

Friday 24thMarch 2017

Homework - Year 4

Spelling homework will involve applying and investigating a spelling rule. The children will be given some example words on which the weekly spelling test will be based. To extend learning, children should further investigate the spelling rule by generating their own additional list of spellings. This will allow them to learn how to use their understanding to spell a much wider variety of words independently.
Nouns / Nouns plus
This week we are investigating / Verbs, Adjectives, Connectives
This week we are investigating
Please see teacher / Knock, know, knee, knew, gnat, gnaw, breath, breathe, decide, peculiar / Antiseptic, antisocial, antibiotic, anti-clockwise, antidote, anti-climax, breath, breathe, decide, peculiar
Extension task:
Write a complex sentence containing each spelling word to clarify its meaning.
Times tables
Please can children practise their 8 times tables to develop their confidence and speed of recall. Those children who already know their times tables confidently will be expected to recall their times tables and the inverse (e.g. How many 3s in 24).
Please can children read regularly at home and bring their reading book back into school each day as it is used regularly during our guided reading sessions.
Suggested Homework Timetable
Weekend / Maths homework / Reading
Monday / Spelling homework / Times tables
Tuesday / Reading
Wednesday / Times tables
(Return Homework) / Practise spellings ready for test / Reading
(Homework sent out) / Relax! / Relax!

In our recent history lessons, we have been learning about Ancient Egyptian Gods.

For your homework task this week, we would like you to create your own Egyptian God. You will need to consider what their godly powers could be.

Create a picture of your God- remember they must fit the look of an Egyptian God.

Under your picture, create sentences to describe your God.

You will need to include:

*expanded noun phrases- adding more information to the noun

*similes- comparing two things using ‘as’ or ‘like’

*hyperbole-an exaggeration

*metaphors-a word or phrase used to describe something as if it were something else