Bosham Parish Council
Planning Committee
Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday
3th February 2016 at 6.45pm in the Bosham Centre Recreation Ground, Walton Lane, Bosham
Present: Cllrs Mr A Chapman, Mr J Dean, Mr J Holloway, Mr G Powell (Chair) and Mr C Whitmore Jones
In attendance: Miss Lisa Roberts [Clerk to the Council/RFO] D/Cllr Plant and 2 members of public
P16/122 / To receive apologies for absenceCllr Copsey sent her apologies.
P16/123 / Declarations of Interest
Cllr Powell declared a personal interest in item 5.6 as a friend of the applicant’s mother; and so abstained from voting on this matter. Cllr Whitmore Jones declared a personal interest in item 5.1 as he knows one of the objectors.
P16/124 / Minutes of the last meeting held 13th January 2016
It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the Minutes, and the Chairman was authorised to sign them as an accurate record of that meeting.
P16/125 / Matters arising from previous Minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda
P16/126 / Planning Applications
P16/126.1 / 15/04143/FUL Mr & Mrs Manzoni, The Garden House Bosham Lane Bosham West Sussex - Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 1 no. dwelling and associated works.
Planning Agent came to present this application to the meeting.
AGREED RESPONSE: Bosham Parish Council does not object to this application, but would like to see the building positioned further south in the plot to allow for more natural planting on the northern boundary. / LR
P16/126.2 / 15/04237/TPA Mrs Jane Uphill - Levanter Harbour Way Bosham Chichester - Fell 1 no. Ash tree (T2) subject to BO/95/00078/TPA.
AGREED RESPONSE: No objections / LR
P16/126.3 / 15/04209/FUL Mr & Mrs Murphy, Furze Creek Smugglers Lane Bosham West Sussex - Replacement dwelling.
Planning Agent came to present this application to the meeting.
AGREED RESPONSE: Although, with a significantly larger floor area than the existing house, well in excess of the 50% guideline recommended by CHC due to the consolidation of various outbuildings into the main building, BPC considers the application acceptable as the majority of the proposed building is single storey. / LR
P16/126.4 / 16/00012/DOM Mr J Saunders, Hoe Creek Bosham Hoe Bosham West Sussex
Single storey extension to the existing kitchen to form a kitchen/breakfast room with a vaulted ceiling and thatched roof over to form a link between the existing house and the existing garage with a single storey extension for a utility room and cloakroom with a tiled and flat roof over. Re-orientate the staircase to the existing loft area in the garage to convert into a studio. Extension at first floor to create 1 no. additional bedroom. Internal alterations including: increasing the size of the living area and relocating the cloakroom.
AGREED RESPONSE: No objections / LR
P16/126.5 / 16/00068/FUL Units 6/7 Broadbridge Business Centre Delling Lane Bosham West Sussex - Change of use of Class B1 offices to Class D2 gymnasium / personal training facility.
AGREED RESPONSE: No objections / LR
P16/126.6 / 16/00167/DOM Mr & Mrs T Sherlock, Colner Cottages 3 Newells Lane Bosham West Sussex -Two storey extension, replacement detached garage and relocation of access.
AGREED RESPONSE: No objections / LR
P16/126. / 15/03909/FUL Kidoreel House Delling Lane Bosham West Sussex PO18 8NN - Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission BO/15/02266/FUL - To create an improved ceiling height to the first floor infill extension, height of eave to be increased by 900mm. Substitute plan.
AGREED RESPONSE: No objections / LR
P16/127 / To note decisions confirmed by Chichester District Council
P16/127.1 / 15/03319/LBC Mr Stuart Clark, Bosham Sailing Club The Quay Quay Meadow Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8LU - Strip out of existing changing rooms, internal layout alterations and new changing rooms.
P16/127.2 / 15/03121/DOM Mr Michael Young, Strange Hall South Walton Lane Bosham West Sussex PO18 8QB - New log cabin in front garden.
P16/127.3 / 15/03828/DOM Ms Jane Bailey, Brook Bank Brook Avenue Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8LQ - Proposed side and rear extension, and over-cladding of existing brickwork with render and external weatherboarding.
P16/127.4 / 15/03878/FUL Mr & Mrs Malcolm Bairstow, Hope House Bosham Hoe Bosham West Sussex PO18 8ES - Variation of condition 2 and 10 of permission BO/15/01581/FUL. Various amendments to approved plans, including change to site entrance, design of glazing to be amended on all elevations, position of garage and terraces to be lowered.
P16/127.5 / 15/03083/FUL Mr HM Heaver, Unit 5 Broadbridge Business Centre Delling Lane Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8NF - Demolition of existing store and construction of nursery school.
P16/127.6 / 15/03982/DOM Mr Ken Anson, Frenchams Walton Lane Bosham West Sussex PO18 8QB - Proposed first floor extension and replacement garage.
P16/128.4 / Enforcement Action/Appeals
15/01608/DOM Dove House – decision still pending. The Clerk to prompt the officer and lodge works with enforcement.
1 Harbour Villas – work continues but will watch to ensure render is replaced.
BO/15/00801/FUL The Garden House, Bosham Lane, Bosham, West Sussex PO18 8HG - Appeal notification letter was NOTED.
3 Fairfield Road – it has been NOTED that a chalet style building has been erected and appears to be being used as a separate dwelling. The Clerk to report to enforcement. / LR
P16/129 / Affordable/Social housing Committee
Nothing to report.
P16/130 / Major Local Development
Chichester District Council is undertaking consultation on a proposed amendment to the Planning Obligations & Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The amendment would add wording to the SPD that would enable planning obligations to be used to secure financial contributions to mitigate the traffic impacts on the A27 Chichester Bypass resulting directly from housing development. It is proposed to seek contributions from major housing developments (generally sites of 50 or more dwellings) that are proposed in the Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies 2014-2029. NOTED
P16/131 / CDC planning Committee meeting
Next meeting 2nd March.
P16/132 / To note the date of the next planning meeting Wednesday 2nd March 2016
The meeting closed at19.33 pm
Signed: ______Date______