Phillip wARD schnarrs, PhD

Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

Home Address: 1515 North Main Ave #2468, San Antonio, TX 78212

Office Address: One UTSA Circle, Main Building 3.442, San Antonio, TX 78249

Office Phone: 210/458 – 8023

Cell Phone: 724/ 422 – 8460




August 2012 Doctor of Philosophy. Major: Health Behavior (emphasis in Sexual Health and Health Disparities). Minor: Community-Based Research Methods Indiana University School of Public Health at Bloomington, IN.

2010 – 2012 Doctoral Fellowship. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Health Program, Center for Research in LGBT Population Health, Fenway Institute, Boston, MA

August 2009 Master of Arts. Major: Medical Sociology (emphasis is Social Psychology). Indiana University of Pennsylvania

August 2007 Bachelor of Science. Major: General Studies (emphasis in biobehavioral and community health) Minor: Sociology. Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA

Current Positions

2014 – Co-Director, South Texas Consortium for HIV/STI Research

San Antonio, TX.

2012 – Assistant Professor. Department of Kinesiology, Health & Nutrition, College of Education and Human Development, The University of Texas at San Antonio

San Antonio, TX.

Community-Based Research & Consulting Positions

2015 - The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine.

2015 Texas Department of State Health Services

2015 – Center for Health Care Services

2014 – Austin PrEP Access Project

2014 – 2016 San Antonio AIDS Foundation

2014 – 2015 HIV Connections, Austin, TX.

Past Relevant Experience

2009 – 2012 Associate Instructor. Department of Applied Health Science, School of Public

Health at Bloomington. Indian University.

2009 – 2012 Project Coordinator. Center for Sexual Health Promotion. Department of Applied Health Science, School of Public Health at Bloomington, Indiana University

2008 – 2009 Consultant. Pennsylvania HIV Prevention Project. Center for Research on Sexual Orientation and Health. The University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

2008 – 2009 Consultant. Pitt Men’s Study. Center for Research on Sexual Orientation and Health. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA.

2007 – 2009 Graduate Assistant. Department of Sociology, Indiana University

of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA.


2015 – Co-Investigator and PI on subcontract awarded to The University of Texas at San Antonio. (Grant #: 1H79SP021252-01; FAIN:SP021252) Capacity Building Initiative for Substance Abuse and HIV Prevention Services for At-Risk Racial/Ethnic Minority Youth and Young Adults. In Collaboration with the Center for Health Care Services. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Subcontract Award: $100,000 (5 years of funding).

2015 – Consultant. (Grant # W81XWH-11-2-0174). HIV/Blood Bourne Pathogen Treatment Reduction Program. In collaboration with The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc. Funded by the United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity. Subcontract: $24,500.

2014 - 2015 Primary Investigator. Development and Psychometric Assessment of the Intention to use PrEP (i-PrEP) Scale for HIV Prevention among MSM. In collaboration with AIDS Services of Austin and San Antonio AIDS Foundation. Funded by the College of Education and Human Development Faculty Research Awards: $4,295.

2010 – 2012 Co-Investigator. Indianapolis Men’s Health Study. In collaboration with The Damien Center. Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: $250,000

Research Awards & Honors

2011 Excellence in Abstract Submission Among Student APHA Members (Honorable Mention)

2011 Excellence in Abstract Submission among all Presenters, HIV/AIDS Section, APHA

2011 David Weis Best Student Paper Award, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality

Referred Publications (past 5 years)

* = student co-author; ** = community member co-author

24) Schnarrs P.W., Harris, K*., Braun-Harvey, D. Coutois, F**., Benton, A**; Sada, S.** Gordon, D.* and Martin-Venezuela, R.* (under review) Attitudes, beliefs and knowledge about pre-exposure prophylaxis among young men who have sex with men in South Texas.

23) Schnarrs, P.W., Gordon, D.*, Delgado, A. J.*, Parsons, J. T., Sunil, T., & Glidden, D (under review). Assessing normative beliefs about oral PrEP use: Differences between white, black and Latino sexually minority men in Texas.

22) Schnarrs, P.W., Gordon, D.*, Delgado, A. J.*, Parsons, J. T., Sunil, T., & Glidden, D (under review). Assessing difference in beliefs among sexual minority men regarding oral and injectable form of pre-exposure prophylaxis in South Texas.

21) Abel, J. W.*, Allen, O. Bullock, D. Finley, E. Walter, A.W. Schnarrs, P.W., & Taylor, B.S. (Under Review). “I don’t want to look sick skinny”: Perceptions of body image and weight loss in Hispanics living with HIV.

20) Delgado, A.J.*, Gordon, D.* & Schnarrs, P.W. (2016) Understanding the impact of sexual minority status on risk behavior among current and former members of the U.S. military. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 20(3), 258 – 279.

19) Schnarrs, P.W., Rosenberger, J. G., Schick, V., Delgado, A. J.*, Dodge, B. & Reece, M. (2016). Men belonging to the ‘Bear Community’: Bear identity concordance, condom use and sexual behaviors during the last sexual event. Journal of Homosexuality. doi: 10.1080/00918369.2016.1174024

18) Schnarrs, P.W., Rosenberger, J. G., Novak, D. S. (2016). An exploratory study of differences in sexual health, sexual behaviors and evaluation of the most recent male partnered sexual event between bisexual men aged 50 years and older compared to younger bisexual men. Journal of Bisexuality, 16 (1), 41 – 57.

17) Baldwin, A., Dodge, B., Schick, V., Hubach, R. D., Bowling, J., Malebranche, D., Goncalves, G., Schnarrs, P. W., Reece, M. & Fortenberry, J.D. (2015). Sexual self-identification among behaviorally bisexual men in the Midwestern United States. Archives of Sexual Behaviors, 18(11), 2207 – 2218.

16) Mustanski, B., Andrews, R., Herrick, A, Stall, R. & Schnarrs, P. W. (2014). Sexual Orientation Disparities in STI Risk Behaviors and Risk Determinants among Sexually Active Adolescent Males: Results From a School-Based Sample. American Journal of Public Health. 104 (2), 287 – 294.

15) Everett, B., Schnarrs, P. W., Russel, S., Rosarios, M., Garofalo, R., Mustanski, B. (2014). Sexual health behaviors among adolescent sexual minorities: A national probability study. American Journal of Public Health, 104(6), 1107 – 1112.

14) Hubach, R. D., Dodge, B., Goncalves, G., Malebranche, D., Reece, M., Van Der Pol, B.,Martinez, O., Schnarrs, P.W., Nix, R., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2014). Gender matters: Condom use and nonuse among behaviorally bisexual men.Archives of SexualBehavior, 43(4), 707 – 17.

13) Rosenberger, J.G., Schick, V., Schnarrs, P., Novak, D.S., & Reece, M. (2013) Sexual behaviors, sexual health practices, and community engagement among gay and bisexually identified men living in rural areas of the United States. Journal of Homosexuality, 61(8), 1192 – 207.

12) Merritt, P. S., Cook, G. I., Wang, M., Schnarrs, P. W., & Jack, S. (2013). Can a Gay Man Play It Straight? How Being “Out” Influences Perceptions of Masculinity and Performance Appraisal. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2(3), 150 – 160.

11) Dodge, B., Schnarrs, P. W., Reece, M., Martinez, O., Goncalves, G., Malebranche, D., Van Der Pol, B., Nix, R., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2013). Sexual behaviors and experiences among behaviorally bisexual men in the midwestern United States.Archives of SexualBehavior, 42(2), 247-256.

10) Schnarrs, P. W., Rosenberger, J. G., Schick, V. R., Novak, D. S., Herbenick, D., & Reece, M. (2012). Gay and bisexual Latino men’s sexual health and behaviour: A national online sample. International Journal of Men’s Health. 11(1), 22 – 35.

9) Dodge, B., Schnarrs, P. W., Reece, M., Goncalves, G., Martinez, O., Nix, R.,Malebranche, D., Van Der Pol, B., Murray, M., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2012.) Community involvement among behaviourally bisexual men in the Midwestern USA: Experiencesand perceptions across communities.Culture, Health & Sexuality, 14(9), 1095-1110.

8) Dodge, B., Schnarrs, P. W., Goncalves, G., Reece, M., Martinez, O., Malebranche, D., Nix, R., Van Der Pol, B., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2012). The significance of privacy, trust, and comfort in providing health-related services to behaviorally bisexual men.AIDSEducation & Prevention, 24(3), 242-256.

7) Dodge, B., Schnarrs, P. W., Reece, M., Goncalves, G., Martinez, O., Malebranche, D., Van Der Pol, B., Nix, R., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2012). Individual and social factors relatedto mental health concerns among behaviorally bisexual men in the Midwestern UnitedStates.Journal of Bisexuality, 12(2), 223-245.

6) Schnarrs, P. W., Dodge, B., Reece, M., Goncalves, G., Martinez, O., Van Der Pol, B.,Malebranche, D., Nix, R., Murray, M., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2012). The subjective experiences of behaviorally bisexual men in the Midwestern United States: Sexualattraction, sexual behavior, and condom use.Journal of Bisexuality, 12(2), 246-282.

5) Martinez, O., Dodge, B., Goncalves, G., Schnarrs, P. W., Muñoz-Laboy, M., Reece, M.,Malebranche, D., Van Der Pol, B., Kelle, G., Nix, R., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2012). Sexualbehaviors and experiences among behaviorally bisexual Latino men in the Midwestern United States: Implications for sexual health interventions.Journal of Bisexuality, 12(2),283-310.

4) Dodge, B., Van Der Pol, B., Reece, M., Malebranche, D., Martinez, O., Goncalves, G.,Schnarrs, P. W., Nix, R., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2012). Rectal self-sampling in non-clinical venues for the detection of rectal sexually transmitted infections (STI) amongbehaviorally bisexual men.Sexual Health, 9(2), 190-191.

3) Martinez, O., Dodge, B., Reece, M., Schnarrs, P. W., Rhodes, S., Goncalves, G.Muñoz-Laboy, M., Malebranche, D., Van Der Pol, B., Nix, R., Kelle, G., Fortenberry J. D.(2011.) Sexual health and life experiences: Voices from behaviourally bisexual Latinomen in the Midwestern USA.Culture, Health & Sexuality, 13(9), 1073-1089.

2) Rosenberger, J. G., Schnarrs,P. W., Brinegar, E., Stowers, J., Dodge, B., Reece, M. (2010). Sexual practices and health knowledge among young MSM living in non-urban settings. Journal of Adolescent Health, 42, 2, S76.

1) Schnarrs, P. W., Rosenberger, J. G., Satinsky, S., Brinegar, E, Stowers, J, Reece, M & Dodge, B. (2010). Sexual compulsivity, the Internet, and sexual behaviors among men in a rural area of the US. AIDS Patient Care and STD, 24, 9, 563 – 569.

Edited Books

3) Schnarrs, P. W. & Maurino J. P. (Eds.). (2012). Men, Masculinity and The Common Good in an Era of Economic Uncertainty. Men Studies Press: Harriman, TN.

2) Harrison, M. E. & Schnarrs, P. W. (Eds.) (2011) Growing Our Field: Emerging Perspectives on Masculinities and Men’s Lives. Men Studies Press: Harriman, TN.

1) Harrison, M. E. & Schnarrs, P. W. (Eds.) (2010) Beyond Borders: Masculinities & Margins. Men Studies Press: Harriman, TN.


Recent Refereed Conferences (past 5 years)

* = student co-author

18) Schnarrs, P.W., Gordon, D.* (2016) Applying the theory of planned to behavior to the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among men who have sex with men in Central Texas.

17) Gordon, D.*, Schnarrs, P. (2016) Intention to use pre-exposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men in Central Texas: A qualitative analysis of injectable PrEP Compared to Daily PrEP. The American Public Health Association: Denver, CO.

16) Schnarrs, P.W. Understanding intention to use PrEP among sexual minority men in Texas. The Gay Men’s Health Conference. Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

15) Gordon, D.* & Schnarrs, P. (2015). Intention to use PrEP among men who have sex with men. The University of Texas at San Antonio Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry Showcase, San Antonio, TX.

14) Gordon, D.* & Schnarrs, P. (2014) Intention to use pre-exposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men: an elicitation study. The University of Texas at San Antonio Honors College Symposium, San Antonio, TX.

13) Delgado, A. J.* & Schnarrs, P. W. (2014). The effect of discrimination and stress on sexual & behavioral health among sexual minority servicemen: A preliminary analysis. University of Texas at San Antonio McNair Scholars Symposium: San Antonio, TX.

12) Schnarrs, P.W., Rosenberger, J.G. (2014) Psychometric testing of the beliefs about ejaculation and semen scale. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality: Omaha, NE

11) Schnarrs, P.W. & Rosenberger, J. G. (2014) Sexual behaviors, sexual health practices, and community engagement among gay and bisexually identified men living in rural areas of the United States. American Public Health Association: New Orleans, LA

10) Delgado, A. J.* & Schnarrs, P.W. (2013) The bear community: Sexual health, behaviors and identity concordance. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality: San Diego CA.

9) Schnarrs, P.W., Moskowitz, D. & Delgado, A.* (2013). Differences in condom use and sexual health testing latencies among MSM with and without military experience. Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality: San Diego, CA.

8) Schnarrs, P.W. & Moskowitz, D. (2013). A comparison of condom use, HIV and sexual health screenings between MSM with and without military service. American Public Health Association: Boston, MA.

7) Baldwin, A., Dodge, B. M, Hubach, R. D., Goncalves, G., Schnarrs, P., Martinez, O., Reece, M., Van Der Pol, B., Malebranche, D., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2013). Sexual identity among behaviorally bisexual men: Implications for HIV/STI and sexual health. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA.

6) Delgado, A. J.*, Lofton, M. B.*, Braddock, B.*, & Schnarrs, P. W. (2013). The Bear Community: A Descriptive Analysis of the Effects of Body Image on Condom Use. Paper presented at the 4th Annual College of Education and Human Development Student Research Colloquium, San Antonio, TX

5) Delgado, A. J.* & Schnarrs, P. W. (2013). The Bear Community: A Descriptive Analysis of the Effects of Body Image on Condom Use: Annual Association for Psychological Science Conference, Washington, DC.

4) Delgado, A. J.* & Schnarrs, P. W. (2013). Perceptions of Body Image: An Exploration of Psychosexual Behaviors among Latino Men: 8th Annual American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education Conference, San Antonio, TX.

3) Schnarrs, P.W., Rosenberger J.G., Schick V., Dodge B. & Reece, M. (2012). Belonging to the “Bear Community”: Implications for Men’s Sexual Health and Behaviors. American Public Health Association: San Francisco, CA.

2) Everett, B. & Schnarrs, P. W. (2012). The Intersection of Sexual Orientation and Other Identities: Disparities in Health-Risk Behaviors of American High School Students. American Public Health Association: San Francisco, CA.

1) Birkett, M., Mustanski, B., Bostwick, W., Rosario, M., Garofalo, R., Greene, G., & Schnarrs, P. (2012). Sexual identity versus sexual behavior in youth: Using the YRBSS to determine prevalence and intersection across demographics. American Public Health Association: San Francisco, CA.

Invited Speaking Engagements