Mrs. Anusewicz
Big Blue Language Arts
Welcome to the seventh grade! My name is Mrs. Anusewicz and I will be working with your child this year in English Language Arts. During seventh grade we will embark on a journey through literature and writing.
Units of Study:
My goal for this school year is to help the students become independent and critical thinkers. In order to accomplish this goal, we will be exploring many genres of literature, both fiction and non-fiction, while applying our knowledge of literary devices. The units we will be studying are:
Short Stories, Literary Elements
Dystopian Literature
Argument Writing and Feature Article
Mystery Literature
The Holocaust and Memoir Writing
Middle East Literature
Contemporary Issues
Aside from class readings, the students will be expected to complete 30 minutes of independent reading daily by keeping a reading log and sharing their interpretations of the texts.
Writer’s Workshop:
Students will also utilize all components of Writer’s Workshop when assigned an essay. To complete this process the students will keep a writer’s journal. This journal will allow them to express and refine their writing skills. In addition to the writer’s journal, the students will craft both explanatory and creative pieces and engage in all parts of the writing process. The students will also continue to develop their grammar skills to mold them into great writers.
Class Expectations:
All ELMS rules will be followed with an emphasis on respect. It is essential that in order to reach our goals, our class works together as a team and is respectful. It is greatly encouraged that the students share their thoughts and writing throughout our time together so we can learn something new from one another.
In order to have a successful year the students must follow the five Ps by being:
Prompt to class
Prepared for class by writing in your agenda daily and staying organized
Productive while in class by using your time wisely and asking for help when needed
Polite by listening and speaking appropriately to one another
Patient through respecting one another while maintaining an open mind
I am truly looking forward to working with your child as they successfully complete the seventh grade!