UMSC Meeting Minutes - Rockford
03/28/15 10:00 AM


Administration: Dean Kashima, Dean Schmidt, Dean Curry, Dean Stagnaro-Green

Officers: David Gordon (President), Kerry Storms (Vice President), Amy Brown (Treasurer), Daniel Liechti (Secretary), Jin Lee (Webmaster/Historian), Robert Horsley (OSR)

Chicago: Matthew Durst, Nikolai Arendovich, Matthew Dybas, Lindsay Schwartz, Bo Gustafsson, ShuvaniSanyal, David Lee, Sean Munoz, Dev Patel

Peoria: Jean Lee, Riana Riffle, Matt Chia

Rockford: Aaron Jennings, Maria Saavedra, Mina Tanaka, Sonali Khurana, Tony Logus, AnghelaParecles, Tim Feldheim,

Urbana: Bob Freidel, Erich Lidstone, Grace Kim

  1. Welcome-
  2. Welcome
  3. Outline of Agenda
  4. Guest Speaker- Dean Stagnaro-Green - Rockford
  5. Greeting, personal introduction
  6. Rockford Update
  7. Dr. Curry- Senior Associate Dean for Educational Affairs
  8. Personal Introduction: A native of Lexington, Kentucky, Dr. Curry has a background as a board certified internist. Has most recently served as vice dean of education at Northwestern University. More information about Dr. Curry can be found at
  10. UIC is now halfway through the LCME accreditation cycle. An LCME Mid-Cycle Review committee within the college has been formed and is doing everything to ensure we receive full accreditation for the next cycle.
  11. There are plans for formation of campus specific focus groups of student leaders to effectively develop student feedback and ensure full accreditation next cycle.
  12. Q and A
  13. Questions posed about the new medical school in Urbana and how it will affect incoming students.
  14. Ongoing discussion on how the new medical school will affect current and future MSP students in their medical training. Because the change has been so recent, there is still a significant amount of uncertainty. However, the University of Illinois promises to deliver of a quality education to all students enrolled.
  15. Discussion of Mixed Exam Question Review
  16. CCIA: Post exam feedback: At the January UMSC meeting there was a brief discussion about students not knowing how to review exam questions after the exam. This has been discussed many times, with many committees, but members of CCIA felt there was enough student response to mention to CCIA. After the CCIA meeting, the following action items were decided upon:
  17. There will be a student council meeting in March (today), at which the policy document will be addressed further
  18. CCIA will send a letter and a copy of the post-exam feedback policy to course directors explaining policy options.
  19. A survey of students and faculty may be indicated in the future.
  20. Is the goal of the college to make exams simply assess the student’s knowledge or are they also meant to be educational?
  21. Peoria and Rockford are strongly in favor of post exam feedback.
  22. May also be worth talking to the teaching faculty on how they would like to discuss post exam feedback with the students.
  23. Should there be clearer communication from the University to instructors on what sort of post exam feedback information is allowable?
  24. Summary of discussion: The college should aim to improve and clarify the learning objectives both to students and instructors. Students would also like to define if the purpose of examination questions is purely for assessment or for both assessment and learning. Post exam feedback is an ongoing discussion, which will continue in the years to come.
  25. Dean Kashima: Please continue providing feedback. It is clear that administrators, CCIA, and faculty consider post exam feedback as a form of instruction for students and are receptive to improvements. . One of the challenges with post exam feedback is the volunteer status of the faculty.
  26. Approval of Minutes of Peoria Meeting – Minutes approved
  27. Executive Board Report
  28. President- Gordo (Rockford)
  29. Few updates
  30. Has sat in on several meetings in the creation of the new medical school. If any students are seeking information, please do not hesitate to contact.
  31. Vice President- Kerry Storms (Peoria)
  32. There will be a circulating document to each campus with a description of each committee for presidents of local student governments at each of the four campuses.
  33. Secretary- Danny Liechti (Peoria)
  34. No updates at this time. Please email attendance and all site reports to
  35. Treasurer- Amy Brown (Chicago)
  36. Change in travel reimbursement for this meeting.
  37. Peoria - If you are driving 3+ students to Rockford, please contact
    Judy Heffernan (please cc me ) to let her knowthat you will be seeking travel reimbursement
  38. Urbana - Please email Dr. Schmidt (please cc me ) if you are driving 3+ students to let her know that youwill be seeking travel reimbursement
  39. Chicago - Please email me if you are driving 3+ students. I am currently working with CMSC to figure out if we will beable to reimburse you easily for the travel to Rockford.
  40. Historian/ Webmaster- Jin Lee (Peoria)
  41. OSR- Bob Horsley (Rockford)
  42. Advisor- Dean Kashima
  43. New curriculum track starting this fall 2015, Innovation in medicine (IMED): 28 applicants this year for the program. It will take place in Chicago
  44. Thanks to the UMSC for the involvement during this time of transition within the college of medicine. The dialogue with students to obtain student input is invaluable. Congratulations also to our graduating UMSC students!
  45. Site Reports from Regional Student Council Presidents
  46. Urbana
  47. Carle-Illinois College of Medicine
  48. MSP students do have concerns about the security of their program. A couple students have requested some sort of “legally binding contract” ensuring the administration’s commitment to the program, as they did not find Dean Azar’s written statement sufficient. The next steps for us are to 1) determine if a significant number of students would like this contract and 2) specify the points of assurance the MSPs are requesting.
  49. Does this sound reasonable? Thoughts?
  50. Apparel Sale!
  51. Rockford, Peoria, Urbana will soon get a link to purchase UICOM swag! Should we include Chicago?
  52. Urbana Medical School Government recently wrote a statement on why we do what we do after a progression of reflection activities intended to bring out this point. Here’s what we came up with:
  53. Why do we do what we do? Because we believe in a future of medicine where: 1) Physicians serve their community and act as leaders positioned in the viewpoints, life circumstances, and culture of their colleagues and patients. 2) Physicians are empowered by healthcare structure to create force and lasting ramifications in the healthcare system and beyond by raising the voice of their colleagues and patients. 3) Healthcare leaders supply the inspiration, guidance, and common purpose to connect all clinicians as a unified, enthusiastic force. 4) The vision provides a driving force for continuous growth, improvement, and paying it forward.
  54. What do you think?
  55. Rockford
  56. Match day went well, all graduating M4's matched.
  57. Our OGIG and SMARTs student groups recently had an event at the school to support breast cancer patients and survivors known as brave beauties. These patients and survivors received various makeovers, hair treatments, and
  58. Research/Poster Day isApril 8th. Many students will be presenting posters on their research.
    Mission trips - Some M4 class recently returned from India or Peru in February where they learned about medicine abroad. Unfortunately an M3 Ob-Gyn missions trip to Haiti had to be canceled due to civil unrest in the country.
  59. We also had our interprofessional day onJan 28th. M2 students will met with other students from other health fields such as, pharmacy and nursing, and discussed the teamwork approach to improve the healthcare field.
    Dialogue with the Dean Event - a formal event where our dean of students, Dr. Stagnaro-Green, met with our student body for an update on things he is working on to improve the college, answer questions from the student body, and hear student concerns. This event is scheduled forMarch 4th.
  60. In April, there will be a retreat involving some student and faculty to discuss the future of the Rockford campus in terms of curriculum, residency, and other topics pertinent to the campus.
  61. Chicago
  62. Peoria
  63. SGA Sponsored Programming/Updates for Spring 2015
  64. Red Cross Blood Drive held March 6th; Fall drive tentatively scheduled for September 11th
  65. Scheduling Workshop for Rising M4’s held March 12th
  66. Radden Financial Planning Seminar held March 9th for graduating seniors
  67. NRMP Match Day held March 20th
  68. Upcoming Events:
  69. UICOMP Annual Awards Night to be held April 30th at 5pm
  70. UICOMP Graduation Ceremony to be held May 2nd at 2pm
  71. MSP- Urbana
  72. Please see Urbana minutes above
  73. Committee Reports
  74. CCSP -We finalized the list of students who will receive Graduation with Honors across all campuses. We also continued to approve “administrative changes” to make sure that all students were in the correct class. In regards to exceptions to policy we continued to have discussions to make sure that any exceptions granted consider implications for students at all four campuses. CCIA
  75. At our last UMSC meeting, we discussed the 4 task forces created among CCIA--as an update, Stage 1 Recommendations for Policies and Best Practices was presented to and approved by the College Exec Committee
  76. Curriculum transformation will depend on what happens in Urbana- we will probably discuss this further at our meeting next week
  77. EPA Project (Entrustable Professional Activities)— The College of Medicine has been selected in a competitive process by the AAMC to participate in the Core Entrustable Professional Activities project and has been assigned 4 EPAs so each campus is working on addressing one
  78. We submitted a proposal for the post-clerkship Milennium conference at the Shapiro Institute at Harvard. We are 1 of 8 schools accepted out of 28 schools to participate! This will be complimentary to the EPA project, focusing on post-clerkship curriculum transformation.
  79. LCME mid-term review—there has been review about where the college of medicine stands in terms of the new LCME standards, across all 4 campuses—a report will be presented to Dean Azar in

June, and the next accreditation review cycle is in 2017/2018.

  1. CCA
  2. Decisions/Courses Voted Upon: List of candidates to be offered acceptances or denied, including traditional, GPPA, and combined MD program/oral maxillofacial surgery residency
  3. Key Issues for Others: All interviews for this admission cycle have been completed. Admission offers are still being made. Committee members continue to discuss ways of improving procedures as related to screening, interviewing, and scoring candidates. CCA retreat will take place in June, where these issues will be discussed in more detail.
  4. Summary for Monthly UMSC Update: Most of the matters discussed at CCA meetings are confidential.
  5. CCSAS
  6. Teleconference meeting took place on March 5th. Discussed and voted on the next batch of students to receive scholarships, which have just recently gone out.
  7. Intend to have one more round of scholarship offers before the end of the application cycle.
  8. CCR - defunct
  9. OSR
  10. HPSC – No updates
  11. TU committee – Survey of engineering and medicine went out to the class. Those results have now been collected. Looking forward to the results.
  1. Old business
  2. Cross Campus Social
  3. Do people want to do a cross campus social?
  4. Plans to do something later this year in the summer when weather improves and students are less busy. More to come.
  5. Medicine In Engineering Survey
  6. Issued the survey with 20-30% response rate.
  7. Findings
  8. Students believe there is a benefit to engineering in medical education
  9. Students also divided in the way this should be implemented
  10. Students concerned about how the change on the Urbana campus will affect them, particularly the sub disciplines.
  11. Plans to bring forward concerns each campus
  12. There is a transition committee in Urbana. This may be a feasible option for other campuses moving forward.
  13. New business
  14. HPSC position discussion
  15. Filling Committee Seats
  16. Broader Discussion - Is there a better way to fill committee seats as a whole?
  17. Can committee emails and communication improve?
  18. Unified Names and Badges
  19. The existing COM will be the University of Illinois COM. The new medical school will likely be the Carle Illinois College of Medicine.
  20. Some discussion as to having a universal ID badge and shoulder patch across each of the campuses.
  21. Leadership transition voting
  22. President: Sonali Khurana
  23. Vice President: Riana Riffle
  24. Treasurer: Nikolai Arendovich
  25. Secretary: Bob Freidel
  26. OSR Representatives: Marcus other 1 will be selected in September.
  27. Historian/Webmaster: Grace Kim
  28. Closing- Gordo

WEBEX for this meeting: