SCRUTINY OF QIPP (Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention)

Report of the Head of Scrutiny

Author: Natalie Rotherham (Tel: 01992 588485)

1. Purpose of Report

1.1 To remind members of the format for the Committee’s scrutiny of the

QIPP (Quality, Innovation, Productivity & Prevention).

2. Summary

2.1  The Health Scrutiny Committee (HSC) will scrutinise QIPP at County Hall on 19 October 2011. The Committee will adopt a workshop approach.

2.2  The scrutiny will commence at 9.00am in the Council Chamber. At 9.20am the Committee will adjourn in order for members to collect evidence. It will reconvene at 1.00pm in the Council Chamber when it will reach its conclusions. Between these times, members will be working in groups in the Mimram Room, Mimram Bar, and Chairman's Dining Room. The Programme for the scrutiny is attached as Appendix 1 of this report.

2.3  The focus will be on five local trusts:–

·  East & North Herts Hospital Trust

·  Herts Partnership Foundation Trust

·  Herts Community NHS Trust

·  NHS Hertfordshire

·  West Herts Hospital Trust

2.4  Each trust will be supported by relevant officers. Appendix 2 of this report details the officers attending for each of the trusts.

2.4 Members of the Committee have been split into four groups and each group has been assigned an area of questioning. This is illustrated in Appendix 3 of the report and is based on the following key themes:-

·  Patient Experience

·  Quality & Outcomes within the New Financial Context

·  Innovation & integration

·  Future Proofing/Prevention

Non-Members of the Committee indicating their intention to attend the scrutiny have also been allocated to a group. Their names are shown in Appendix 3 in italics.

2.5 Key questions Members may wish to pursue under these themes are attached as Appendix 4. The questions are a guide and it does not precluded Members from asking other questions; however with tight timescales there will be no time for officers to obtain additional information in response to questions during the scrutiny. If Members think there is additional information they require or questions they wish to raise that may involve some background work by officers, they are asked to contact Natalie Rotherham, Scrutiny Officer at or 01992 588485 before Monday, 10 October 2011 and she will endeavour to obtain the information.

2.6 Briefing notes providing information from each of the Trusts to support each of the themes of questioning are attached as Appendix 5 of this report.

2.7 Each group will have a graduate trainee to act as a facilitator and a lead member who, together, will ensure that the group cover each area thoroughly in the time allocated. The group’s facilitator will be responsible for recording the conclusions of the group. This information is summarised in Appendix 3 of the report.

2.8 Committee Members and their facilitators will stay at the same table throughout (room allocation is set out in Appendix 3), with the trust representatives physically moving (group and room rotation is set out in Appendix 2).

2.9 At the end of the morning session, each group will identify its findings. The facilitator will feed back the groups findings to the whole Committee when it reconvenes in the Council Chamber at 1.00pm. The Lead Member of each group will then be invited to make any additional comments. These findings will then be debated by the full Committee and the recommendations formulated. It is anticipated that the recommendations will be monitored by the HSC Monitoring Health Recommendations Topic Group.

3. Background

3.1 Quality, Innovation, Productivity & Prevention (QIPP) is the NHS response to the white paper and the savings targets that the NHS has been set. It is a large scale transformational programme for the NHS, involving all NHS staff, clinicians, patients and the voluntary sector and it aims to improve the quality of care the NHS delivers whilst making up to £20billion of efficiency savings by 2014 -15, which will be reinvested in frontline care.

QIPP is engaging large numbers of NHS staff to lead and support change. At a regional and local level SHAs have been developing integrated QIPP plans that address the quality and productivity challenge, and these are supported by the national QIPP work streams which are producing tools and programmes to help local change leaders in successful implementation.
There are a number of national workstreams designed to support the NHS to achieve the quality and productivity challenge it has been set. Some deal broadly with how services are commissioned. Others focus on how trusts are run, including the staff and supply side.

3.2 The work streams are

·  Commissioning and pathways

·  Safe care

·  Right care

·  Long term conditions

·  Urgent and emergency care

·  End of life care

·  Provider efficiency

·  Back office efficiency and optimal management

·  Procurement

·  Clinical support

·  Productive care

·  Medicine use and procurement

·  System enablers

·  Primary care commissioning

3.3 QIPP is the key driver for the NHS encompassing efficiency and service redesign. To enable HSC to better understand QIPP the committee will dedicate the October meeting to a workshop exploring QIPP and the pressures and challenges it presents to the Herts trusts.

The QIPP workshop forms the first stage in HSC’s budget scrutiny.

In February HSC will hear from the trust finance directors. They will highlight progress on the financial targets scrutinised in Dec 2010 and any challenges that have occurred in year. The budget scrutiny for 2012/13 will take place in April.

The April 2012 budget themes are:

Group 1 – Strategy & Engagement

Group 2 – Performance, Standards & Targets

Group 3 - Sustainability

Group 4 – Transformation: efficiencies, charges and service reductions

Group 5 – Deliverability & implementation

Group 6 – Capital investment

HSC Monitoring of Recommendations topic group will receive updates regarding QIPP and budget during 2012.

Key dates

19 Oct – QIPP

9 Feb – Finance directors

19 April – budget scrutiny

26 April – budget recommendations

4. Recommendation

4.1 That the Committee considers the evidence presented by the Trusts.

4.2 Recommendations arising from the scrutiny will be monitored by the HSC Monitoring Recommendations Topic Group.