
Ch 17 Preserving Earth’s Biological Diversity

1. DDT is harmful to eagles because it:

A) damages their feathers.C) causes bronchitis.E) causes them to go blind

B) causes their eggs to have thin shells.D) kills the eagles' prey..

2. Ecosystem diversity is:

A) variety of interactions among organisms in natural communities.

B) the number of different species in a given area.

C) the variety of abiotic characteristics within a given area.

D) the genetic variety within all populations of a given species.

E) synonymous with ecosystem services.

3. Bacteria and fungi are important to humans because they:

A) help control weeds. C) provide shelter.E) provide foods and antibiotics.

B) pollinate crop plants. D) deplete nutrient minerals in the soil.

4. Insects are an important biological resource because they:

A) enrich the soil with nitrogen.C) are involved in the recycling of nutrients.

B) help control weeds and insect pests.D) prevent soil erosion. E) produce antibiotics.

5. The corn blight of 1970 was brought under control by:

A) crossing highly uniform U.S. corn varieties with genetically diverse ancestral varieties from Mexico.

B) strange weather patterns resulting in a drought that killed the fungus.

C) the accidental release of a genetically engineered fungus from a research lab.

D) repetitive treatment with various chemical sprays.

E) pollution that seemed to have a greater adverse effect on the corn blight fungus than on the corn itself.

6. The continuous, low-level extinction of species that has occurred throughout the history of life on Earth is known as:

A) mass extinction. B) evolution. C) background extinction. D) human impact extinction. E) biotic pollution.

7. A species in imminent danger of extinction throughout all or most of its range is said to be:

A) endemic.B) commercially extinct. C) endangered.D) threatened. E) invasive.

8. The current decline in biodiversity:

A) is linked to extinction of species at a rate about 10 times the natural background rate.

B) is the result of changing climate.

C) is the result of the recent impact of a large comet.

D) is linked to large quantities of dust in the atmosphere.

E) is due to human activity.

9. Which of the following characteristics is known to make a species more vulnerable to extinction?

A) herbivoryC) living on a continent E) high reproductive success

B) occupying a small (localized) rangeD) population less than 1 million

10. Endemic species:

A) are commonly found on islands.C) have few natural defenses.E) All of the above

B) often have small populations.D) represent a high percentage of recently extinct (bird) species.

11. The evolution of a large number of related species from an ancestral organism is called:

A) biotic pollution. B) species richness. C) adaptive radiation. D) restoration ecology. E) endemism.

12. The single greatest threat to biological diversity is:

A) the introduction of foreign species.C) overexploitation.E) water pollution.

B) air pollution.D) habitat loss.

13. Biodiversity hotspots:

A) house only 10% of all species of vascular plants.D) contain few endemic species.

B) are home to nearly 20% of the world's population.E) All of the above

C) are all located in tropical regions.

14. The current conflict between humans and elephants is based on:

A) biotic pollution. B) over-hunting for ivory. C) water pollution. D) loss of habitat. E) needs for shelter.

15. The introduction of a foreign species onto an island is an example of:

A) commercial harvestB) biotic pollutionC) commercial extinctionD) background extinction E) endemism.

16. Which of the following affects organisms even in undisturbed, natural ecosystems?

A) global warmingB) ozone depletion C) acid precipitation D) thermal pollution E) All of the above

17. Which of the following have been linked to the dramatic global decline of amphibian populations?

A) drainage of wetlandsC) infectious diseasesE) All of the above

B) increased UV radiationD) global climate warming

19. During the 19th and 20th centuries, many whale populations suffered:

A) extinction.C) adaptive radiation.E) commercial extinction.

B) endemism.D) biotic pollution.

20. The global ban on commercial whaling:

A) went into effect in 1946.

B) has allowed many populations of whales to recover.

C) defined the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, where commercial whaling is prohibited.

D) resulted in the removal of the southern blue whale from the endangered species list.

E) All of the above

21. Organisms that provide an early warning of environmental damage are:

A) endemic species C) threatened speciesE) commercial species

B) endangered species D) indicator species

22. The policy that provides for “taking” of a rare species if it does not threaten the survival or recovery of the endangered or threatened species on that property is the:

A) Endangered Species Act. C) Commercial Extinction Privilege Policy.

B) Habitat Conservation Plan. D) World Conservation Strategy. E) U.S. Biological Resources Discipline.

23. Before attempting a reintroduction of captive-bred animals into the wild, biologists must

A) restore disturbed lands to create appropriate biological habitat.

B) teach social skills to animals in the wild for acceptance of captive-bred animals.

C) determine what factors originally caused the species to become endangered.

D) identify and locate biodiversity hotspots.

E) artificially inseminate the captive-bred animals.

24. Declining biological diversity in the U.S. is most serious in

A) Hawaii (63% of species are at risk) and California (29% of species are at risk).

B) Alaska (58% of species are at risk) and Washington (32% of species are at risk).

C) Montana (46% of species are at risk) and Texas (38% of species are at risk).

D) Florida (52% of species are at risk) and Louisiana (40% of species are at risk).

E) Oregon (49% of species are at risk) and Wisconsin (34% of species are at risk).

25. All of the following contributed to the decline of bald eagle populations except:

A) habitat destruction. C) chemical pollution.E) None of the above, all contributed to their decline.

B) sport hunting. D) commercial extinction.

26. Humans depend on other organisms for all of the following requirements except:

A) carbon dioxide. B) food. C) shelter. D) medicines. E) clothing.

27. Genetic resources are important for the development of all of the following except:

A) new fungicides from centipedes.

B) new cancer treatments from marine organisms.

C) new food sources like winged beans.

D) new oils and lubricants from various plants.

E) None of the above, genetic resources are important for the development of all of these

28. Which of the following is not an ecosystem service?

A) decompositionC) pollination E) prevention of soil erosion

B) seed banksD) maintenance of soil fertility

29. Which of the following is not characteristic of species that are vulnerable to extinction?

A) endemic to islandsC) low reproductive successE) A and C

B) high reproductive ratesD) occupation of a large territory or region

32. An example of an invasive species is:

A) the California condor. B) the blue whale.C) the waterhyacinth. D) the Tiburon mariposa lily.E) Quinoa.

34. Poaching has led to the decline of all of the following species except:

A) gorillas. B) wild turtles.C) caimans. D) black-footed ferrets. E) the American black bear.

35.Which of the following is a mismatch between the animal poached and the highly valued black-market product?

A) rhinoceros – liver B) bears – gall bladder C) gorilla – bushmeat D) caimans – skin E) birds – pets

36. Which of the following statements about amphibians is true?

A) Amphibians are represented by about 500 species of frogs, toads, and salamanders.

B) Populations of amphibians in a few local areas have declined dramatically in the last few decades.

C) Amphibians lay their eggs in dry, sandy areas close to a source of water.

D) Their moist, absorptive skin makes amphibians very susceptible to environmental contaminants.

E) Scientists increasingly perceive amphibians to be fair-weather species.

37. Deformities in amphibians include all of the following except:

A) extra legsC) eyes located on the shoulder or back E) None, all are deformities

B) missing legs D) deformed jaws

38. All of the following concepts are used to guide conservation biologists except:

A) a single large habitat area.C) preserve intact habitat vs. protecting individual species.

B) inaccessible habitats. D) closely located habitat for a given species. E) the Endangered Species Act.

39. In situ conservation occurs:

A) in laboratories. B) in zoos. C) in parks and reserves. D) without human intervention.E) in seed banks.

40. An example of ex situ conservation is:

A) maintaining genetic diversity in a crop plant.C) restoration ecology.

B) protecting flyways.D) sport hunting.E) charging fees for the use of genetic material.

41. One problem with protecting vulnerable habitat areas as a means of conserving species richness is:

A) that there are so few of these areas, less than 500 worldwide.

B) that multiple uses of the area sometimes conflict with the goal of preserving species.

C) that there is enough money, but not enough expertise to manage them effectively.

D) that too much of the protection is located in tropical rain forests and not enough is in remote mountain areas.

E) that too often the protected areas are in highly populated areas.

42. Which of the following represents an unsuccessful captive-breeding and reintroduction program?

A) Guam rails B) black-footed ferrets C) thick-billed parrotsD) Golden toads E) whooping cranes

44. One of the controversies associated with the Endangered Species Act is that it:

A) has generated too many unresolved cases with developers, over 1000 to date.

B) allows for no compromises between species protection and development or livelihood concerns.

C) only enhances economic development in specific regions of the country.

D) provides too much consideration of individual property rights.

E) focuses on saving a few popular species rather than the larger number of less glamorous species.

45. Which of the following is not an economic incentive that would help to preserve biological diversity?

A) political commitment to protect organisms

B) ecotourism

C) charge fees for use of genetic resources

D) reduce property taxes on land with protected wildlife habitat areas

E) None of the above, all are economic incentives that support biological diversity

46. Which of the following has not recently been removed from the endangered/threatened species list?

A) American peregrine falcon B) Pacific gray whale C) mile vetch D) brown pelican E) pitcher plant

47. One reason for the wide-ranging concern over the decline of pollinator species is:

A) their complex mutualistic relationships with many plants.

B) their contribution to habitat fragmentation.

C) the correlation with enhancing success of invasive species.

D) their potential to decimate important crops.

E) the corresponding success of artificial insemination.

48. Which of the following is a TRUE statement?

A) Captive-release programs have been very successful in saving many endangered species from extinction.

B) We now have the ability to make genes.

C) The 20 best-selling prescription drugs are all synthetic.

D) There are less than 100 species that are endangered or threatened in the United States.

E) Very few species have been evaluated for their economic (i.e., medical, agricultural, industrial) potential.

50. Which of the following medicinal plants is correctly matched with its benefit to humans?

A) Horehound: AIDS treatmentD) Winged beans: Diabetes treatment

B) Periwinkle: Cancer therapyE) Cherry: Birth-control potential

C) Quinoa: Antiviral drug