New Hampshire Association of Counties



Friday, April7, 2017

9:00 a.m.

5th Floor NHAC Academy

McLeod Building, Merrimack County

Boscawen, NH 03301

Attending Officers: Commissioner G. Maglaras, President, Commissioner B. Asplund-Walsh,

Immediate Past-President andLes Hammond, Treasurer.

Absent Officers:Commissioner T. Brady, Vice-President and Commissioner T. Tombarello,


  1. Open Meeting: President Maglaras called the meeting to order at 9:00am with only himself and L. Hammond present with Executive Director R. White present. As such there was NO QUORUM. At9:20 am, B. Asplund-Walsh signed in as present for the meeting. All continued the Officers Meeting with those present. Due to the lack of a quorum, the Agenda was reviewed, discussed and actions taken that did not require a vote as follows and terminated the meeting at 9:57 am due to a lack of a quorum.
  1. General Discussion: Regarding the operation of the Association:
  1. 2017 NHAC Operating Budget and Financials: NHAC 2017 Budget Monthly was reviewed with minor changes made. This is to be provided to the Commissioners Council per their request.
  1. Membership and Quorums: Discussion regarding a consistent lack of quorums at scheduled meetings and what to do about it.
  1. NHAC Standing Committees:

 NHAC Strategic Planning Committee: Discussed the need for this committee for the future of the Association. Recommended this be placed before the Executive Committee for activation.

 By-Laws Committee: Previously there has been discussion of activating the By-Laws Committee by the Executive Committee. Recommended this be placed before the Executive Committee for activation.

 NHAC Dues Study Committee: Previously there has been discussion of reactivating this committee. Recommended this be placed before the Executive Committee for activation.

  1. Primex:

 Safety/Security Procedures: R White shared new procedures related to safety and security at Primex that impacts all Association members going to Primex.

 Teleconference Availability: R. White informed that he had spoken with Primex IT staff who informed that only telephone calls on speaker phone is presently available. The teleconferencing machines are not operable and Primex is working towards a new program related to providing these types of services but this is a work in progress.

  1. NHAC 2017 Conference and Trade Show: President Maglaras shared that Strafford County is the host county. That he, R. White and P. Danis had met with staff at the Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel and he had signed the Agreement. The conference/trade show will start on Wednesday, September 20 and run through Saturday, September 23, 2017.
  1. Other Business: None
  1. Meeting Closed: 9:39 am
  1. Next Meeting: (As determined by the President)