Vocabulary 5

patio / soothe / advice / patrol / sorrow
advise / crystal / helicopter / peak / sought
affect / curb / helmet / peasant / soul
afterward / custard / herb / pebble / souvenir

Have you ever been on a helicopter ride? I have always sought adventure in my life, so a ride up in the “wild blue yonder” was the perfect adventure for me!

It was my 13th birthday. My cousin Josh, a policeman, blindfolded me, put me in his patrol car and advised me not to peek. He is a tough guy, so I listened to his advice and did as I was told.

We drove for a while, and I was soothed by the music he played on the radio. Classical music always has that affect on my soul. I was about to fall asleep when the car stopped and my cousin helped me out of the car and onto the curb. My stomach was flipping and flopping with excitement.

“Take off your blindfold,” Josh finally said. When I did, I couldn’t believe my eyes! We were standing beside a big, beautiful helicopter, ready to take me, a lowly peasant, for a ride. I felt like a king as the pilot escorted me onto the “big bird” and handed me a helmet.

Everything looked minute as we flew high above the town. We could see our house and the patio, as well as the crystal-clear water of the lake. “Higher! Higher!” I chanted as we steadily climbed up into the clouds, even higher than the highest mountain peaks.

The ride was over way too soon. As we walked out to the car, I bent down and picked up a pebble to take home as a souvenir of this amazing surprise.

We thanked the pilot and went to a fancy restaurant to continue our celebration afterward. We ate chicken with herbs and spices and had a delicious custard for dessert.

It was with great sorrow that I returned home to my normal house and normal life. I may have the life of a peasant, but I was a king on my 13th birthday!