Secretary-general: Maria J. Martins, IST, Lisbon, Portugal

Tel: + 351 21 8419203, Fax + 351 21 846 44 55 E mail:

Lisbon, 14th January 2003

Dear members,

You are kindly invited to attend the next THEIERE meeting which will take place in Lappeenranta, Finland, from the 8th to 9th March 2003 ( Saturday and Sunday).

Address of the venue:

Meetings will be held at Lappeenranta University of Technology Phone: +358-5-621 6800.

The meeting will be hosted by our colleague Antti Luukko from Lappeenranta University of Technology.

Here are some recent piece of Information from Antti:

The meeting will take place in University Campus area in Skinnarilanhovi. It is a wooden cottage some 300 meters from the main entrance of the University. I have reserved 40 single rooms in the Hotel Cumulus. The price is 70 Euro/night.

It is very easy to come from the hotel to the University (Yliopisto in Finnish). The bus stop is just on the opposite side of the street at the hotel. Both bus lines 5 and 6 have the end stop at University main entrance. The distance is about 6 km. The timetable for the buses Friday morning from the Centre:

8.35 (5); 8.40 (6); 8.50 (6); 9.10 (5); 9,20 (6).
The driver sells bus tickets (2,50 Euro). The price of Taxi is approx. 15 Euro.

From the railway station and from the airport you can take taxi to the hotel. The distances are under 2 km. Anyway I'll try to have the minibus of the University to help you to the hotel.

Meeting's Agenda

8th March (Saturday)

-Informations by the co-ordinator

-Report on the TN Co-ordinators meeting in Brussels, January 20th.


Completion of Task 1 Results.

-Report by the national co-ordinators. A detailed overview of the monography will be done and completed for each country.

-Synthesis of a common curriculum for bachelor degree. Partners from the same speciality will work together to elaborate a proposal for a common 3 year curriculum in each speciality.

-Survey of doctoral studies. The questionnaire for doctoral studies is available at the THEIERE website.

9th March (Sunday)

Completion of Task 2 results:

-Quality control group report

-Report by the partners on the use of the template developed by the Technical Support group.

-Overview of courses developed and possible connections between modules. Partners from the same speciality will work together to try to interconnect modules.

-Planning for next meeting in Gdansk (Poland).

-Any other item suggested by the partners.

Best regards

Maria-Joao Martins

Coordinator of THEIERE Thematic Network