Meeting MinutesSept. 19, 2017 7:00pm PowerPlex, 90 Crosbie Rd.

St. John’s Ladies Basketball League – Division 2

Minute taker / Bryanna Potts
Teams / Members Present / Blue Driver – Marsha Thistle/Susan Quinton/Gillian Loder
The Bigs - Clair Hipditch/Karin Koops
TBD - Katie Power ()
Riverside - Julie George ()
Irish Hoopsters – Shannon Chidley ()
EY - Josee Quirke ()
709 Ballers - Whitney Willcoh-Benoit ()
DWI - Kelsey O’Brien ()
Goulds Greco - Hannah Janes ()
Rebels - Megan Slaney ()
WPH Law - Gillian (Hennebury) Peddigrew ()
Universal - Sonya Burry/Lindy Stanley
Teams / Members Absent / Fieldians
New Team

This meeting was held to discuss the interest in continuing the D2 league. If enough teams are still interested we plan to go ahead with another season of St. John’s Ladies D2 Basketball.

The D2 league almost folded, however a new executive is trying to continue the league. At this time there is a possibility for the teams from the D2 league to join another league, run by Paul Staeben, President of the SJABA. His league will be set up as follows;

-Fees will be $2180.00 if we want our M.O.’s taken care of

-Fees will be $2100.00 without the M.O.’s, and we will have to arrange our own

-$25 NLBA fee

-Playoffs will be Best 2 of 3

-All Star Weekend

-Look at hosting/organizing provincials

-Multiple options for gym times (Still have Tuesday at 9pm, but possible other gym times as well)

-Needs a minimum of 4 teams to go ahead with league

- There are 12 teams present at the meeting. 3 additional teams may be interested.

- We can get our Tuesday time slot back if we decide to run the D2 league (Paul has said he will release the gym to us)

- Looking at getting additional gym times

Leary’s Brook (8:00 pm time slot on Sundays)

St. Kevin’s (Goulds – 8:30 time slot on Sundays)

Holy Heart (Paul may also have this gym time)

Looking at other potential gyms at new schools

- A concern was raised regarding Sunday time slots; some teams cannot play on Sunday’s due to other conflicts. This shouldn’t be an issue due to scheduling options and the number of teams interested in the league (i.e. if more teams sign up, teams who do not wish to play on Sunday can be scheduled to only play on Tuesday, etc.) All reasonable attempts will be made to accommodate any team requests.

- $50 deposit is required to secure the spot. Once this money is received, we will begin working to secure gym times with an intention to start the league the week after Thanksgiving. An e-mail address and bank account will be created shortly. People who have not paid their $50 deposit can pay by e-transfer.

- As of the end of this meeting, 10 teams have paid their $50 deposit. 4 teams are in the process of e-transferring their deposit. One team has not responded on whether they are still interested in the league, or not.

- An individual not on the executive has volunteered to run a website which will update the scores and standings for the league

- A memorial tournament is being planned for the weekend after Thanksgiving (October 13-15, 2017). It will begin on the Friday night and go all weekend. Spaces are limited so registration will occur on a first come-first served basis. Information will be updated in the coming weeks on Facebook. The tournament will take place at St. Kevin’s.

- The next meeting will be scheduled once we have all deposits collected, gym times scheduled and a league in place