Teacher Name: Shelbi CraigAppraiser Name: McCorkle

Subject: Texas History

PL – 3: Designs effective lesson plans, units and assessments

Date: February 10-14

Monday:I will examine the role that the United States and Texas played in westward expansion, population growth and Manifest Destiny.
Tuesday:I will identify individuals and events that contribute to the Mexican War and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
Wednesday: I will review individuals and events that are important to the Republic of Texas by using blendspace to review them.
Thursday:I will review for my test about the Republic of Texas through my objectives, review games and ABC review chart.
Friday: Republic of Texas exam
Monday: Videos; think, pair, share; OPTICS; discussion with cold call; maps
Tuesday: Videos, Direct instruction, notes, cold calls, Primary source analysis
Wednesday:Blendspace, partner share
Thursday:Review, games, create a question, ABC chart
Friday: Exam
  1. Warm-up: Objective chart (4 min)
  2. Discovery Learn: Texas Annexation video (2 ½ min)
  3. Think, pair, share: What do you think happened with Texas annexation? (3 min)
  4. Direct Instruction: Texas Annexation (5 min)
  5. Brainpop video: Westward Expansion (5 ½ min)
  6. Think, pair, share: How do you think Mexico felt about the United States wanting to fulfill Manifest Destiny? (4 min)
  7. OPTICS: American Progress painting (Each pair of students will analyze ½ of the paining. Then after 3 min of individual analysis, they will both discuss for 1 min what they found on their side of the painting to the other student)
  8. Class discussion with cold call: American Progress painting (5 min)
  9. Westward expansion map and label (7 min)
  10. Evidence of learning: Do you think that the United States is fulfilling its goal of westward expansion? Why?(5 min)
  1. Warm-up: Objective chart (4 min)
  2. Brainpop Video: Mexican War (5 ½ min)
  3. Direct Instruction with notes: (10 min)
  4. Think, pair, share: Why do you think that that Polk wanted a war with Mexico? (4 min)
  5. Direct Instruction with notes (10 min)
  6. Polk Primary Source Analysis with cold calls (10 min)
  7. Evidence of learning: How did the U.S. benefit from the Mexican War? (3 min)
  1. Warm-up: Objective Chart (4 min)
  2. Blendspace review about people and events (10 min per activtity)
  3. Shoulder partner share after each activity (2 min)
  4. Evidence of learning: What are 3 events that you learned about and what was their importance (5 min)
  1. Objective Review: Rank objectives (12 min)
  2. Jeopardy Review game (about 20 min)
  3. ABC Review Chart if time allows
  4. Padlet Question: Come up with a question you would like to see on the test
Essential Questions
  1. What does Manifest Destiny mean?
  2. How does Mexico see Manifest Destiny?
  1. What were the positive results of the Mexican War and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo for the United States? Were there positive results for Mexico? If so, what? Defend your answer by citing specific examples
  2. Has the United States fulfilled its dream of Manifest Destiny? How so?
  1. Why were the following individuals important to the Republic of Texas? Sam Houston, Mirabeau Lamar, Anson Jones, Edwin Moore, Jack Coffee Hayes, Chief Bowles, William Goyen, Jose Antonio Navaro.
  2. Explain why the following events are important to the Republic of Texas The Cordova Rebellion, The Council House Fight, The Santa Fe Expedition
  1. What are the important aspects of the presidencies of Houston and Lamar?
  2. What are the differences between Houston and Lamar?
  3. How did Houston and Lamar impact the Republic of Texas?
  4. Who were important individuals in the Republic of Texas and what were their contributions?
  5. What are the important events that happened during the time that Texas was its own independent nation and how did they impact Texas?
  6. Who is responsible for solving problems in a republic? Why?
  7. How are decisions made about which government problems are most critical?
  8. What are the issues faced by the Republic of Texas and how were these problems handled?
  9. What are the ESP characteristics of the Republic of Texas?
  10. How might some of these characteristics such as slavery possibly impact annexation by the United States?
  11. Why were the following individuals important to the Republic of Texas? Sam Houston, Mirabeau Lamar, Anson Jones, Edwin Moore, Jack Coffee Hayes, Chief Bowles, William Goyen, Jose Antonio Navaro.
  12. Explain why the following events are important to the Republic of Texas The Cordova Rebellion, The Council House Fight, The Santa Fe Expedition
  13. What were the positive results of the Mexican War and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo for the United States? Were there positive results for Mexico? If so, what? Defend your answer by citing specific examples
  14. Has the United States fulfilled its dream of Manifest Destiny? How so?
  15. What does Manifest Destiny mean?
  16. How does Mexico see Manifest Destiny?
Formative Assessment (Result Indicator):
Monday:Cold calls, evidence of learning
Tuesday: Think, pair, share; cold calls; evidence of learning
Wednesday:Blendspace, partner share
Thursday: Objective ranking, padlet question. games
Homework Extension, Independent practice:
Answer essential questions assigned on the days they are assigned.
  1. What does Manifest Destiny mean?
  2. How does Mexico see Manifest Destiny?
  1. What were the positive results of the Mexican War and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo for the United States? Were there positive results for Mexico? If so, what? Defend your answer by citing specific examples
  2. Has the United States fulfilled its dream of Manifest Destiny? How so?
  1. Why were the following individuals important to the Republic of Texas? Sam Houston, Mirabeau Lamar, Anson Jones, Edwin Moore, Jack Coffee Hayes, Chief Bowles, William Goyen, Jose Antonio Navaro.
  2. Explain why the following events are important to the Republic of Texas The Cordova Rebellion, The Council House Fight, The Santa Fe Expedition
Every Tuesday for extra credit:
NPR segment on Texas Originals. Tuesday nights at 6. Write at least 2 well developed paragraphs summarizing the segment.
Intervention for those needing help: Study Island section on the Republic of Texas
Extension for those exceeding: NPR Assignment