance to the village; it was confirmed that this bridge is extremely strong and able to withstand the 44 tons of the heaviest HGVs.

6 Finance

·  To receive financial updates for both Hall and Council monies, 1 September to 31 October 2012

The contents were noted, Appendix 6.

·  To receive half year spend v budget for both Hall and Council monies

Again, these were noted, and are found to be an excellent way of monitoring spending, Appendix 7.

·  To note cheques signed and transactions made, 1 September to 31 October 2012

S Albrow – salary (August) £ 264.00

Suffolk ACRE Insurance (PC annual) £ 839.19

SCC Groundcare £1312.34

S Groom – expenses (Jun-Aug) £ 286.13

BDO external auditors £ 660.00

Matthew Allen – tree surgery (rec ground) £ 390.00

B Soanes – footpath cutting £ 11.06

S Albrow – salary (September) £ 252.00

Suffolk Police – 30 x bollards £ 60.00

Matthew Allen – tree surgery (churchyard) £ 300.00


C Burrowes – cleaning (August) £ 182.00

R Groom – jobs at hall (DB app) £ 282.80

Consumables at hall (August) £ 28.30

Community Buying Oil – subscription £ 30.00

C Burrowes – cleaning (September) £ 175.00

Consumables for hall (spoons/mat) £ 56.39

Consumables for hall (September) £ 2.00

BT Line and rental (quarter) £ 63.54

·  To note income received, 1 September to 31 October 2012

MSDC recycling (half year) £ 254.72

SCC footpath grant £ 265.00

MSDC precept – half year £16250.00

VAT reclaim (Jul-Sept) £ 62.89


Insurance claim for oil £ 935.50

Hall fees – general (August) £1078.50

Hall fees – bowls additional £ 3.00

Hall fees – Youth Club (annual) £ 556.20

Overpayment to Sophie £ 14.31

Hall fees – general (September) £ 550.15

·  It was noted that the Coddenham Community Hall Contingency Account has been opened, and £11,900.00 from the Business Saver Account has been transferred to it, with further money to come from the current year’s precept.

·  To arrange a date for the Budget Committee to meet to prepare the budgets for 2013/14.

The Clerk would liaise with Mr Burton, Dr Burgess, Mr Causer and Mr Keeble to arrange a date in early January.

·  To note the external auditor’s comments in the conclusion of the audit for 2011/12 (Appendix 8)

The Clerk had not transferred one figure correctly from her calculations sheet (£34,220) to the form sent to the auditors (£34200). This was the only comment.

At this point the Chairman left the meeting and Dr Burgess took the Chair.

·  To discuss the spending of £506.00, being one quarter of the money

raised from the Open Gardens/Scarecrow event

The suggestions collated were:

Trees on Manor Farm land (dismissed as Miss Wyles was not in agreement), a party for the old and young, a wheeled strimmer, a flagpole, bulbs at the village hall and in other communal areas and a large slide for older children at the play area.

The last two were felt to be the most suitable, and the Clerk would bring costs to the January meeting.

·  To discuss and resolve the rent payable on each allotment for the year 2013. Additional clause(s) to be agreed upon and resolved.

Following discussion, it was agreed that the rent should remain at £10.00 per full plot for the coming year, and that a clause be added that no dogs at all were permitted on the allotment ground.

This was proposed by Mr West, seconded by Miss Wyles, and agreed by all except Dr Burgess and Mrs Ingle who declared a financial interest.

·  To discuss a request for a donation from Headway Ipswich and East Suffolk

Mrs Ingle was able to provide some background to this charity, and to elaborate on the positive work undertaken by Headway.

It was proposed by Mr Keeble, seconded by Mrs Lee and agreed by all that a donation of £20 should be sent to Headway.

7 Planning

2949/12 – Listed Building Consent

Choppins Hall, Spring Lane

Remove roof tiles and old battens. Repair rafters. Install permeable roof membrane. Fit new battens. Complete with new handmade clay tiles. Fit lead flashing around chimneys

This application was supported with no comments.

8 Hastoe Housing Update

The Clerk read out the latest information from Hastoe regarding the affordable housing scheduled for the far end of Green Hill indicating that planning permission is imminent.

Addendum – The application has now been submitted.

9 Parish Council meeting dates for 2013

All Councillors had received the dates for the coming year.

11 Management of communal areas – further issue

Following the recent Hall Management meeting, it was suggested that a gardener/groundsman be employed to maintain various communal areas as needed, but particularly to include around the hall and the play area beds. The Clerk read out a suggested piece for insertion into 6VN and to put onto noticeboards, and this was agreed. This self-employed post would have a salary commensurate with age and experience, but would be approximately the same as the last groundsman, being £7.08. Hours would be dependent upon season.

12 Neighbourhood Planning

It was agreed that we should progress this to the next stage, although not linking up with any of the surrounding villages at this juncture, and the Clerk would locate a copy of the Core Strategy Plan available through MSDC. Mr West and Mrs Ingle would look at the wording of a first letter drop to the village, and bring this to the next meeting when a further discussion will take place.

13 Correspondence

The only piece of correspondence not included in earlier items was the Annual Report from SALC.

14 Matters of report and questions from Councillors and to raise items for the next meeting’s Agenda

Hedging in centre of car park and spurs off the central aisle – It was felt that this area is very stark, and the Clerk would get a price for hedging – at present only in these areas, but later perhaps around the bowls green.

GP outreach service – With elderly people unable to get to Needham Market if they are non-drivers or friends/relatives are unavailable, it was felt that an outreach service could be provided in the village for one hour per week. The Clerk felt that the base for this initiative could not be the hall as it needs to pay its way via classes and groups, and there is the issue of adult/child vulnerability; a totally separate waiting area is needed. A better place would be Haysel House, especially with the building work about to be undertaken there. The Clerk would compose a letter to the Needham Market surgery, with a copy to Dr Dan Poulter MP. Community Transport with volunteer drivers could also be a solution.

Streetlight, School Road – It was suggested that a streetlight on School Road where the crossing is from the hall to the recreation ground (near The Poplars) would be beneficial. After further discussion, it was felt that it might be easier to add one more light to the end of the path to shed light on this particularly dark area. The Clerk would investigate alternatives.

15 Date for next meeting

The next meeting would be held on 17 January 2013.
