Penncrest High School
March 2017 Freshman Newsletter
March Calendar
1 World Language Contest in classes
6 Spring Sports Begin (Orientation after school)
6 Tockwogh Spring Fling, 6:00 p.m., Library
10 Charity Dodgeball Tournament, 6:00 p.m., Gymnasium
24 All School Musical, 7:00 p.m., Auditorium
25 All School Musical, 2;00 & 7:00 p.m., Auditorium
26 All School Musical, 2:00 p.m., Auditorium
28 Solo and Ensemble Concert, 7:00 p.m., Auditorium
31 End of 3rd Marking Period
Course Selection
Last month you chose your sophomore year courses. This month, you will be receiving in the mail a recommendation and selection list. This is NOT a schedule. It’s simply a way for you to double check for mistakes and that you selected what you meant to select. If you notice any mistakes, please schedule an appointment with Mrs. Graham. REMINDER: If you are choosing to sign a waiver to enter into a higher level course, you must print, sign, and hand in the form to guidance by March 31.
Naviance Registration
Earlier in the year, parents and students received registration information for Naviance, a web-based program used to help track your progress in high school, explore careers, interests, and colleges, and to complete the college application process. It’s important for all students and parents to register so that you explore the site and receive communication about programs and services at Penncrest. If you need your log in information, please contact Mrs. Graham.
STAR Program
Members of the Penncrest STAR team are available to identify and help students who are struggling in school because of a variety of personal problems, including depression and other mental health issues or maybe abuse of alcohol/drugs. Any member of the team would be happy to talk privately with you about the help that is available here at Penncrest and in the community.
You may also be concerned about a friend. Friends care about each other. When friends are going through hard times, we want to be there for them. Sometimes it is difficult to know what to do to help. We invite you to share your concerns confidentially with a member of the STAR team. If there is an adult with whom you feel more comfortable (another teacher, counselor, or a family member), you can ask that person to contact the STAR team for you.
The members of the STAR team are:
Mrs. Scott, Mr. Fuhr, Mr. Silva, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Dacanay, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Lobitz, Mrs. Rice-Spring, Mr. Mattson, and Mrs. Hermann-Liu.
Community Service
Before you graduate, you must complete two community service activities; however, we encourage you to do as much service as you can fit into your schedule. For opportunities, please stop by the 10/12 office before or after school or during your study hall or lunch period.
Third Marking Period ends on March 31. Students are reminded that a third ‘E’ in a subject will make it extremely difficult to pass the course for the year. If you are experiencing difficulty, seek help. Teachers are available to provide extra help. “9th Period” is available for tutoring. (B102 at 2:30 on Wed, Thu, Fri). Take action to address your academic progress.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Mrs. Graham