Calais Planning Commission

Meeting Minutes

July 15, 2008

Present: Jack Russell, Gary Root, Scott Bassage, Jeremy Weiss, John McCullough, Rhonda Shippee and Rich Quelch.

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.

Sense of Community – Paul

Good! Done

Utilities C - Scott

-The area in question is whether or not the Town has a right to where poles are located.

After this change has been mad, we’ll consider this complete.

Land Use - Melanie

-Add new boundary in shoreland district.

-Add potential buildout number with current zoning and restraints.

-Add “our share”.

-Add Regulatory Guidance.

Natural Resources - Melanie

-No goals. This document seems incomplete because we are missing the end.

-Create action plan around supporting extraction of natural resources (gravel pit).

Educational Facilities - Scott

Scott is still working on it.

Municipal Services - Gary

-Change a word and reorder of goals.

After this change, we’ll consider done.

Housing - Jack


Recreation - Jack



Energy - John

-Add “Inventory of resources” as an action

After changes, the Planning Commission will consider done.

Regional Issues – Paul

-Remove “regional agreements on strategies to prevent large scale commercial water extraction from water tables extending under town lines,”

-Add a piece about forming committees.

-Add a piece about sharing information back to community.

-List economic development.

After changes, the Planning Commission will consider done.

Economical Development - Rhonda

-Rhonda made changes.

-Rhonda added telecommunicating.

-Rhonda added Jack’s suggestion.

Transportation – Rich

-Address Ancient Roads.

-Add a crosswalk in East Calais Village.

Part 1- Gary

-Gary will make minor changes with the statistics.

This document will be considered done, after changes are made.

Other Business

1)Melanie and Rich will begin addressing formatting

2)Paul and Rhonda will review for spelling and grammar

Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the July 1 meeting were approved, without change, by voice vote. (7-0-0)

Meeting adjourned at 9:00Minutes recorded by Rich Quelch