9 June 2017

Dear Parents

Welcome Back! I hope you all had a lovely half term and haven’t got too wet this week. We are now in the final countdown towards the end of term. There are lots planned so please note dates in your diary for future reference.

Christmas Stamp Competition

Sometime ago some children desgined a stamp for Christmas as part of a competition. There were over 200,000 entries! We are delighted to say that Catherine H from Year 6 is in the final 12!!! Her design is representing the North. The Prince of Wales will be looking at the 12 designs over the next few weeks before the winner is announced.

We are so proud of you Catherine, a HUGE HUGE WELL DONE!

Sports Day Year 1 – Year 6

This will take place at 1pm Thursday 22nd June at Front Street. Children will be divided into colours so will need a Tshirt representing their given colour.

Reception and Nursery Wednesday 21st June.

Police Day

On Tuesday 13th June police will be visiting school to talk about a range of safety issues. They will be bringing 2 police dogs as well. If your child is allergic to dogs or really frightened please let school know.

National Sports Week

This will be W/C 19th June and children will be participating in a range of events.

Occasional Day Friday 23rd June – School Closed

INSET Day Monday 3rd July – School close to pupils

Transition Week

Week commencing 10th July children will spend time with their new class teacher. This will give them the opportunity to feel more confident for September.

For Year 6 who are going to Whickham School, they need to attend in Front Street school uniform.

Year 6 who are going to Emmanuel College please come to Front Street as normal.

School Uniform

It’s that time of year again where we start thinking about school uniform for September. Attached to the end of the newsletter are details of the prices and deadline for ordering with Mick Martin Promotions to ensure delivery in time for September.


Donate Shoes

On Friday 14th July children may bring their old shoes to school and donate them to ShoeSHARE. This is through Clarks and UNICEF. This means in the last week of term children may wear their trainers or other sensible shoes

Daisy our Rights Respecting Mascot

Thomas(Year 1)was nominated this week to take home Daisy to teach her about 'receiving information from the media thathe can understand' Article 17 as he has shown a good understanding for e-safety this week. We look forward to hearing about it!


Congratulations to Class 1B who had 99% attendance this week.

Class 1B / 99% / Class 4H / 93%
Class 1S / 94% / Class 4K / 94%
Class 2M / 97% / Class 5G / 92%
Class 2S / 95% / Class 5H / 95%
Class 3ON / 98% / Class 6L / 92%
Class 3R / 96% / Class 6W / 96%


Next week the sound of the week is 'j'. Article 28.

We are visiting the Manor House on Friday 16thJune in the morning session. Thank you to those who have said they can help. Please be at school no later than 9.30am. We still need more helpers. Please let us know if you or someone in your family can help. Article 13.

We are not attending the school library next week but you can still return your library books.

Sports Day is on Wednesday21st June and will start at 10.30am in the morning and 2pm in the afternoon. There is a letter in your child's bag about their teams. Article 31.

Year 1

Thanks you to all the parents who attended our sharing assembly before half term. We hope you enjoyed learning about children's rights (Article 1 and 3).

On Wednesday 14thJune all Year 1 will be visiting Gibside (Article 29 and 31). Please ensure you have returned your consent letters.

Achildin 1B has losttheir coat. Please can youhave a look at home and checkyour children's coats. It is a blue lightweight jacket with their name in.

Year 3

Just to let you know some important dates for this half term.

  • Friday 16th June Year 3 Sharing Assembly
  • Tuesday 20th June trip to the Gurdwara Sikh Temple
  • Wednesday 28th June Roman Day

Year 4

Thank you to all the parents who attended the sharing assembly today. Iam sure you will agree the children showed amazing maturity when discussing and giving opinions about current events in the UK. We hope you were also informed about how we link RRSA articles to our everyday curriculum.

RRSA articles 4,17,30

Year 6

Leavers’ party ticket deadline Friday 30th June, please send money into school as soon as possible so the parents organising can confirm details etc.

Just to remind you this is a Safeguarding School and we have a duty to pass on any concerns to Children’s Services.

Our staff are also trained in Team Teach techniques in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Yours sincerely

HJ Gladstone


Summer Uniform Information Sheet for Front Street Primary School

PLEASE NOTE……. Deadline for uniform orders to guarantee delivery for September is FRIDAY JULY 7th. Any orders takenAFTER this time cannot be guaranteed for September.

You can order by:-


Uniform Prices

Girl’s Cardigan / £9.70
Sweatshirt / £8.70
Polo Shirt (White or Red) / £7.50
Fleece Jacket / £13.00
Showerproof Jacket / £14.50
Waterproof Winter Jacket / £19.50
PE Zipped Hoody / £10.99
PE T-shirt / £6.24
Black PE Shorts (3/5, 6/9, 10/13) / £4.50
Gym Bag / £4.55
School Bag without Strap / £5.45
School Bag with Strap / £7.50
Infant Backpack / £7.99
Junior Backpack / £10.50

Uniform Sizes - Ages 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 and Aged 13

For larger sizes a small adult size can be organised at an extra cost + VAT

For any further information, please contact us on 0191 4202061 or

Friends of Front Street Newsletter – 9th June 2017

Summer Fair – Friday 16th June

We are holding our annual Summer Fair next Friday in the School hall from 2pm. Preparations are under way for a fun event for all the family. The times that each year group can attend the fair are as follows:

Year 6 – 1.30pmYear 5 – 1.50pm

Year 4 –2.10pmYear 3 – 2.10pm

Year 2 – 2.30pmYear 1 – 2.50pm

Reception – 2.50pm

During the day there will also be the opportunity for children to have French plaits done in their hair (not braids). There will be a charge of £1 to have hair plaited.

Thank you to everyone who has already donated items/prizes. We are still collecting items for the stalls and are still seeking the following donations please:

  • Teddy Bears and soft toys
  • Bottles of wine
  • Gift bags in all shapes, patterns and sizes (used ones will be great)
  • Lots of mixed items for the tombola.

Suggestions that the children from each year group could donate include the following (but all things welcome): We thank you in advance for all donations made.

Nursery and Reception –toiletries, e.g. soaps, bubble baths, shower gel, hand cream

Year 1 – stationery items, e.g. note books, pens, pencils, books

Year 2 – crayons, items suitable for children, e.g. games, puzzle’s, small toys

Year 3 – sweets, chocolate and biscuits

Year 4 – bottles, e.g. pop, juice, wine, bubble bath

Year 5 - sweets, chocolate and biscuits

Year 6 – toiletries, e.g. soaps, bubble baths, shower gel, hand cream

We are also desperately seeking volunteers to run stalls – If you are able to help please get in touch via our Friends of Front Street Facebook page or please leave your details with the school office.

Summer Raffle

TheSummer Raffle Tickets were given to children at the beginning of the week. Please can all ticket stubs be returned to school by Friday 16thJune. Please can you return any unsold tickets to school to be sold on. More tickets are available to buy from the school office.

We are working behind the scenes to bring you some lovely prizes. If any of your families work for a company that would be kind enough to donate an item for the raffle (this could be a bottle, voucher for a service or shop) then they will receive a special mention on the Facebook groups and in the newsletter.

All proceeds made from the fair and raffle godirectly back into school to help buy equipment and resources for our School.