CHASA –- Minutes – 3rd July 2014


Emma Gilleard, Harriet Reid, Allyson Rae, Nikki Hollinrake, Harriet Reid, Alison Levin, Charlotte Hoyland, Laucinda Roberts.


Keren Redshaw, Looby Shepherd, Heather Ellerker, Leanne Savage, Jette Emsley, Rachael Pears.

Looby read minutes from the previous meeting held on 19th May 2014.

·  Agenda:

o  Summer Fair - £ Breakdown

o  Camping 12th July

o  Pantomime

o  New Starters Lunch

o  AOB

Summer Fair:

£2,233.24 Profit vs £2, 030 last year – A fantastic achievement - many thanks to all parents and helpers.

Breakdown and comments:


Saturday 12th July at Easingwold Outdoor Centre, Dawney Bridge Dawney - £3 per camper

Set up tents from 3pm

Light BBQ (Gas and Charcoal) @ 5.30pm

Chasa will provide BBQ’s, Charcoal & Gas

Please bring your own food.

Onsite Loos and Water available – note no electricity for camping area.

All Parents and school children welcome, present, past and future, please come down even if you are not camping overnight.

Rounders Match

Giant Jenga

40 confirmed attendance so far.

Please don’t forget to bring torches and lights.

Actions camping:

o  Keren and Rachael – To ping reminder and directions to site.

o  Charlotte H – Purchase Additional Charcoal

o  Gerard & Looby Shepherd – 2 *Oil drum BBQ’s + Charcoal

o  Keren and Leanne – Gas BBQs

o  Keren – Chasa à Marshmallows & Sticks and Juice/Squash and loo roll.

o  Jette – Provide giant jenga

o  Keren – Speak with scouts re lighting. Dave Stevenson

Pantomime Trip

Request from Mrs Sheppard – would CHASA consider funding trip to Panto to The West Yorkshire Playhouse in Leeds in Jan to see James & The Giant Peach.

In principal YES.

Tickets £13 each ( Approx £1300 in total)

Coach additional – Keren to confirm cost with Mrs Sheppard.

Consider Autumn Parents Event (Cheese & Wine/Curry at Nikki Hollinrakes) + fundraiser towards panto trip raffle / donations etc

New Starter parents welcome lunch:

Kindly Hosted by Heather and Adam Ellerker at their house in Huby

Date to be confirmed with school – after reception start attending full time.

Thursday 25th September was suggested as a possibility– Heather to verify with Mrs Sheppard

Heather E to obtain list of new starters and families to invite from School + Mr Buttery & family.

AOB actions

·  Autumn Cheese and Wine/Curry evening – Date confirmed with Nikki Hollinrake 17th October.

·  Autumn Cinema Night @ school – Dates TBC

·  Computer Lease: CHASA agreed to fund for 3 years, 1yr paid, £2K per year – September.

o  Need to consider future planning / funding.

o  CHASA commit to the next 3 years? What would be the situation be if CHASA could not to commit? Action : Keren to discuss with Mrs Sheppard

·  CHASA bank accounts update as at 3rd July 2014 (includes profits from summer fair)

o  Savings Account balance : £2,503

o  Current Account balance : £3,259

Next Meeting TBA