LJM October PTO Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called @ 7:00pm by Amanda Anderson.

Principals Report ~ Dr. Peters

Dr. Peters talked about the pride t-shirts that were ordered for the kindergarteners were received but there was a typo. So we are waiting to get in another shipment with the correct wording.

He also mentioned that Books and Bagels and The Dance A Thon both went well and they were well attended. It was also said that is was a great idea to have both events together.

Please be careful using students and teachers names on social media.

Giant has changed how we can give the Giant card numbers to them. Double check all the names and numbers you sent in, the new system requires now that we include the first 3 letters of the last name along with the card number.

Presidents Report ~ Amanda Anderson

David (the accountant) checked and the status can be backdated to 2013. It’s going to cost $400 for the status change and there is also a $300 fee for the accountant to fill out the forms. It was suggested that we try to get an extension on this year’s taxes so there isn’t any penalties. Nothing has ever been filed in the LJM PTO existence.

~Approval to hire the accountant for the $1900 fee to get everything taken care of 1st- Karen Cutti 2nd – Toni Watson

We now have spirit nights on the calendar….11/2 Panera Bread on Market Street (this has now been changed to 11/4 Roma’s Pizza in Red Lion due to conflicting school activities) 1/16 Hoss’s in East York. This is a Saturday and will run all day. March will be Texas Roadhouse in East York and May will be The Meadows in Red Lion.

Cash for clothing isn’t doing so good this year. We have not received any monthly bonuses. So far for September we earned $46.00.

Vice Presidents Report ~ Meegan Nix

We wanted to purchase playground equipment but there just isn’t any room to set up anymore equipment. So we would like to purchase some interactive toys that the kids could play with at recess and they could all be stored in the sheds outside. We would like to purchase 50-100 toys and the cost for all the toys will be roughly $6500.00.

~Approval to use $6500.00 out of the savings account for interactive toys 1st Toni Watson 2nd Karen Cutti

Recess in the gym came up but unfortunately with Mr. Saylor having health and gym every day it would be difficult to use the gym. And it would not be available to all the grades.

Ice Cream Social was awesome. We had 250+ people attend. This event was in place of the Boo Hoo Breakfast that we held other years but didn’t draw in many parents.

Dance A Thon (Karen Cutti and Mandy Lighty) We raised $12,000 and had 234 kids participate. The kids had a great time dancing. The winners will be announced Friday October 16th and the individual prize winners will be announced at the Pride Assembly on October 30th. Parents and Grandparents loved the dance a thon. Karen is looking through the records to see if we made out better with sending the flyers out or if just asking for donations worked better.

Fall Book Fair sold $1800 in books in one and a half hours from having Books and Bagels. Also donations were accepted to donate books to Windsor Manor and so far there has been $265 donated.

Trunk or Treat is taking place on October 23rd 6-8pm. This event is where you decorate your car trunk and hand out candy. There will also be food, games and crafts. If you are decorating your car please be at the school by 5:30pm and don’t forget to RSVP if you are coming.

Jingle Bell Jamboree (Mrs. Dennish, Heather Seiple and Amanda Anderson) will be a 2 for 1 event. There will be breakfast with Santa from 9-11 and a crafter vendor show from 9-1pm. We have 5 paid vendors so far. There will be food on the crafter vendor side for the public. Time to Sign Up will soon go live with the donation and volunteer sign up slots.

5 Below (Toni Watson) will be a spirit night where families can shop at 5 Below and LJM will get 10% off all sales from people who have the flyer saying they are will LJM Elementary School. Toni will get information and give Meegan the details.

Then the Holiday Shoppe was brought up. Tiffany Lakatosh said she would share the information she has from the Holiday Shoppe we have had the last couple of years.

Treasurers Report ~ Sarah Becker

We have been under budget on all events so far.

May Day was not separated into categories on the budget but now is.

Windsor Manor check is going out tomorrow (October 14th).

We are waiting to hear back from the insurance company to know when we need to renew our policy.

Secretaries Report ~ Mandy Lighty and Heather Seiple

September meeting minutes need approved but there were no minutes printed out. We will get approval for them at the next meeting.

Meeting was adjourned @ 8:11pm

Next meeting is November 10th @ 7pm in the LGI