Name ______

Wave Energy Practice Test

1.Label the amplitude, wavelength, crest and trough for the wave below.

2.In the picture below, zero seconds, no waves have passed. How many have passed after two second?


Zero secondsFixed points

Two seconds

3.What does the sketch above represent?______

4. What is the measurement and units for the picture above?______

5.A wind turbine creates electricity that goes to your house to run the lights. Complete the energy diagram that shows the flow of energy.

Form of



of Event

6.Finish this sentence. The Law of Conservation of Energy states that: “Energy cannot be


7.List two types of wave interference and describe why they happen. Use pictures if they help you explain.




7.5 What is the difference between refraction and diffraction?

8.Draw a transverse wave and give two examples of a transverse wave. Label wavelength.

9.Draw a longitudinal wave and give two examples. Label wavelength, compression, and rarefaction.

10What do all mechanical waves have in common?


11.What does it mean when we say that the wavelength frequency of a wave are inversely proportional?



12.What is the speed of an ocean wave that has a frequency of 20 wavelengths per second, an amplitude of 2 meters, and a wavelength of 6 meters. Show work and include units.


13.All these sound waves are in the same medium. Which wave has the

a. greatest frequency ______b. greatest loudness ______c. greatest speed ______

d. highest pitch ______e. longest wavelength ______f. most energy ______

14. When Mr. Moore played his guitars in class you noticed that a low note is played at the top of the guitar neck and a high note is played down the neck. Compare the two notes using the words vibration, frequency, pitch, wavelength, and speed.





15.Name the unit: sound frequency ______or______sound loudness ______

wave speed ______wavelength ______