Application for Accreditation – Part B
Method Details – HEER
Purpose of this form
This form is used to apply for accreditation as an Accredited Certificate Provider or ‘ACP’ for the Home Energy Efficiency Retrofits (HEER) sub-method. It shouldbe accompanied by Application Form – Part A (general details) and other supporting documentation as indicated in these forms.
Refer to the HEER Method Guide to assist you in completingthis form. Essential information about the requirements of applicants and ACPs is set out in theApplication for Accreditation Guide, Record Keeping Guide, the Guide to Accredited Certificate Provider’s Obligations, and the HEER Lighting Requirements. Your application information must be consistent with and meet the requirements set out in these documents. More information on the application process can be found on the ESS website.
Meaning of key terms, icons and colours in this form
Key terms
ACP means accredited certificate provider. If this application for accreditation is approved, you will be an ACP.
Activity definition means an activity as specified in a Schedule to this ESS Rule. Activity definitions for HEER are set out in Schedules D and E of the ESS Rule.
ESC means energy savings certificate. If this application for accreditation is approved, you may be able to create ESCs from the activities conducted under the RESA.
ESS Rule means the Energy Savings Scheme Rule of 2009. The ESS Rule sets out the specific requirements of each calculation method under the ESS. Requirements specific to HEER are set out in clause 9.8 of the ESS Rule. The ESS Rule is available on the ESS website.
EUE means end-user equipment. EUE is equipment, processes, or systems which consume electricity, gas, or a combination of electricity and gas. This includes the equipment directly consuming electricity and/or gas as well as equipment or products that cause, control or influence the consumption of electricity and/or gas.
RESA means recognised energy saving activity. If this application for accreditation is approved, you will be accredited in respect of a specific energy saving activity.
Indicates an instruction for completing this form.
Indicates a document or supporting evidence to be provided with the application.
Important information to assist you with completing the application.
Shaded questions
Blue shaded questions must be completed by all applicants.
Amber shaded questionsmust only be completed if relevant to the application.
How to complete and submit your application
- Complete Application for Accreditation - Part A and Application for Accreditation - Part B (this form).
- Finalise supporting documentation.
- Review the completed application forms and supporting documentation to ensure that they are concise, complete and accurate. This is an opportunity to demonstrate the effectiveness of your quality assurance procedures to IPART.
- Submit the application forms and supporting documentation to IPART.
- Which activities will beundertaken as part of the proposed RESA?
- Each activity must meet the requirements sepecified in the relevant activity definition in Schedules D and E of the ESS Rule and the appendices of the Method Guide.
- Check the box for one or more of the activities that will be conducted under theRESA.
☐ / Activity D1 – Replacean external single-glazed window or door with a thermally efficient window or door
☐ / Activity D2 – Modifyan external window or glazed door by installing secondary glazing
☐ / Activity D3 – Replacean existing air conditioner with a high efficiency air conditioner
☐ / Activity D4 – Installa high efficiency air conditioner
☐ / Activity D5 – Replacean existing pool pump with a high efficiency pool pump
☐ / Activity D10 – Replacean existing electric water heater with a high efficiency gas fired water heater
☐ / Activity D11 – Replacean existing gas fired water heater with a high efficiency gas fired water heater
☐ / Activity D12 – Installa high efficiency gas space heater or replace an existing gas space heater with a high efficiency gas space heater
☐ / Activity E1 – Replacehalogen downlight with an LED luminaire and/or lamp
☐ / Activity E2 – Replacea linear halogen floodlight with a high efficiency lamp
☐ / Activity E3 – Replaceparabolic aluminised reflector (PAR) lamp with efficient luminaire and/or lamp
☐ / Activity E4 – Replacea T8 or T12 luminaire with a T5 luminaire
☐ / Activity E5 – Replacea T8 or T12 luminaire with an LED luminaire
☐ / Activity E6 – Replacean existing showerhead with an ultra-low flow showerhead
☐ / Activity E7 – Modifyan external door with draught-proofing
☐ / Activity E8 – Modifyan external window with draught-proofing
☐ / Activity E9 – Modifya fireplace chimney by sealing with a damper
☐ / Activity E10 – Modifya single-glazed window by applying a window film
☐ / Activity E11 – Replacean Edison screw or bayonet lamp with an led lamp for general lighting purposes
- Do you intend to deliver implementations as part of the Community Housing Provider component of the Home Energy Action Program?
- Implementations delivered as part of an approved Low-income Energy Program do not have to meet the minimum co-payment requirements (refer to Question 6 below). The Minister has approved the Community Housing Provider component of the Home Energy Action Program as a Low-income Energy Program.
- Check the appropriate box and respond accordingly.
☐ / No / Go to Question 5
☐ / Yes / Provide responsesto Questions3 and 4
- Which Community Housing Provider will you be working with?
Community Housing Provider: / Click here to enter text.
Contact person’s name: / Click here to enter text.
Postal address: / Click here to enter text.
Phone number: / Click here to enter text.
Email: / Click here to enter text.
- How will you obtain records that demonstrate the proposed activities were undertaken as part of the Home Energy Action Program?
Describe what records will you obtain as evidence that each implementation was delivered as part of the Home Energy Action Program: / Click here to enter text.
Describe how you will obtain the records: / Click here to enter text.
- How are you going to manage risks?
- You must have a documented risk management policy and risk register for each proposed activity. You must have an internal audit procedure for each proposed activity.
- Provide details for each proposed activity.
Describe your risk management policy for the proposed activities: / Click here to enter text.
Describe your internal audit procedures to ensure that the eligibility, equipment and installation requirements have been addressed for each implementation: / Click here to enter text.
- Provide the organisation’s risk management policy, a fully documented risk assessment (risk register) and internal audit procedure for each of the proposed activities.
File name – riskmanagement policy for each proposed activity: / Click here to enter text.
File name – documentedrisk register covering all proposed activities: / Click here to enter text.
File name –internalaudit policy and procedures: / Click here to enter text.
- How will you ensure the co-payment requirement is met?
- The originial energy saver must contribute a net amount of at least $30 (excluding GST). In kind payments are not acceptable and payments can not be reimbursed.
- ACPs are responsible for the activities of third parties and for ensuring that third parties adhere to scheme requirements, including the co-payment requirement.
Describe how you will ensure the co-payment requirement is met before you apply to register ESCs: / Click here to enter text.
Describe what records you will collect to prove the co-payment has been paid and has not been reimbursed: / Click here to enter text.
Describe how you will ensure that third parties adhere to co-payment requirements: / Click here to enter text.
Who will be responsible for calculating and collecting the minimum co-payment: / Click here to enter text.
- Are any ineligible activities included in the proposed RESA?
- The following activities are not eligible RESAs:
The installation of T5 adaptor kits or Retrofit Luminaire-LED Linear Lamps
Activities to meet mandatory statutory or regulatory requirements
Activities with negative effects on production or service levels (including safety levels)
- If any of these activities are part of your RESA you need to explain how they will be excluded from your energy savings and ESC calculations.
- Check the appropriate box and respond accordingly.
☐ / No / Go to Question 15
☐ / Yes / Provide a response to Question 14
- How will you exclude ineligible activities from the RESA?
Describe how any ineligible activities will be excluded from energy savings and ESC calculations: / Click here to enter text.
End-user equipment
- Will you be modifying, replacing and/or installing EUE?
- If your proposed activities do not involve modifying, replacing or installing EUE, it will not be a RESA and will not eligible for the ESS. The type of activity will depend on the activity definitions selected in Question 1 above.
- Select one or more of the activities that will be included in the RESA.
☐ / Modifying – modifying EUE or the usage of EUE(including by installing additional components) that result in a reduction ofenergy consumption compared to what would have otherwise been consumed.
☐ / Replacing – removing existing EUE and replacing it with other EUE that consumes less energy.
☐ / Installing – installing new EUE (where there is no existing EUE) that consumes less energy than other comparable EUE of the same type, function, output or service.
- How will you ensure that EUE meets equipment requirements?
- Each item of EUE must meet the equipment requirements specified in the relevant activity definition. Refer to Schedule D and E of the ESS Rule and the appendices of the Method Guide
Describe how you will ensure EUE meets requirements specified in the relevant activity definition of the ESS Rule: / Click here to enter text.
For lighting activities (definitions E1-E5 and E11): provide details of the equipment you intend to use and when you will submit an application for acceptance of that equipment by the Scheme Administrator: / Click here to enter text.
- Will you be replacing EUE?
- Check the appropriate box and respond accordingly.
☐ / No / Go to Question 19
☐ / Yes / Provide responses to Questions17and18 below
- How will you ensure that EUEremoved as part of the proposed RESA is not refurbished, reusedor resold?
- Equipment that is removed as part of the RESA must be disposed of approprately. It must not be refurbished, re-usedor resold.
Describe how you will ensure that EUEthat is removed as part of the RESA is not refurbished, reusedor resold: / Click here to enter text.
- How will you manage disposal of EUE that is removed as part of the implementation?
- Lighting equipment containing mercury removed during upgrades in metropolitan levy areas (refer Table A25 of the ESS Rule)must be recycled in accordance with the requirements of a Product Stewardship Scheme.
- If EUE containing refrigerants is removed as part of an upgrade, the refrigerants must be disposed of in a manner that is compliant with the Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989.
Describe how you will ensure that relevant lighting equipment is recycled in accordance with the requirements of a Product Stewardship Scheme: / Click here to enter text.
Describe how will you ensure that any refrigerants will be disposed of properly and how you will obtain evidence of refrigerant recycling: / Click here to enter text.
- Do you have an existing relationship with a product manufacturer or supplier?
- Check the appropriate box and respond accordingly.
☐ / No / Go to Question 16
☐ / Yes / Provide a response to Question 15
- What equipment does the product manufacturer or supplier provide?
Describe the equipment provided by the product manufacturer or supplier: / Click here to enter text.
Implementing the proposed activities
- What is your site assessment process?
- The HEER Method requires that a site assessment is done on or before the implementation date to identify the energy savings that may be generated at a site from activities in Schedules D and E of the ESS Rule.
Describe how you will confirm that the site is an eligible residential building or a small business building: / Click here to enter text.
Who will be conducting the site assessment and completing the ‘site assessor’ declaration? / Click here to enter text.
Describe how you will ensure that the site assessor has the appropriate skills, training and knowledge to identify that the eligibility requirements have been addressed: / Click here to enter text.
If the site assessment requires particular technical expertise, or may pose a specific safety risk, please list the qualifications, training or certifications of the person or persons conducting the site assessment: / Click here to enter text.
- Provide the site assessor declaration you will use. A ‘site assessor declaration’ template is provided in the appendices of the Method Guide or you may develop your own.
File name – siteassessor declaration template: / Click here to enter text.
- What is your implementation process?
- Each item of EUE must meet the installationand implementation requirements specified in the relevant activity definition. Refer to the appendices of the Method Guide.
Describe how you will ensure that every implementation is performed by a suitably qualified installer: / Click here to enter text.
Describe how you will ensure that installers are aware of the equipment and implementation requirements for your activity: / Click here to enter text.
Describe how will you ensure the implementation requirements are addressed for each implementation: / Click here to enter text.
- Provide the post implementation declaration you will use. A ‘post implementation declaration’ template is provided in the appendices of the Method Guide or you may develop your own.
File name – postimplementation declaration template: / Click here to enter text.
- How will you maintain production or service levels?
- RESAs must not result in a reduction of production and/or service levels(including safety levels). This means that the performance or outputs of the business must not be reduced as a result of the RESA.
Describe how you will ensure the customer is satisfied with the works and that it meets their needs and site requirements: / Click here to enter text.
Calculation of energy savings
- How will you calculate the energy savings from each implementation?
- Deemedactivity electricity and gas savings are inputs into the calculation of energy savings. Theyare calculated according to the relevant activity definition set out in Schedules D and E of the ESS Ruleand the appendices of the Method Guide. Deemedactivity electricity and gas savings are updated from time to time.
- The electricityand gas savings calculationsare set out in Clause 9.8 of the ESS Rule and the appendices of the Method Guide.
For each activity selected in question 1, describe how you will determine the inputs to the deemed activity electricity and gas savings equations: / Click here to enter text.
Describe how you will calculate energy savings from each implementation (ie, provide details about spreadsheets or other calculation tools that you will use): / Click here to enter text.
- Will you be using the OEH Home Energy Assessment Tool (HEAT)?
- The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) have developed a free Home Energy Assessment Tool (HEAT) that ACPs can use for the HEER method. Refer to:
- Check the appropriate box and respond accordingly.
☐ / Yes / Go to Question 22
☐ / No / Provide a response to Question 21
- What calculation tool will you use?
- ESS Rule factors, including deemedactivity electricity and gas savings factors, are updated from time to time. Your calculation tool must be capable of updating factors.
Describe the lighting calculation tool you will use and how it will meet ESS requirements: / Click here to enter text.
Describe how you will ensure the calculation tool uses the correct electricity and gas savings factors: / Click here to enter text.
- Provide the calculation spreadsheet (s)/ tool(s) you will use to calculate energy savings. The spreadsheet / tool must show the steps and formula used to calculate energy savings
File name – calculationspreadsheet / tool: / Click here to enter text.
- How will you ensure the accuracy of energy savings and ESC calculations?
- You must have appropriate procedures for checking calculations of energy savings and ESCs. If during an audit of your RESA the auditor identifies errors in calculations from which ESCs have been registered, you may be requested, or required, to forfeit any improperly created ESCs.
Describe how your procedures will ensure the accuracy of energy savings and ESC calculations: / Click here to enter text.
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