TexasSchool for theBlindandVisuallyImpairedOutreachPrograms
The following resourceswerecompiled bythe TexasDeafBlindProject tobeshared withfamilies attheir child’sannualIndividualized Education Program meetings (often referred to as ARD meetings).
- TexasDeafBlindProject,TexasSchoolfortheBlindandVisuallyImpaired:
- ESC DeafBlind Specialist contact information:
- State Services for Individuals with Visual Impairments/Blindness:
- Blind Children’s Vocational Discovery & Development Program (Heath and Human Services Commission):
- TransitionProgram(Texas Workforce Commission): rehabilitation-youth-students
- Texas School for the Deaf Education Resource Center on Deafness:
- Texas Medicaid Waiver Programs:
- Deaf-BlindMultipleDisabilitiesMedicaidWaiverProgram:
- Long-termCareProgram Comparisons:
- iCanConnect(free communication technology and training to stay connected with family and friends):
- Texas Project First website:
- Navigate Life Texas website:
- Parent Companion – the first five years website:
- Texas Deafblind Child Count:
- IEP Quality Indicators:
- NationalCenteronDeaf-Blindnesswebsite:
- Library:
- FamilyMatterswebpage:
- IwishI had…booklet andvideo:
- Helen Keller National Center
- RegionalRepresentative(TX,AR,LA,NM, OK):MollySinanan,M.S., ,Voice:516.393.7997,VP:512.394.8334
QualifiedPersonnelforIndividualswith DeafBlindness:
- TeachersforStudentswith DeafBlindness:
- IndividualizedSupports(Interveners,Service SupportProvidersandInterpretersforindividualswith DeafBlindness):
oIntervenersinthe HomeandCommunity–AnUnder-recognizedImperativearticle:
oIntervenersandChildrenwho areDeafBlindwebsite:
oDeterminingtheNeedforanIntervener in EducationalSettingsinTexas: in-educational-settings-in-texas
- Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments:
- Teachers of Students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing:
- Orientation & Mobility Specialists:
Communication and Literacy:
- Communication for Children with DeafBlindness, or Visual and Multiple Impairments:
- Literacy for Children with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss:
- Meet YourFamilyOrganizations: organizations
- NFADBDeaf-BlindAwareness Video: