(Adopted by the BOD Jan, 2006)


.1  To recognize and encourage achievement in the cultivation and propagation of aquatic plants

.2  To obtain and disseminate information about aquatic plants and their requirements.

.3  To identify new aquatic plant species and conditions required for their care.

.4  To establish a record of aquatic plant species and their required maintenance.


.1  All Circle City Aquarium Club (CCAC) members in good standing.


.1  The HAP committee will consist of a Chairperson and one or more appointed members. The committee will only be needed for disputes and will be appointed at such time.

.2  The HAP Chairperson shall be appointed by the installed officers of CCAC. Committee members will be appointed by HAP Chairperson.

.3  The HAP Chairperson is responsible for the overall management and execution of the CCAC Aquatic Horticultural Awards Program. The duties of the Chairperson are, but not limited to:

.3.1  Ensure accurate and complete records are kept permanently on file.

.3.2  Verify propagation; assign points, and awards in accordance with HAP. Disputes will be settled by the HAP Committee.

.3.3  Review HAP rules and regulation annually. Amendments and/or changes must be prior to next calendar year.


.1  Plants reproduced must conform with the following definition of an aquatic plant: " An aquatic plant is one which, in the wild or native state, can be grown in the submerged state as a normal occurrence at some time during the course of any complete season. An aquatic plant must be able to grow and reproduce while submerged or immersed and not be harmed by such submersion."

.2  Plants are to be identified by the aquarists and verified by a member HAP committee. Unidentified plants will be assigned an alphanumeric code until identified and awarded points based on the plant's genus or most closely related species.

Note: Suggested source reference(s):

Aquarium Plants by Christel Kasselman

Aquarium Plants by Dr. Rataj & Thomas Horeman

Encyclopedia of Water Plants by Dr. Jiri Stodola.

.2.1  Verification and registration for all species propagation listed in Class A through D are verified by the HAP Chairman and in the case of Class F, will be verified twice; when flowering and once again as prescribed in HAP Propagation Requirements.

.2.2  Hybrids or "crosses" will be recognized but are limited to five variants (dimorphism). Hybrids or crosses are assigned to Class G and cannot receive points for flowering.

.2.3  Aquatic plants not listed in the point classification will be assigned points by HAP chair upon request.

.3  In order to have points recorded, the aquarist must submit the completed HAP Form to and HAP chairman. Forms are available during the general meetings or through the HAP forum.

.4  Propagation or flowering must take place at the aquarist's tank or pond.

.5  Any member of the CCAC is authorized to witness HAP entry and will provide signature and information deemed necessary by the HAP chair.

.6  Any questions or suggestions concerning the HAP should be submitted to the HAP Chairperson.


.1  Vegetative Reproduction:

1.  5.1.2 Cuttings (Bunch Plants). Cuttings must have produced roots and be at least the height of the original plant(s)(generally size offered for sale through the LFS's)

2.  5.1.3 Floating Plants. Double the size of the original source plant.

3.  5.1.4 Adventitious. Adventitious plants must be grown for a minimum of 30 days and exhibit visible new growth after being separated from the parent plant.

4.  5.1.5 Runner. Daughter plants must be separated from the runner and grown on their own and exhibit new growth.

5.  5.1.6 Rhizome. A single division from the original plant, grow independently and exhibit visible new growth. Note: Bunch plants are not considered in this class.

6.  5.1.7 Rosette. New plants must be divided from the basal rosette, grow independently and exhibit visible new growth.

2.  Sexual Reproduction:

1.  5.2.1 Seed. A single plant reproduced from seed from the parent plant. Seedling(s)must grow , exhibit visible new growth, and be recognizable from the parent plant.

2.  5.2.2 Spore. Spores must be produced and new plants grown from the spores, exhibit visible new growth, and be recognizable from the parent.

3.  5.2.3 Flowering. Must be verified in bloom and attached to plant.


.1  Principal (Level I). Accumulate a minimum of 100points.

.2  Advanced (Level II). Accumulate a minimum of 200 points.

.3  Senior (Level III). Accumulate a minimum of 300 points

.4  Expert (Level IV). Accumulate a minimum of 500 points.

.5  Specialist (Level V). Accumulate a minimum of 700 points.

.6  Master (Level VI). Accumulate a minimum 900 points.

.7  Most prolific gardener - presented each year to the participant with the most HAP entries for that calendar year.

.8  Chairman choice. Awarded for a HAP entry of outstanding difficulty or merit.

.9  It is possible that this award may not be given in a given calendar year - not to be carried over

7.0  PLANT CLASSIFICATION - The following is a list of species by point class. The list is not complete and is only intended as guide.

7.1 Class A (5 points) -
Azolla sp. (floating fern)
• caroliniana
• filiculoides
• pinnata
Ceratopteris sp.
• cornuta
• froesii
• pteridioides (water sprite)
• siliquosa
• thalictroides (Indian fern)
Ceratophyllum sp.
• demersum (hornwort)
• siliquosa
• submersum (tropical hornwort)
• thalicroides (water sprite)
Eichornia sp.
• azurea
• crassipes (water Hyacinth)
• diversifolia
• natans
Elodea sp.
• densa (anacharis)
• canadensis (Canadian elodea)
• nutalli / Egeria najas (slender leafed elodea)
Hydrilla verticillata
Lemna sp.
• gibba
• spirodela (great duck weed)
• trisulca
• Pistia stratiotes (water chestnut)
Riccia sp.
• fluitans (crystalwort)
Salvinia sp.
• auriculata (butterfly fern)
• cucculata
• minima
• natans
• rotundifolia
• sprucei
Utricularia sp.
• exoleta
• gibba
• minor
• neglecta
• vulgaris (bladderwort)
Vesicularia dubyana (java moss)
Wolfia arrhiza (dwarf duckweedl)
7.2 Class B (15 points).
Alternanthera sp.
• lilacina
• reineckii
• roseafolia
• sessilis
Bacopa sp.
• amplexicaulis
• caroliniana
• crenata
• floribunda
• lanigeria
• monnieri (dwarf bacopa)
• myriophylloides
• rotundfolia
Cabomba sp.
• aquatica
• caroliniana (fanwort)
Cardamine lyrata (bitter cress)
Crassula sp.
• bonariensis
• helmsii
• recurva
• vaillanti
Echinodorus sp.
• bolivianus
• latifolius
• intermedius
• isthmicus
• tenellus
• quadricostatus
Eleocharis sp.
• acicularis (hairgrass)
• minima
Fontinalis sp.
• antipyretica (willow moss)
Heteranthera sp.
• dubia
• reniformis
• zosterifolia (stargrass)
Hydrocleys nymphoides
Hydrocotyle sp.
• leucocephala (Brazilian pennywort)
• martima
• verticillata
• vulgaris (umbrella plant)
Hygrophilia sp.
• augustifolia
• balsamica
• corymbosa (temple plant)
• difformis (water wisteria)
• guianensis
• lacustris
• lancea
• longifolia
• polysperma
• salicifolia
• stricta
• violacea
Limnophila sp.
• australis
• aquatica
• aromatica
• glabra
• heterophylla
• indica
• sessiliflora (ambulia) / Lobelia sp.
Ludwiga sp.
• abscendens
• alternifolia
• arcuata
• brevipes
• glandulosa
• mullertii
• palustris
• repens
Microsorium pteropus (java fern)
Myriophyllum sp.
• alterniflorum
• aquaticum (Brazilian milfoil)
• hippuroides (red milfoil)
• brasiliense (parrot feather)
• heterophyllum
• mattogrossense (red milfoil)
• scabratum (foxtail)
• ussuriense
• verticillatum
• spicatum (milfoil)
Najas sp.
• graminea
• guadelupensis
• indica
• microdon
Nitella flexilis (stonewort)
Nomophilia sp. (Temple plant)
Nymphoides sp.
• aquatica (banana plant)
• humboldtiana
• indica
• peltata
Potamogeton sp.
• crispus
• gayi
• gramineus
• malaianus
• mascarensis
• natans
• oxyphyllus
• perfoliatus
Rotala sp.
• indica
• macrandra
• rotundifolia
Sagittaria sp.
• graminea
• lancifolia
• montevidensis (arrowhead sag)
• platyphylla
• pusilla
• sagittifolia
• subulata (broad leaf sag)
• weatherbiana
Vallisneria sp.
• americana (small corkscrew val)
• asiatica
• gigantea (giant val)
• gracilis
• natans (eel grass)
• neotropicalis
• portugalensis
• spiralis (Large corkscrew)
7.3 Class C (20 points).
Anubias sp
• afzelii
• barteri (all varieties)
• coffeafolia
• congensis
• gilletii
• glabra
• gracilis
• hastifolia
• heterophylla
• lanceolata
• nana
Bolbitus sp.
• heteroclita
• heudelotii
Crinum sp.
• calamistratum
• natans
• purpurascens
• natans
Cryptocoryne sp.
• affinis
• albida
• aponogetifolia
• auriculata
• axelrodii
• balansae
• beckettii
• blassii
• bogneri
• bullosa
• ciliata
• cordata
• costata
• crispatula
• diderici
• evae
• ferruginea
• fusca
• gracilis
• grifithii
• hejnyi
• johorensis
• korthausae
• legroi
• lingua
• longicauda
• lucens
• lutea
• minima
• moehlmannii
• nevillii
• nurii
• parva
• petchii
• pontederiifolia
• purpurea
• retrospiralis
• sarawacensis
• schulzei
• siamensis
• spiralis
• sulphurea
• thwaitesii
• tonkinensis
• undulata
• usteriana / Cryptocoryne sp. (cont)
• versteegii
• walkeri
• wendtii
• willisii
• zewaldiae
• zonata
• zukalii
Cyperus alternifolius
Didiplis diandra (water hedge)
Echinodorus sp.
• amazonicus
• amphibius
• angustifolius
• aschersonianus
• augustifolius
• austroamericanus
• barthii
• berteroi
• bleheri (broad leafed Amazon sword)
• cordifolius
• grisebachii
• horemanii
• horizontalis
• inpai
• macrophyllus
• magdalensis
• major or maior
• muricatus
• nymphaeifolius
• opacus
• osiris
• paniculatus
• parviflorus
• pellucidus
• portoalegrensis
• rigidifolius
• scaber
• schlueteri
• uruguayensis
Lagenandra sp.
• dalzellii
• koenigii
• lancifolia
• meeboldii
• ovata
• praetermissa
• thwaitesii
Any marine plant
Marsilea sp.
• brownii (four leaf water clover)
• quadrifolia
Nuphar sp.
• japonica
• luteum (spatterdock)
• pumila
Nymphaea sp.
• alba
• colorata
• chromatella
• lotus
• maculata
• pubescens
• stellata
• zenkeri
Trapa sp.
• japonica
• natans (water chestnut)
7.4 Class D (20 points) - Any plant propagated uniquely from seed or spore.
Aldrovanda vesiculosa
Aponogeton sp.
• abyssinicus
• bernieranus
• boivinanus
• capuroni
• crispus
• distachyos
• echinatus
• elongatus
• fenestralis
• guillotii
• henkelianus
• longplumulosus
• loriae
• madagascariensis (Madagascar lace plant)
• monostrachyus
• natans
• rigidifolius
• stachyosporus
• ulvaceus
• undulatus
Echinodorus sp.
• argentinensis
• grandiflorus
• longiscapus
• palaefolius
• subalatus
Isoetes sp.
• echinospora
• flaccida
• lacustris
• malinverniana
• setacea
• velata
Ottelia sp
• alismoides
• kunenensis
• muricata
• ulvifolia
Samolus parviflorus (water cabbage) / 7.5 Class E - Reproduction From Seed or Spores.
• Add class points to your total.
7.6 Class F - Flowering
• Award double point bonus.
7.7 Class G - Specialty Genus
• Hybrids/crosses will only be recognized in this category. A maximum of five points are awarded for each variation and no points are awarded for flowering.


Award Data

Member Name: ______

Dates: Aquired Parent on ______Propagated on ______Submitted on ______

Award Class: ______/ This section to be completed
Verified By: ______/ By the HAP Chair only
Sold at ______Meeting / Auction / Award Points: _____

Plant & Propagation Data

Scientific Name: ______

Common Name: ______

Type of Reproduction (check all that apply):

Cutting / Dubbling / Adventitious / Runner / Rhizome
Seed / Spore / Rosette / Flower

Substrate (check all that apply):

Sand / Gravel / Peat / Potting Soil / Plant Plug / Other


Natural Sunlight / Artificial Lighting

If Artificial Lighting was used:

Type: / Fluorescent / Incandescent / Halogen / Metal Halide / Sodium / Other
Wattage: ______Brand: ______Addl Desc: ______

Water Conditions:

Tank / Pond Size: ______Water Temp: ______pH: ______dH: ______

Water Changes: Yes / No (circle one) Amount / Frequency: ______

Salt (rift cichlid salt, etc.) and additives: Yes / No (circle one) Amount: ______

Fish present? Yes / No (circle one) Explain:______


Fertilizer used? Yes / No (circle one) Brand/Type______

CO2 used? Yes / No (circle one) Explain:______