Sample Ongoing Commissioning Plan

The Ongoing Commissioning Plan is developed by the commissioning provider after implementation of recommended measures, as part of a retrocommissioning project’s Hand-off Phase. Note that the following document and appendices may also be used to help satisfy both the Energy & Atmosphere prerequisite and various credit requirements for LEED-EB. The intent of the document is to assist the building staff in maintaining the benefits gained from the retrocommissioning project. A sample document is provided below.

This sample document is intended to be a guide and springboard for developing an Ongoing Commissioning Plan. This sample is taken from a real project and should be used as a reference to better understand what is meant by each template heading.

Ongoing Commissioning Plan - Sample

Ongoing Commissioning Plan


John Doe Owner



Submitted by

Commissioning Provider Group

January 1, 2007

Table of Contents

Executive Summary


1. Understanding the Implemented Measures

2. Performing O&M Persistence Activities



3. Tracking Building Energy Performance Over Time


Energy Use Analysis

4. Review Training Needs


BestBuilding – Ongoing Commissioning Plan1

Executive Summary

Commissioning Provider Group (CPG), completed the implementation of eighteen energy conservation measures identified in the retrocommissioning study on the BestBuilding located in Chico, California, resulting in an annual utility cost savings of approximately $56,000.

The following ongoing commissioning plan is intended to identify steps that should be taken periodically by the facility manager and operating staff to ensure the implemented control modifications and associated energy savings persist over time. These steps include:

  1. Understanding the Implemented Measures. The plan summarizes the measures implemented as a result of the retrocommissioning process including specifically what changes were made.
  2. Performing O&M Persistence Activities. The plan includes a description of what facility staff should do to ensure optimized system operation persists over time.
  3. TrackingBuildingEnergy Performance Over Time. The plan includes a description of what facility staff should do to track and verify optimized system operation persists over time. This includes benchmarking and energy use analysis.
  4. Review Training Needs. The plan outlines the training that has been provided as part of the retrocommissioning process along with recommendations for future training and educationfor both building management and facility operators.

The following documents have been included in the appendix to assist the building staff in carrying O&M activities that ensure the retrocommissioning benefits last:

Appendix A: Retrocommissioning Implementation Summary Report. This document briefly describes each measure identified during the retrocommissioning process, the implementation status, and any future recommendations to maintain and enhance system performance.

Appendix B: Building Systems Sequence of Operations. Thisdocument outlines the updated sequence of operations for all HVAC and lighting control systems, as well as integration of the fire/life safety and HVAC systems.

Appendix C: Monitoring Action Plan. This document outlines each sequence of operation and describes what facility staff should look for, what to look at, and what to do in order to ensure optimized system performance persists over time.

Appendix D: Sensor Calibration/Replacement Plan. Thisdocument describes which sensors should be calibrated, how frequently they need to be checked, and the acceptable measurement range between the sensor and a hand-held calibrated device.

Appendix E: Training Plan. This document allows an at-a-glance view of the training topics critical to getting long lasting benefits from the retrocomissioning process. It summarizes thetraining content, who should receive the training, when it is most valuable, and a column for the names of those who received the training and the date they received it.


In order to ensure the energy savings achieved by the retrocommissioning process persist over time, the following Ongoing Commissioning Plan (OCP) has been developed. The plan outlines steps that should be taken by both facility managers and operating staff to verify proper system operation. Table 1 lists the contact information of the original RCx team.

Table 1: Project Contact Information

Name/Title / Affiliation / Phone Numbers / E-mail Address
Joe Commissioning
Title: Provider / Commissioning Provider Group (CPG) / VM: xxx-xxx-xxxx
xxx-xxx-xxxx /
Mike Facilities
Title: Facilities Manager / BestBuilding Management / VM: xxx-xxx-xxxx
xxx-xxx-xxxx /
Title: / Company Name / VM:

Building Description

BestBuilding is located in Chico, California. There are a total of 21 floors including two basement floors and the penthouse that make up the gross square footage of 600,000. Construction was completed in 1995.


Six variable air volume air handlers generate most of the building’s airflow, delivering it through more than 400 terminal units. Various types of terminal units exist including variable air volume (VAV), VAV with hot water reheat, series fan powered VAV, dual duct VAV, and fan powered dual duct VAV with and without reheat. Four constant volume air-handling units provide minimum outside air for the system. Other miscellaneous air systems include 2 single zone air handlers and many stand-alone computer room units.

Building heating is accomplished with 5 natural gas fired boilers each with its own dedicated circulating pump making up the constant volume primary loop. Two of the boilers are rated for 865 MBH output each and three deliver 2800 MBH output each. Three variable speed-driven secondary distribution pumps are staged to provide the amount of heating water needed to all heating coils.

The chilled water plant is composed of 3 chillers and 5 pumps making up the constant volume primary loop. Two 450-ton centrifugal chillers (CH-1 and CH-2) have dedicated primary water pumps and share a back-up pump between them. One 116-ton reciprocating chiller (CH-3) is served by a dedicated primary pump with a back-up pump piped in parallel. The de-coupled, variable volume secondary loop delivers chilled water to the building’s air handling units via three variable speed-driven distribution water pumps which are staged based on demand.

The condenser water system serves the chilled water plant via three condenser water pumps for chillers CH-1 and CH-2 and two pumps for chiller CH-3. Again, CH-1 and CH-2 have dedicated condenser water pumps and share a back-up pump between them. The two condenser water pumps serving CH-3 are arranged in a lead/ back-up configuration. The condenser water system also serves stand-alone computer room units via a heat exchanger. There are three cooling towers serving the condenser water loop, each with two-speed fans that are staged to meet condenser water temperature setpoint.

The domestic hot water system is made up of five domestic boilers, each with a dedicated circulating pump.

Lighting on floors 2 through 7 were designed to be controlled via lighting sweep control system that automatically shuts the lights off during unoccupied hours, but occupants have the capability to temporarily override the control circuit to meet after-hours lighting needs. The conference room lights are controlled manually, and the lights are tied in with the HVAC system to control the individual VAV boxes serving the respective conference rooms.

1. Understanding the Implemented Measures

As a result of the retrocommissioning process, eighteen measures were implemented that improved the overall HVAC system operation and optimization. An additional five measures are in various state of completion.

The following table outlines all of the implemented measures along with the selected measures to be completed at a later date.

Table 2 – Retrocommissioning Measure Summary

Fully Implemented Measures
Building Pressurization / Polled VAV Box Spreadsheet Tool
Reduce Hot Water Plant Pumping / AHU1 and AHU2 Static Pressure Control
AHU3 Economizer Operation / Discharge Air Temperature Reset AHU1 to AHU4
Hot-deck Static Pressure Reset / Conference Room VAV Box Operation
Over Ventilation / Chiller 3 Operational Problems
Pump Impeller Trim / Chilled Water System Control
Warm-up Mode / Heating Water System Control
Night Low Limit Control / Cooling Tower Control
Economizer Control / Preheat Coil Control
Future Implementation
Fix Gaps in Building Envelope
AHU4 Return Air Recirculation
Lighting Sweep Control
Revise AHU Schedules
Further Work to Minimize Over Ventilation

For a full description of each issue, how it impacted system operation/performance, and how it was resolved, refer to the RetrocommissioningImplementation Summary Reportlocated in AppendixA. For a detailed description of savings and costs by measure, please refer to the Final Retrocommissioning Report submitted on October 17, 2006.

2. Performing O&M Persistence Activities


Throughout the course of the retrocommissioning project, the sequence of operations was revised to enhance and optimize system performance. A comprehensive document entitled Building Systems Sequence of Operationslocated in Appendix B details the as-operating sequence of operations for the following building systems:

  • Air Handling System
  • VAV Box Description and Control
  • Chilled Water System
  • Heating Water System
  • Garage Exhaust Fan
  • General Exhaust Fan
  • Lighting Control
  • Fire/life Safety

An additional document entitledMonitoring Action Plan (MAP) was developed to provide facility operators with a quick reference guide on how to keep the HVAC and lighting control systems optimized over time. This document is located in AppendixC.

For each control strategy the Monitoring Action Plan:

Lists the verified sequence of operations.

Instructs facility operators on how to verify proper system operation

Instructs facility operators on what to do if an operational problem is identified

Best Practices

This section is an excerpt from the Monitoring Action Plan(MAP) in AppendixC and is included here to re-emphasize some of the key control strategies and the recommended approach for addressing comfort issues without adversely impacting overall system operation.

Cold-deck Discharge Air Temperature(MAP Strategy Reference #3)

The chilled water plant was designed to meet a minimum discharge air temperature (DAT) of 55F for each cold-deck air handling unit (AHU1 through AHU4). DO NOT lower the minimum DAT setpoint below 55F in response to a “warm” comfort complaint because this drives the chilled water valves wide open and makes the chilled water plant unstable by trying to satisfy a setpoint that is not easily obtained. Setting the DAT setpoint below 55F wastes chiller, cooling tower, and pumping energy, as well as increases the reheat load on zones that were under control to counteract the colder supply air temperature. A “warm” comfort complaint should be addressed at the individual zone-level as discussed below.

Warm complaint (ZN-T is above ZN-OCCSPT)

When a warm complaint is lodged by an occupant, first verify whether the current zone temperature setpoint is or is not being met by checking the respective VAV box graphic at the operator workstation (OWS). If zone temperature is warmer than setpoint, this indicates that an inadequate amount of cold-deck air is being provided to the zone to satisfy the load.

1.At the OWS, check the following parameters:

Cold-deck flow and setpoint

Maximum cold-deck flow value

Cold-deck damper position

If the measured cold-deck flow is meeting setpoint and the damper is not 100% open, raise the maximum cold-deck flow setpoint value by 20%. This should adjust the PID loop to increase cold-deck air flow into the zone. Allow the system to stabilize and see if zone comes under control – increase again if necessary.

2.If measured cold-deck flow increases and damper position increases close to 100% open but zone temperature is still not being met, there may be a physical problem with the VAV box itself. Check the following:

Verify flow ring is measuring accurately (may need to follow manufacturer’s recommended procedures to check out the flow device).

Verify the cold-deck damper is operating correctly.

Verify the hot-deck damper is completely closed and warm air is not leaking past the damper.

3.If the zone temperature is still not being met, check the following:

Verify discharge air and static pressure setpoints for the AHUs are not being driven by “rogue” VAV boxes.

Measure supply air temperature from the VAV box and compare to discharge air temperature coming from the air handling units. If supply air temperature is significantly greater than discharge air temperature from the air handling units (>5F) and the hot-deck damper is closed with no leakage, heat is being added to the air stream before it gets to the VAV box. Investigate the cause and repair as necessary.

If the supply air and discharge air temperatures are reasonably close but the system is low on air flow, investigate the cause and repair as necessary.

Warm complaint (but ZN-T is meeting ZN-OCCSPT)

If zone temperature setpoint is being met but a warm complaint is still lodged by an occupant, carry out the following:

1.Verify zone temperature sensor is measuring accurately with portable temperature device. If zone temperature sensor is inaccurate, consider putting in an offset (if applicable) at the EMCSor adjusting zone temperature setpoint to account for the measured variance if an offset cannot be applied through the EMCS. If the sensor reading is more than 5F off, consider replacing the temperature sensor. (

2.If zone temperature sensor is measuring accuratelybut the occupants are too warm, consider lowering zone temperature setpoint by 1F or 2F.

Hot-deck Discharge Air Temperature(MAP Strategy Reference #6)

The hot-deck heating coils in AHU5 and AHU6 were designed to provide a maximum discharge air temperature of 105F @ 100,000 cfm air flow with 180F water temperature. Trend data has verified that the system can achieve a discharge air temperature of 110F with 180F water temperature, hence DO NOT raise the maximum DAT setpoint above 110F in response to a “cold” comfort complaint. Setting the DAT temperature higher than 110F drives the hot water valves wide open and causes the hot water plant to become unstable and use excess boiler and pumping energy trying to achieve an unobtainable setpoint. A “cold” comfort complaint should be addressed at the individual zone-level as discussed below.

Cold complaint (ZN-T is below ZN-OCCSPT)

When a cold complaint is lodged by an occupant, first verify whether the current zone temperature setpoint is or is not being met by checking the respective VAV box graphic at the operator workstation (OWS). If zone temperature is colder than setpoint, this indicates that the minimum cold-deck air flow is too high (applicable to both cooling-only and dual duct VAV boxes) or an inadequate amount of hot-deck air is being provided to the zone to satisfy the load (applicable to dual duct VAV boxes only).

1.At the OWS, check the following parameters:

Cold-deck flow and setpoint

Minimum cold-deck flow value

Cold-deck damper position

Hot-deck flow and setpoint

Hot-deck damper position

For both cooling-only and dual duct VAV boxes, first lower the maximum cold-deck flow setpoint value by 20%. This should adjust the PID loop to decrease cold-deck air flow into the zone. Allow the system to stabilize and see if zone comes under control – decrease again if necessary. Then raise the maximum hot-deck flow value by 20% (applicable to dual duct VAV boxes only), which should adjust the PID loop to increase hot-deck air flow into the zone. Allow the system to stabilize and see if zone comes under control – increase again if necessary.

2.If measured hot-deck flow increases and damper position increases close to 100% open but zone temperature is still not being met, there may be a physical problem with the VAV box itself. Check the following:

Verify both cold-deck and hot-deck flow rings are measuring accurately (may need to follow manufacturer’s recommended procedures to check out the flow device).

Verify both cold-deck and hot-deck dampers are operating correctly.

3.If the zone temperature is still not being met, check the following:

Verify discharge air and static pressure setpoints for both the cold-deck and hot-deck AHUs are not being driven by “rogue” VAV boxes.

Measure hot-deck air temperature from the VAV box and compare to discharge air temperature coming from the air handling units. If supply air temperature is significantly lower than discharge air temperature from the air handling units (>10F), heat is being lost from the air stream before it gets to the VAV box. Investigate the cause and repair as necessary.

If the supply air and discharge air temperatures are reasonably close but the system is low on air flow, investigate the cause and repair as necessary.