DIRECTIONS: Today we are going to explore career opportunities for post graduation. Is college your next step, or will you be entering the work force? What are the training requirements and salary potential of the jobs which interest you? You are required to explore one career option throughout field trip. Merely follow the steps below. Your assignments are listed in red. All of your answers will be typed into this document.

1.Save this document in your student folder as Lastname Firstname career choice (ex: Hunter Janet Career Choice) OR in (copy and paste). All of your answers will be typed into this document. Periodically save your document so that you will not lose your changes.

  1. Introduction: Today we are going to explore career paths for post graduation. First, go to . Look on the left at the links and click on the various job categories which interest you. (For instance, if you are interested in teaching you would click on “Professional” and then scroll through the various jobs until you found secondary teacher.) You may have to explore several of the categories before you find the correct job description. You may use other websites to document your information, but you must copy and paste all website addresses that you use under works cited below. Choose one or more occupation(s) which most interests you and write here.
  2. Nature of Work: Read through the full job description given. If this job continues to interest you, answer the remaining questions based on that job. If you decide to change professions, go back to step A and repeat until you have found a job. Write one well-developed paragraph summarizing the nature of the work.
  3. Working Conditions: Working conditions vary from job to job. In one well-developed paragraph, describe the working conditions for your chosen profession.
  4. Places of Employment: Locations for employment can vary from occupation to occupation. For instance, teachers can work in private or public schools, universities or daycares. Where do most people in your chosen career work?
  5. Types of Jobs: Again, the types of jobs available range widely. Teachers, for example might be elementary, middle, or secondary; math, science, music; etc. What types of jobs might be involved in your chosen profession?
  6. Training and/or qualifications: Some jobs are entry level and require no additional training beyond a high school degree; others require two, four, eight, or even more years of college. Once college is over, some professions require passage of exams and/or special licenses. What type of education, training, licensure, certification, etc., is required for your career?
  7. Job Outlook (Next five years): Read through the job outlook for your profession. In one paragraph, briefly summarize the job outlook. Next, open another internet tab or window and go to . Explore this website in order to determine employment opportunity statistics. Write the results below.
  1. Salary / Fringe Benefits: Explore the earning potential of your chosen profession. Briefly discuss the average salary and how you could increase your salary. Explore other links offered to see if you can find specific salary examples for your state.
  2. Related Occupations: The field which you have chosen may have additional employment opportunities or related occupations. List three which may be areas of further research.
  3. If you job requires college, university, and/or career training, what college(s) are you considering?
  1. Look up at least one university program of study for your chosen profession. Copy and paste the required course of study below:
  1. Double check your document for errors in format, grammar, mechanics, and spelling.

Works Cited


2.Save your document. Check for grammar, mechanics, writing errors, etc. Make any needed corrections. Save again.

3.Print the document and submit to me.