Identify the CSE Youth

Use the handout on federal and state laws related to CSEC to identify whether the following children/youth meet the definition of CSEC.

  1. Connor is 11 and his sister Sammy is 15. They live mostly in a car with their mother. Their mother recently allowed several different buyers to have “access” to their children in exchange for cash. The children are to perform agreed upon sex acts with these buyers.
  2. Markie is 17. She and several other girls are moved from town to town by a pimp. She performs sex acts for money every night, and her pimp keeps the money. In exchange, she is provided “protection” and clothing, food, and personal care services (hair, nails, etc).
  3. MoNique is 17. She lives in a pre-adoptive placement with her aunt, and attends school. She uses a profile online to connect her to “dates” who pay for specific sex acts with her.
  4. Tien is 13. He is having sex with an 18-year-old, who he considers his boyfriend. His boyfriend sometimes wants to do sex acts that Tien is uncomfortable with, and his boyfriend gives Tien nice jeans and sneakers in exchange for these acts.
  5. Linae is 15. Her parents videotape and photograph others engaging in sex acts with her and sell these tapes/pictures on the internet.
  6. Sarah is 14 and has been living with a friend’s family since she was 12. When she turned 13, she was asked to help the family out by providing services at their massage parlor. This involves massaging people while she is naked, and selling some sex acts.
  7. Viktor is 17. He discloses at a health and safety visit that his girlfriend is pregnant and he is the father. She is 20 years old, and he has occasionally stayed with her in her apartment on weekends when he told his foster mother that he was at a friend’s house.
  8. Rob is 16. He frequently runs away from foster care and typically lives “on the street” with a group of other youth. He sometimes trades sex acts for food or shelter for himself or for his “street family.”
  9. Alivia is 13. She recently ran away from placement in a group home with a peer. She is staying with the boyfriend of this peer. In exchange she is expected to have sex with his friends.
  10. Angela is 11. Her soccer coach pays her 75$ to text him a naked picture.
  11. Rene is 17. A friend from school showed her how to make money doing “webcam shows” where people pay for her to get partially or fully naked. She did this for the first time last week.
  12. Tyler is 12. When an older boy at school offers to pay him 40$ for oral sex he agrees.
  13. Aurora is 14. She has been “dating” an older boy, 19, who she considers her boyfriend. He has at times given her gifts, and taken her out to dinner. They have a sexual relationship.
  14. Zaria is 15 and has sometimes exchanged sex acts for food, shelter, or personal care items.

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